What does Being Balanced Mean?

Being Balanced is not walking on a tight rope. It is falling down, like every one does at one point, and learning how to continue living life through your lessons learned.
  • Learning from your lessons. 
  • Working with the tool your lesson taught you. 
  • Doing what you will with your tools and lessons.
 Learning your lesson: 

This is the hard part SOMETIMES. You go through an event that gets you the outcomes you have now. Or you choose to enter to your own lesson being learned. Here is where you may feel overwhelmed, stressed, tired and that you don’t even know what your basic instincts are telling you anymore. But don’t fret! Your thinking  and awesome support can get your through it.
Your thinking is very important on this lifetime, the way your perceive your life is how it will be. 
Ex: If you see it as “always going through hell” then guess what?… yup! basic says: your thought will make you feel that. 

This doesn’t mean that you are not to take care of yourself when you are in pain or emotional distress… it means that while your working through it, you have the ability to think “i will get through this, and I will be OK.” 

Working With the Tools: 

Now that you went through your mini General Hospital Episode… 
You can decided what you are getting out of it. What lessons did you learn? What are you willing to plan from the lesson? 

And continue your positive thinking. 

Doing what you will from what you learned: 

Everything you go through has many reasons. These reasons only you know. Sometimes you might not know them right away…but trust me on this…If you look within, and search, you will find them. If everything was easy everyone would have everything.

So continue living and learning, and be a better polished you. Learn from your lessons and make something great out of them, Why? Why not? 😀 Because you can. 
This is being balanced.
Smile (if you want). 

Find a Mentor


When your are an expert you can become a mentor… So how do you go about this? 
You ask… and hope to receive? NO. You SCORE.  You Score your say? Yes… 
Find a mentor. Someone that will allow you to grown, and show you and tell you what you need to know. 

And Example from a Mentor Site:
SCORE is a  website where you will be able to fin resources to help you begin or continue your business. 

They give you tips like:

“5 Tips to Jump Start a New Business

By Christine Banning, SCORE VP Corporate Relations
  • Create a brand. Spend a little money to create a professional logo, business card and stationery. Present a professional image.
  • Ramp up Online. Make creating a Web site a top priority. A Web site is today’s calling card. You really shouldn’t do without one. Give people a place to go to learn about your business.
  • Make Your First Sale. This is key. Get that first sale even if it’s friends or family at a discounted rate. This counts as getting started, so go for it.
  • Promote Testimonials. Get testimonials from your first sales. Start building credibility for your business from day one.
  • Build Buzz. Be creative. Look for a special promotion, big event, email campaign or something out of the norm for your business to get people talking about you, your product or service.

Brought to you by SCORE, America’s small business mentors, at www.score.org.Ask SCORE”

 Good Luck in finding your mentor,

JesSofia Valle

Having the Desire- The Passion

Today a colleague and I came to a conclusion that your passion lead us  to what we wanted to do.
Making yourself happy and following your passion.

Have your thought about what makes you Smile?
What are you good at?
What do you like to do?

Follow your passion when you are starting. Yes, I know, its about money too. But if you don’t start with what your good at, how will you know how to start?

There is a saying: “Follow your passion and your wallet will be full.” Who is to say that may not be true.

Personally I dislike to see people not make it and be miserable because all they were in it for was the money. Follow your passion. Be Happy and everything else will follow.

Support System: Living Life

I have to say, Life is wonderful. From everything I have been through I’ve always had support:

Lets make a list real quick of my personal struggles:

Age 11: Broken knee
  Age 11& 12 : Dislocated Hip-surgery
Arthritis starts
Age 14: Fractured elbow
Age 17: Dislocated Foot
Age 18&21: Mest up knee again (Volleyball)
Age 24: Skin cancer
Age 24: Herniated spine disc
Age 27: Lumbar Spine Fusion…
Finally better… No pain! 
Age 28: Car accident 6 months later!!!
Age 28: Possible future cancer? A scare!
Current Recouping

Did I forget anything.. crazy huh? Sounds unbelievable…but trust… it all in my records

I have to say. I have been able to overcome all this with support! If it were not for the awesome support and love that I have I would not know where I would be.

It is very important that you find awesome support.
 What to look for: 

  • People with WILL, FAITH, and a SMILE! 
  • People that will want you to rise from the depths of whatever you are in. 
  • Who will lend a hand when your too prideful to ask for it. 
  • Who will tell you the truth 
  • Who honor your choice and remind you of the consequences 
  • Who don’t push you down when you need to be uplifted 
  • Who can be there, even with a simple text
  • Who can make you LAUGH! 
  • Who will be a shoulder to cry on. 
  • Who understands that they are not you.. and they can try to fit into your shoes…

All of this does NOT have to come from one person. Moreover, it can be different people. A group of friends who really care about you. And want to understand the chaos you try to avoid. This is not only for people who have gone through chronic pain. This is also for anyone who has gone through Life.

Living life to its fullest in any capacity has its need of comrades. Not everyone will understand the relationships with another because each relationship is individual and give your something different from the next one. This is OK. Just make sure you are well balanced. Are receiving the support you need. Also giving back. Because just receiving is one things…and it get boring to both parties. You have to Give.

So next time you are going through something, have a friend to speak to. Count on someone. And learn to be there for someone too.

I wish you all the best! All the Awesome support in the world! Because Life is worth living with everyone you want around you.

Smile (if you want)

I’m happy Because I choose to be,
Jes Sofia Valle 😀

Is he/she good for your balance?

Have you ever been with someone who is not right for you… and you know it. BUT you say BUT about it because you are comfortable and Scared to be alone?

I want you to think of the following:

  1. Are you following your instinct or your comfort? 
  2. Is this person a negative in your life? 
  3. Does he/she make you feel alive or frustrated? 
  4. Are you more sad/mad than happy? 
  5. Are you in an emotional roller coaster? 
  6. Are you Happy? 

There are various types of relationship. From friendship to various marriages. All of them are not right for you until you make it right for you.  Jes say what???

Yes. Not everyone will work out for you and not everyone will be bad either. Everyone has different needs and wants. The one thing that does make them better is how you receive, interact towards the other persons needs and wants. You will NEVER find the PERFECT person. EVER. WHY? because we are not made to be perfect. So I strongly suggest you get that out of your system.

However, you will find someone who will make the time to please you and allow you to be happier. I say happier because no one but you can make you happy. Follow your instinct.  Trust your gut feeling about someone and don’t get stuck on wanting someone or “needing someone”. Not everyone is meant to be with everyone. And also, know that Not everything is easy. If it was… everyone would be married with babies. Everything takes work. Even being Lazy takes work too.

I wish you the best in whatever or where ever you are in this process.

Smile (if you want)

Jes Sofia Valle

How to Find Your Niche in Business | eHow.com

There are Various things that you can do in creating your business. The following Link allows you to help you find you “Niche.”
Everyone has one, its just all about having the passion for something.

I read the following Article and Found that this may help you in your search to creating your Business of doing what you Like/love.

“Things You’ll Need:

  • The desire to niche yourself in business and improve your customer base.”
  • “1 First, realize that having a niche does not mean you’re not diversified. Being someone who’s a major fan of multiple streams of income, the idea of having a niche first made me think I’d have to let a lot fall by the wayside. A lot of times you can combine several related interests into something that is unique and solves a particular problem. It’s having focus and an overall goal that will make you more money long-term.
  • 2 Having a niche allows you to be the “go to” man or woman in a particular area. Using my own life as an example, if I put my name on a business card or brochure with writer, video editor, photographer, videographer, watercolor painter, Amazon used book seller, website owner, and on and on–it would fall victim to the Jack (in my case Jill)-of-all-trades and master of none effect.

    When people want something done, they want an expert and not someone who just appears to be decent at a lot of things. Note that it doesn’t matter if you’re actually really good at all of them or not but the impression gives when you rattle off that many businesses when you first meet someone. It often makes word-of-mouth marketing hard to pull off because if you don’t really know what you do than other people don’t either.

  • 3 A great way to discover possible niches is to write out your interests, your skills, your connections (family, friends, classmates, co-workers), and try different ways of combining them into a problem you would enjoy helping people solve. You can usually come up with several, and it does take some thought into picking a final direction. It’s a very freeing thing however because it takes a lot of indecisiveness out of your life. I’m in this process with you right now, but I hope you found this information helpful as well.
  • 4 The somewhat odd thing about this is once you pick a niche, people still ask you if you’re able to do other things. In the end, you’re not really limited! It’s just from a marketing standpoint it makes things a whole lot easier for you when you have a focused course of action.”
  • Read more: How to Find Your Niche in Business | eHow.com http://www.ehow.com/how_2325968_niche-business.html#ixzz14Ns7c1nu

How to Find Your Niche in Business | eHow.com

Parent Monday

So do you ever get too low in the beginning of the week?

What have you done during the weekend to wear you out? If you have children, my empathy. I know how much being a mother/father takes. Not because I have them, but because I’ve learned and seen through all of my friends who have them. And yes, I do give them breaks by having them over for the weekend. It is a lot of work!

If you are both Mom/Dad and on the “Go” parent… what did you do for yourself?

I know that when you have a child you have to be unselfish. A given.
However, How can you be a parent if you do not give yourself the time you need to recuperate? I’m just saying… Its not like I’ve gotten parent patients before coming stressed out, freaked out, and super overwhelmed because they don’t have any time due to their children or anything. (Being a smarty here).

At the end of the day your kids will suffer too… not just you. Think about it.

Make time for you! I’m not talking about leave your kids or neglect them either. Be balanced. So you will be happy, less stressed, better focused and you can teach your children how to be less stressed, happier, and better focus. After all, they learn from you. They are sponge Bobs that soak up all your doings, mock you and many times are your mirror.

Things to do for you:

Single mom/dad? Find friends who love kids and will sit for you for a few hours at your home so you can go take 3-5 hours to yourself. Make sure you come back home with in that time limit… you will miss your kids after that.

A walk at the beach.
While at the beach, relax, sit, breath, cry if you must. Write. Dance in the wind like your kids do.
A walk/hike anywhere.
Write a book of being a parent.

Married or together parents:

Make plans to spice up your relationship and yourself.

Take one or two hours for yourself. Then, some for your partnership to grow.

Go out with a friend. Catch up with what is going on in life.

These are just some ideas… If you have kids, I’m more than sure you will come up with some creative ideas for you.

Live Balanced.

Smile (If you want to)

Jes Sofia Valle

Frustrated and cooking to alleviate

So Today I fell frustrated.

So I cooked, and Cooking alleviates my distress… Now I just need my BFF to come over and eat it. LOL

You see… I am Miss Communication. Yet this weekend I was expecting to be told a time and date of something that is to come… but I have not received it. So this frustrates me (it has been two days since I asked, and Asked today Again…nothing). Oh yes, did I mention it is a VERY BIG thing for me to know this info?  I’m using my patience…now.

So what I did instead:  I cooked. I bought some sausages at Trader Joe’s, bought some cilantro and other veggies at Bristol Farms off Beverly. Then Got home, cooked the sausage. When the sausage was done, I added some Balsamic and added squeeze of ketchup. I poured a glass of cranberry juice and topped it off with a bit of beer.  I ate it while watching LOVE HAPPENS. After eating my meal, I ate a cup of Greek Honey Yogurt.

Very weird, I know. But It was good and I like to mix things up. 

And the funny thing is that My frustration came out in my food…because as you can tell by the pics below, I burned my Sausage a little a lot.

I’m feeling no longer frustrated now and enjoyed my movie.

Writing this made it even better too!  LOL. Thank for listening.

Does your food come out like you feel?

Waking Up…

Have you ever noticed how most people that are “made-up” look like they have it together and are not in the disheveled mood?

What do I mean by made-up? I mean, have allowed the time in the morning to get themselves ready…look great, seem to feel great. I’m not specifically talking about lots of make-up or perfect hair… I’m talking about your basic looking and feeling good.

Every morning, before I get up I lay in bed for a little bit thinking:

“I’m alive? Breathing. Do I have back pain today? A bit. Is it gone yet? No, but leaving slowly. What will I wear? Humm lets get up and see.” I start my day in a positive note.

You see, I’m asking myself questions, MORE important, I am answering them at the same time. I’m not asking myself and placing them on a post it note (although I do have a post it note around somewhere just in case, I’m not perfect). I am asking myself Basic questions, to be able to answer them.

And look at my white button down Ralph Lauren Shirts, Nordstrom bought and DNKY, Lane Bryant bought pants and wonder how I will mix and Match my clothes to make a great outfit. If I were a man, I’d probably be looking at similar outfit Button down shirt and pant too… ha ha.

Make sure you have your Neutrogena face soap or which ever you use, in stock. And are able to use water in your day, its meant to refresh you. Wash your mouth with your little colgate tube and Oral Brush. Which ever you use is awesome because you are using them.

Point: I’m making time for me. I’m taking away the rough night, the bad yesterday and leaving them there. Yesterday is lived and gone. I’m choosing to start a new day. After all, it is a new day right?

I suggest you try it. I also suggest you don’t ask question of WHAT If’s unless you are able to Resolve them. Like WHAT IF I mix and match Blue and white and red? This is ok because you can get those clothes and place them on your bed to see what they may look like, even try them out. What if I don’t make the team? This question is not what I am talking about, not ok because you cannot predict the future.

Before you go bonkers in your closet… Give yourself a time limit. Oh yeah… here comes the word limits again. 🙂

I hope you are able to take time for you in the morning. You will be better than a grouch and your day will start how you choose.


1. Ask you basic questions and answer them. (Keep them light and positive)
2. Give yourself a morning goal to look good and feel good.
3. Give yourself a specific time on how long you have to be ready, don’t do a quickie on yourself here. It is you! You deserve it! BUT DON’T BE LATE EITHER.
4. Remind yourself that today you choose to be [insert mood here].
5. Start your rest of your awesome day.

Good day! (British/Latina accent) O_o lol.

Smile (If you want)

Jes Sofia Valle

What are some questions you like to ask yourself in the morning? Do you even ask or are you pressured to be ON the GO once the ALARM wakes you up?

Giving too much or too little? Check yourself


An endearing and very traditional word… Ever heard of it? 😀

“Give and you shall receive?”
“What comes around goes around.”
“Giving gets you everything?”

Although these quotes are good, GREAT even, I’m not a true believer in them. Jes say what?

I will tell you why.

1. I’m am not talking about church stuff here (ties and what not). Keep doing that if you do that, I do. I will never deteriorate you from your blessings. And if you are a believer of such things, on believe.

I’m talking about giving of self, and things…

2.If you are going to give, give wholeheartedly, with out ANY expectations.

3. Giving will not always give you something back.

4. When you give to someone, its best not to expect something because you will only become disillusioned if you do not get something back.

5. Giving is just that… giving.

The definition of Giving is…to give.

So next time you give something, don’t expect anything. Do it wholeheartedly and appreciate the fact that you are able to give.

Enjoy giving.

Giving too much?

How do you keep from giving too much? Is there such a thing? YES!

Be careful with giving too much. Make sure you are ok and well before you are able to give. “I get being passionate and just give…” but you can’t give if you don’t have. This means making sure your extra pennies are just that, extra. If you have two of everything, then you know you are able to give to others.

Again, Take care of you as you are suppose to before you are able to give.

If I say “give” one more time my friend Brian is going to GIVE me a slap in the arm…

I hope you become so well off in life, that when you have a lot, you give a lot. Those are my wishes for you’re my dearest readers! And thank you for giving me your time. 😀

Smile (If you want).

Jes Sofia Valle