My Thoughts on Health and This election: Planned Parenthood

I love how passionate people get… But know all the facts before being NARROW and Focused on JUST ONE issue. Know how that one issue affects THE DIVERSE populations, not just you. Its not just about ONE thing in this world. We have to work with each other, work harder at not being sinners, granted But also…

Also, acknowledging that HEALTH in general is more than just ONE thing. Its EVERYTHING. If you focus on ONE thing only, you loose grasp on what your neighbor needs too… And if you loose grasp on their needs too — how is that showing that you are loving them? “Love thy neighbor?”

Your Choice is your choice. This is WHY God has given us WILL. And I’m not just talking about Will Smith either… tho I am thankful his Handsomeness is alive. That’s probably because his mother Chose to have him. (Jada I respect you 100%).

What I’m saying is that Abortion is not for everyone, and I get that. I’m the last person to judge, I’m not throwing the first stone on this one….  What I am asking is that you open your mind about what Planned Parenthood does.

“Luvy Leal-Lawrence: Planned parenthood helps young low income women, such as college students get proper OB care and contraception to avoid unwanted pregnancies. Without it many women may miss regular exams and cancer screenings. Fact.”

Fact is: I was one of those young women in College who didn’t have health insurance and needed a yearly check up. I personally went to the doctors there to help me with services. The OB care was amazing! I learned everything I needed to know about HOW NOT to have a CHILD until I was ready. And let me tell ya, it worked.

So the next time you hear about cutting Planned Parenthood, think about all the women they have helped and all the abortions they have stopped due to their educational approach.

We were given will for a reason. What reasons will was given to you, may not be the same reasons they where given to me. But in the end we have to support and help each other.

So I’m helping to Shed some light.

Smile (if you want)

Jes Sofia

Forward We Must: My reason to VOTE

Hi All,

Here is a brief on why I fight for #4moreyears.  For those that don’t know me, I’m Jes Sofia Valle. I’m a psychotherapist, CEO and Entrepreneur. I work on national initiatives to help women learn about self-care which is linked to healthier families, at micro and macro levels.

But on a personal note: I am a person with a couple of pre-existing conditions. I have degenerative disc disease which caused me to now have neuropathy. I have pain everyday pretty much. Imagine going through all of this without insurance? Yeah… I know.

So, after learning to trust my legs again, after two major spine surgeries and a fused spine, I was then able to walk again every day. My awesome doctors actually made me walk the day after surgery! You can only imagine how happy I was after three months of not being able to move my legs due to sharp hot pain and agony.

Now, I walk every morning around my neighborhood and I’m BEYOND thankful that I got through what I did. I now have a job I love and that is how I got insurance. But the reality is that I shouldn’t have gone through any of this…I needed Obamacare then. I am thankful for it now because it’s going to help many people.

You see, I not only went through it, I see it every day at work, in the field and in my client’s home. Obamacare is needed. So when you see me traveling and volunteering for the #obama2012 campaign now you know why. Because I not only care about my personal health, I care for yours too.

I will vote #4more this incoming election. Will you? 


Smile (if you want)



Top to Botton/ Left to Right: @joseresendez, @theartmuse, @sassymama, @jessofiavalle, @pattiecordova, @eva_smith, @deniseNicole, @comiendoenLA

You know, there is a part of me that has always wanted to be in the commercials for COVERGIRL. And a few nights ago, I felt like I was. Surrounded by all the men and women at the  COVERGIRL event I felt like one of the Hotties on the commercials.

Then, I quickly realized that in my own way, I am my own covergirl everyday. I can be whom ever I CHOOSE to be and as long as I am ok with it and I’m not hurting others.

So with this, I leave, be you, be yourself. Be the beautiful person in and out that you are. And know that COVERGIRL helps to makes make us even more beautiful than who we already are.

Smile (If you want)

Jes Sofia

Fall call for Action: Increase healthy food access and reduce fast food proliferation

I use to work for a Foundation the PADRE Foundation. Where I learned about Diabetes Type 1 and 2. One, of many, things I learned is that Diabetes type two can be prevented sometimes with weight loss and healthy eating. Now granted, tho this is a genetic base Chronic Illness, it has been proven that keeping healthy with healthy foods can help decrease one’s chances of getting Type 2 diabetes. 

Thankfully, I don’t have Diabetes and I am doing all to avoid having that. But I do have to say we have people in South LA that are diagnosed with Diabetes and are told to eat better and healthier yet they can’t or won’t because they don’t have the access to healthier food! I have to say that I grew up in Watts, CA (South LA). And back in the day, the only foods we had are still the ones we have today. I was talking to my mom about how nice it would be to have a Trader Joe’s or a Health food store in South LA. Well… that same day I was asked to help with a campaign that is going on until the end of the Month of September. This Awesome Campaign is to Increase healthy food access and reduce fast food proliferation in South LA.

Now I know many of you reading this are not from South LA, but that does not matter. We need your help! We need your Vote. So if you want South LA to have an Increase healthy food access and reduce fast food proliferation in South LA then please vote! Get your practice on for November 6th election.

This is what Los Angeles City Council and City Planning Department says:

“There has been increasing recognition of the impact of the built environment on the health of individuals and communities. Basic recommendations associated with disease prevention and health promotion, such as good nutrition, are more difficult to achieve in low-income, ethnic communities where there is a scarcity of food resources. The lack of access to healthy, high-quality foods has been shown to contribute to the increased prevalence of obesity and overweight, which are risk factors for nutrition-related chronic diseases such as heart disease and diabetes. We find the greatest evidence of this in the communities of South Los Angeles. For these reasons, we ask that you support our efforts to collect over 1,000 petitions in support of MAKING SOUTH LA A HEALTHIER COMMUNITY by encouraging development that reduces disparities in healthy food resource access.” – Los Angeles City Council and City Planning Department

I appreciate your support.

Thank you!

Smile (if you want)

Jes Sofia

In partnership with the CHC (Council for a Healthy Community) and Bloggers of Health.


Honey for Healing? YES!

This summer I was able to join a group of ladies for a Mini Spa day in Larchmont, Ca. Thanks to the Honey Board!  I was thrilled that I was actually able to enjoy Nature’s sweet, Honey.
Honey at the Spa was used as a facial mask, along with oatmeal to help cleanse the skin. I love the idea of using natural products to help our skins feel revamped. I had the pleasure of meeting the reps for Honey! I called them the honey Bees!!! (Yeah I know, I couldn’t resist!) They were so kind and really helped us create a nest.
And Of course I’ve done my research on Why Honey is so important in health. So here you go!
Did you know that Honey is a Healer?
I mean, when you’re sick, your mom always tells you to drink tea con (with) Honey! When you want to cuddle you go to your Honey! Oh wait… this is a different type of Honey. They are nice too…
“Already in ancient times honey was used as a drug and for the treatment of wounds. In recent years the different effects of honey on wound-healingprocesses.” It has been shown that “In the treatment of poorly healing and infected wounds within the head and neck area, medical honey can be used successfully without problems as an effective alternative to conventional treatment options. Constant treatment leads to fast wound lavation, granulation, reduction of putrid smells and a decrease in inflammation.[1]” So basically when you have something going on on your head or neck area you can usually treat it with some sweetness, Honey! … Now, Now not the other honey…. I’m talking about Honey! Ok I’m getting confused now so I will stop that.
I also read that HONEY can help heal superficial burn injuries. And do you know why? It has natural antibiotic agents that help promote healing and prevents so much more from happening to your skin [2]. So the cheerleader in me has to say it!  Give me an H- (H you got your H)…ok I’m done.
Now, like with anything I tell you. I will ask you to Please check with your doctor to make sure that you are treated accordingly. But thus far, Honey is a sweet!
Thank you Honey Board!

Smile (If you want)

1. Knipping S, Grünewald B, Hirt R., (2012)[Medical honey in the treatment of wound-healing disorders in the head and neck area] 2012 Sep;60(9):830-6.

2. Lloyd EC, Michener M, Williams MS. (2012) Outpatient burns: prevention and care. 2012 May 1;85(9):25-32

When you don’t have…

Something I’ve learned in life is that people will judge you when you don’t have…

When you don’t have something that they do because they think that you cannot experience it.  Not having something does not mean that you cannot understand, want to understand or cannot relate with someone/something with in a similar situation. I’ve learned that you can still understand or at least try to. Along with there are people who do understand… Can I say understand one last time please? I just did! (I feel like Joey in the Friends episode where he recited Chandler and Rachels Wedding bit… Share, give, recieve, share, recieve and give, give, recieve and share or something like that.. anywho).

I have written about this before that I have Chronic pain, and Neuropathy (I cannot feel my calves and I get unannounced numbness, heat and tingles down my legs or other parts of my beautiful body. Like right now, my bottom lip is numb). Granted, I have had better days, but everyday I wake up stiff, I go for a walk to shake off the stiffness… yet you cannot see my pain. You cannot see me in pain because I have chosen to smile and move beyond it, not allowing it to hinder me or stop me now.  So when it comes to issues of Pain, I have learned that EVERY SINGLE person has a different experience, but there are similarities in how we cope, in how we treat and how we have grown through our difficulties.

This summer I had an amazing discussion with Laurita who has spina bifida and hydrocephalus. We laughed about the dark humor we hold when it comes to our pain. How we have made music of the hard thumping an MRI’s makes while they are making sure our spines are ok. We discussed how laughter has been our promoter instead of the morphine or vicodine pills.

I told her of how at age 11, I was addicted to codine because I had hip dysplasia and My mother noticed that I would ask for the medication even before I had pain because I was afraid of pain. And you know what? I learned how to use medication the right way. I could have steered the other way.

We even discussed of the Celebrities we have met because of us being children in Pain. Believe it or not, the pain brought us good luck. LOL. We have chosen to see life in its positive form. Instead of complaining about our ongoing pain all the time, we have become advocates in educating and spreading the word on Health. We don’t have perfect bodies, and we work daily to improve ourselves. I’ve learned that I’m not alone in this journey. That other than God, someone else understands me even though we don’t have the same pain or the same diagnosis. I’ve also learned that I have similarities with healthy pain free people too! Who would have thunk it! 🙂

So the next time you think that no one could ever understand you, you are both wrong and right.  No one will ever be you and/or your type of pain (Physical or Mental). But there are people out there going through something everyday. If people want to understand you, they will make time to know you more. Take the time to show that they want to be there for you. You will also come across some people who are not fit to see you in pain… and that too is ok. That just makes them not fit for you while in pain. That doesn’t mean that there are not other people WHO DO want to help you. I learned that this summer too. It doesn’t make you or them any less of a person when someone doesn’t fit you.

I hope the next time you feel out of place, in pain, emotional pain, worried, alone, happy and even excited, know that you are not alone. And… that there are a lot of people who understand, it just takes you to tell people what you are going through, they will be there for you. I’ve learned how to do that too.

I hope this October 25-27 you join us (Laurita C., Helen T., Alex M., Jessica O and yours Truly) at the LATISM‘s conference as we discuss “The Role of Bloggers in Health Education.”

Smile (if you want),

Jes Sofia Valle

Learning How to Play

Do you remember playing when you were young?
I do. I remember playing with my friend Vanessa through the fence. We would trade big girl toys and in the midst of the riots going on in our neighborhood, all I could do was play. My parents did not allow us to walk to the front of the house because it wasn’t safe… But you know what? I played in the back with Vanessa, and we played with everything. We would race our bikes to see who got away faster. We even imagined that we were trapped in our Castles and we would get the Grown up GI Joes to break through the fence to make a magical door.

A now, you see your children playing all the time. Using their imagination, making right from wrongs. Being the super Heros and saving the day while you, the parent, are tired and annoyed that the kid is running around like a superman.

Well join in buddy!

Did you know that Play is the Natural process for a child to heal their traumas? A trauma can be the child falling down, being hit or slapped or a child being bullied. You get the picture. Have you noticed that after he plays it out, the kid is ok again? It’s amazing! They may need to reply it out a few times, but once they have, it’s amazing how they can move on!

You see, Children have a special gift, which unfortunately for most of us; we lose this gift once we become tweens. That’s gift is Play. They use play! They use their imagination to overcome things we never would think they would understand, yet they do in their own way. Like when you’re screaming in the next room and close the door thinking that they will not hear, or the snappy verbal remarks you may throw at your partner or friends in front of others…yeah those do affect your kid. How do I know, well, not only have I’ve been trained, but I work and play with kids all day. Their stories are unbelievable and sometimes I just want to hug them…but I can’t. It is not my job to, it’s your job as the parent to hug and love them and show them. Hence, I end up working with the parents too.

So People wonder, and have asked me, “How can Therapist help children?” Well, here is ONE of MANY ways…Play Therapy.

So what is Play Therapy?

As a child psychotherapist, I’ve learned how to play to help the pain go away. You see…”Play therapy is a child-centered therapy for children between the ages of 3 and 16 years who have mental health and/or other difficulties. The play therapist works one to one with the child, allowing children to explore their inner emotional world in almost any way they choose in the play room. The therapist sets a few necessary behavioral limits in order to safeguard physical and emotional safety during the weekly sessions. Children from all kinds of families come for play therapy. Some [children] have witnessed domestic violence, or experienced abuse or other trauma. Some have conflicted relationships with the parents or care givers arising out of insecure attachment and/or other issues. Provided that the child has some level of symbolic play, play therapy has the potential to help. [1]”

And through this entire trauma, play therapy always finds its way to make some things better after time with your child. You see, Studies have shown “that play-based evaluation techniques [2]” are important to better understand the child. Meaning, play is important to know what is going on with your kids and build rapport. Hence, why it is important for you to play with your child too.

So how much more bonding (rapport) do you as a parent should have?

Answer: A lot more.

How can you learn how to play?
Allow your child some control on this one.

  • Let your child pick the game.
  • Follow their lead, when they are playing Barbie’s or GI Joes, follow their lead… Plain and simple.
  • When your child tells you are doing something wrong, ask “What should I do?”
  • This allows for the child to be able to express his needs and wants
    • It shows them that you are interested in what they think
  • Learn that in that time of play you allow no negativity from your mouth.
    • The whole “you did not get this or that done, you did not do this right, you’re not playing right”…stop that. If you are going to pick an hour of play, then PLAY. Play time is not meant for chores… Though I think I just found my next children’s Corner Post…LOL
  • Enjoy yourself while learning to play
  • Make sure you are at the same eye level (kneeing or playing on the floor) that your child is at unless they ask for you not to be. This may be sometimes because you will be playing a swinging tree, an alien or who knows what…
  • And again, enjoy it.
  • Create a schedule if you must. This way you are accountable for the times set to play with your child. And your child learns when they will have Special time with Mommy or Daddy.

And always remind (don’t grill) your child before playing that the home rules will still be upheld. Meaning, if your child begins to hit you and act up, then grounding is the consequence. You know your house rules…they do too, just remind your kid ever so often, they know, but they act like they forget sometimes… LOL
Enjoy Playing,
Smile (If you want)


[1] Rye N Play therapy as a mental health intervention for children and adolescents. Journal of Family Health Care. 2008;18(1):17-9.

[2] Jäger J. Facilitating children’s views of therapy: An analysis of the use of play-based techniques to evaluate clinical practice. Clinical Child Psychological Psychiatry.2012 Aug 17.


Avocados in my Kitchen: Keeping Cancer Away

Avocados are one of my favorite foods. I wouldn’t be writing about them if they were not yummers and special. Health wise, this creamy chip’s best friend have awesome skills. They are filled with Vitamin E. Vitamin E, an essential vitamin that with your beauty and protects against many diseases.

Avocados have been known to have Oral Cancer Defense; they seek pre-cancerous and cancerous cancer cells and has been said to destroy them.” These studies suggest that phytochemicals from the avocado fruit can be utilized for making active chemoprotective ingredient for lowering the side effect of chemotherapy like cyclophosphamide in cancertherapy.[1]”  I still am reading more research but thus far, that gives us lots of hope.

I also read that  ”Whole-blood and dietary may reduce the risk of prostate cancer. The association may be related to avocado intakes. High blood linolenic acid was directly related to prostate cancer. These associations warrant further investigation. [2]”

Avocados not only help with cancer, they are also known to help with your beauty giving you awesome skin, your eye health, lowering cholesterol and therefore your heart health and can help with Stroke prevention. If I can avoid all of this, why would I not have them in my kitchen?!  Also, Avocados are green food. And Naturally Green foods are known to be power foods to help reduce cancer and major health. So I will be baking some Corn Tortilla to make chips and Make myself a Bowl of Poke…Ahhh you though I was going to say Guacamole eh?.  This is why Avocados are one of my number one Green Players in my Kitchen.

How to make POKE:

2 lbs Fresh Ahi tuna
1 Onion
3 Green Onions
10 tablespoons of Fresh Ginger or Ginger Powder
1 tablespoon of Garlic
A Glaze of Balsamic Vinigrete
Cut it up and Mix it up!
Smile (If you want)
[2] Jackson MD, Walker SP, Simpson-Smith CM, Lindsay CM, Smith G, McFarlane-Anderson N, Bennett FI, Coard KC, Aiken WD, Tulloch T, Paul TJ, Wan RL.Associations of whole-blood fatty acids and dietary intakes with prostate cancer in Jamaica.Cancer Causes Control. 2012 Jan;23(1):23-33. Epub 2011 Oct 9


Win JLo and Enrique Tickets!

I’ve come across a lot of Latin Music in my lifetime. Particularly recently as I parted ways from the U.S of A. for a month and went to the motherland, Guatemala. All I listened to was Latin Music. I felt like I was in need of it. It felt like was able to acclimate through my culture, through music.  And I found a Happy medium! Enrique and JLo!

When I came back home, I played Enrique Iglesias with his new songs that make you not only dance (well, makes me dance) in the morning, pumping me up in my daily walks. As a walk in a fast pace to his music “I’m loving you” to then listening to my own “heartbeat” as I walk and allow myself to fall in love with my work out environment. 

After my walk I continue to listen to JLo’s Goin in Ft. Flo Rider to do my work out… I mean who doesn’t want to look like her? So I listen to her while I do my sit-ups, stretching and weights, my heart start pumping again. And once again my mind has ideas running through… I figure This Woman, JLo, is a Mongol, why not get inspired by her too in the AMs. I found my happy Medium.

Also, did I mention I’m going to see them this weekend in Vegas? EXCITED! And I’m taking my Vegas Virgin Friend (a friend who has not been to Vegas) with me! What! FUN!

Want to enter to win tickets to go to the concert? 

I invite you to go to the State Farm Latino Facebook Page to enter the sweepstakes, which will run until August 20th. Fans attending the concert can also go to the State Farm booths to enter the sweepstakes.

This Post was in Collaboration with Latina Bloggers Connect.

Smile (If you want),