Fall call for Action: Increase healthy food access and reduce fast food proliferation

I use to work for a Foundation the PADRE Foundation. Where I learned about Diabetes Type 1 and 2. One, of many, things I learned is that Diabetes type two can be prevented sometimes with weight loss and healthy eating. Now granted, tho this is a genetic base Chronic Illness, it has been proven that keeping healthy with healthy foods can help decrease one’s chances of getting Type 2 diabetes. 

Thankfully, I don’t have Diabetes and I am doing all to avoid having that. But I do have to say we have people in South LA that are diagnosed with Diabetes and are told to eat better and healthier yet they can’t or won’t because they don’t have the access to healthier food! I have to say that I grew up in Watts, CA (South LA). And back in the day, the only foods we had are still the ones we have today. I was talking to my mom about how nice it would be to have a Trader Joe’s or a Health food store in South LA. Well… that same day I was asked to help with a campaign that is going on until the end of the Month of September. This Awesome Campaign is to Increase healthy food access and reduce fast food proliferation in South LA.

Now I know many of you reading this are not from South LA, but that does not matter. We need your help! We need your Vote. So if you want South LA to have an Increase healthy food access and reduce fast food proliferation in South LA then please vote! Get your practice on for November 6th election.

This is what Los Angeles City Council and City Planning Department says:

“There has been increasing recognition of the impact of the built environment on the health of individuals and communities. Basic recommendations associated with disease prevention and health promotion, such as good nutrition, are more difficult to achieve in low-income, ethnic communities where there is a scarcity of food resources. The lack of access to healthy, high-quality foods has been shown to contribute to the increased prevalence of obesity and overweight, which are risk factors for nutrition-related chronic diseases such as heart disease and diabetes. We find the greatest evidence of this in the communities of South Los Angeles. For these reasons, we ask that you support our efforts to collect over 1,000 petitions in support of MAKING SOUTH LA A HEALTHIER COMMUNITY by encouraging development that reduces disparities in healthy food resource access.” – Los Angeles City Council and City Planning Department

I appreciate your support.

Thank you!

Smile (if you want)

Jes Sofia

In partnership with the CHC (Council for a Healthy Community) and Bloggers of Health.


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