Living the American Dream

     You know, I’ve been a Latina for 28 years, ten months, 24 days, 7 hours and 28 mins (as I write) now. I have to say… it is an awesome adventure. I also, blend well with other cultures because at the end of the day we are all people. No matter my different experience, the way I grew up, my culture what my people or other’s people have been through… I choose to be open-minded about who I am and I am open to others. Why? Continue to read…

This week I went to Eva Longoria’s “Latinos Living the American Dream” documentary.
The documentary produced and directed by Eva Longoria Parker portrays who Latinos are in America and how we choose to live our American Dream(s). This project was co-sponsored by Pepsi Co/@pepsiYOSUMO.

After watching this awesome, simple (a good thing), and encouraging documentary, I was compelled to watch other cultural documentaries. Watching them made me realized how close we all (humans) are. We all came or where brought here for something or the other. We were asked to forget our ways, yet most of us are able to make it through loving who we are.  We all have will, and will to live here in America. If you wanted to leave, then you would work hard towards that goal to leave. Nevertheless, we are here, making, working, living, loving, growing, laughing, crying, and being.  

Everything you or I have gone through in Life in America reassures the follow about life here in [insert your own place of living here] America, California, Los Angeles, Mid-Los Angeles, My home: 

  • The only constant in life is change. 
  • We make what you want out of your life and your circumstances.
  • We choose to triumph through your super great life or pain and for some, horrible circumstances. 
  • We choose to smile. 
  • We all have “Love and Passion” for something.
  • Life will give your test… quitting is an option, but a lesson is not learned if your do not work your way through it. 
  •  We may look and feel different, have gone through different/same circumstances… But we all have gone through something at some point. 
  • No one is perfect, given, but we can choose to try to be the best we can be. 
  • And from my point of view, I choose to be open-minded, because I enjoy being…being with others, being a human “bean”.

Life is Beautiful… Enjoy it, Love it, Live it balanced and Smile at it (if you want). 

Jes Sofia Valle 
WATCH: Eva Longoria Premieres "Latinos Living The American Dream" for the Pepsi Yo Sumo Project

RESPECT Yourself

In school teachers teach us to respect others, keeping our hands to ourselves…etc. The basics.

What are some ways we can educate ourselves to be good examples of RESPECT?

  • Be confident :
    • This means trust you and Your Instinct  
    • When you look in the mirror, don’t dislike yourself. Uplift yourself. 
    • Learn to set limits 
      • Don’t let others run over you. Its painful and this can be avoided. 
        • Love you. 
        • Focus on you and your strengths. 
    • Respect others
      • Do onto others… how you treat others is how others will treat you. 
      • If others continue being mean, assert yourself, “nip it in the bud” and continue respecting them 
        • This means being kind, understanding. (kill them with your wonderful kindness and respect) Some people need to be broken down slowly. Allowing them their personal time/space.
    • Care for you.  THE MOST IMPORTANT ONE
      • This means taking care for your ALL.  Not just the physical aspects but your whole self, emotions, spirituality, thoughts.
      • Learn to Forgive: No one is perfect. Everyone makes mistakes. Forgive yourself and Live, love and be the greatness that you are.
      • This also means surrounding yourself around people that at positive. People that will uplift you, not place you down. The people you surround yourself with will be how other will associate you with. 

    I hope that you continue to respect yourself and others. Keeping yourself Balanced is important.

    Live, Love and Be a wonderful respectful you and Smile (If you want)

    Jes Sofia Valle

    What do you get out of being respected?

    Parent Monday

    So do you ever get too low in the beginning of the week?

    What have you done during the weekend to wear you out? If you have children, my empathy. I know how much being a mother/father takes. Not because I have them, but because I’ve learned and seen through all of my friends who have them. And yes, I do give them breaks by having them over for the weekend. It is a lot of work!

    If you are both Mom/Dad and on the “Go” parent… what did you do for yourself?

    I know that when you have a child you have to be unselfish. A given.
    However, How can you be a parent if you do not give yourself the time you need to recuperate? I’m just saying… Its not like I’ve gotten parent patients before coming stressed out, freaked out, and super overwhelmed because they don’t have any time due to their children or anything. (Being a smarty here).

    At the end of the day your kids will suffer too… not just you. Think about it.

    Make time for you! I’m not talking about leave your kids or neglect them either. Be balanced. So you will be happy, less stressed, better focused and you can teach your children how to be less stressed, happier, and better focus. After all, they learn from you. They are sponge Bobs that soak up all your doings, mock you and many times are your mirror.

    Things to do for you:

    Single mom/dad? Find friends who love kids and will sit for you for a few hours at your home so you can go take 3-5 hours to yourself. Make sure you come back home with in that time limit… you will miss your kids after that.

    A walk at the beach.
    While at the beach, relax, sit, breath, cry if you must. Write. Dance in the wind like your kids do.
    A walk/hike anywhere.
    Write a book of being a parent.

    Married or together parents:

    Make plans to spice up your relationship and yourself.

    Take one or two hours for yourself. Then, some for your partnership to grow.

    Go out with a friend. Catch up with what is going on in life.

    These are just some ideas… If you have kids, I’m more than sure you will come up with some creative ideas for you.

    Live Balanced.

    Smile (If you want to)

    Jes Sofia Valle

    Frustrated and cooking to alleviate

    So Today I fell frustrated.

    So I cooked, and Cooking alleviates my distress… Now I just need my BFF to come over and eat it. LOL

    You see… I am Miss Communication. Yet this weekend I was expecting to be told a time and date of something that is to come… but I have not received it. So this frustrates me (it has been two days since I asked, and Asked today Again…nothing). Oh yes, did I mention it is a VERY BIG thing for me to know this info?  I’m using my patience…now.

    So what I did instead:  I cooked. I bought some sausages at Trader Joe’s, bought some cilantro and other veggies at Bristol Farms off Beverly. Then Got home, cooked the sausage. When the sausage was done, I added some Balsamic and added squeeze of ketchup. I poured a glass of cranberry juice and topped it off with a bit of beer.  I ate it while watching LOVE HAPPENS. After eating my meal, I ate a cup of Greek Honey Yogurt.

    Very weird, I know. But It was good and I like to mix things up. 

    And the funny thing is that My frustration came out in my food…because as you can tell by the pics below, I burned my Sausage a little a lot.

    I’m feeling no longer frustrated now and enjoyed my movie.

    Writing this made it even better too!  LOL. Thank for listening.

    Does your food come out like you feel?

    A mixture of this and that…


    I am cooking chicken. But Before I added :

    Two table spoons of whschisirewilshireswishiers sauce, lemon (real lemon juice), onions and mustered. I let it sit in the fridge for two days …
    I cut the chicken into these fancy slices  and let is simmer in while the slices simmer cooked.
    I then added the TRIPLE THREAT!!!!!  Awe yeah! (Onions, bell peppers and tomatoes)

    Then I made Brown rice and Will heat up tortillas (parents are coming over for dinner… Le dad loves tortillas)

    Basics–101 By Berenice & Jes

    Berenice: I know when I first started cooking all I knew how to do was spaghetti, boil pasta add sauce.. that is all .. now that I have two boys I have branched out but you know what one of their favs is? MY grilled cheese sandwiches ;)!

    Butter your bread (or use a touch of olive oil) on both sides leave on the side
    In a skillet put a slice or two of ham or turkey season with black pepper or Mrs.Dash lemon pepper (seasoning salt is optional)
    Once sizzling place it on top of one slice of bread and place the bread on the skillet
    Place a slice of American or Swiss cheese and place the other slice of bread on top and flip the sandwich

    I serve it with tomato soup and they are in heaven! 🙂

    JesSofia: Don’t forget to eat the food too! LOL Yummy!

    Berenice: They never leave me any! grrrrrrrrr….

    Welcome to our Silly crazy Best friend lives.

    Jessofia: This is called Carne Asada… Know about that Berenice??? HAHA Guess how I made it B!

    Berenice: YUUUUUUMMM… I have no idea how you made it.. but I want some.. ( oh and I’m sure the boys would love some too … )

    Jessofia: I  added Brown Sugar, Beer, Whesthsishisishre sauce onions and left it to simmer with a tad bit of BBQ sauce.  Then I bought that lettuce stuff… and added Balsamic ving.  BALSAMIIIIIIIC

    Berenice: worcheeesie sauce.. is it wrong to drool in a post?  =p~

    Waking Up…

    Have you ever noticed how most people that are “made-up” look like they have it together and are not in the disheveled mood?

    What do I mean by made-up? I mean, have allowed the time in the morning to get themselves ready…look great, seem to feel great. I’m not specifically talking about lots of make-up or perfect hair… I’m talking about your basic looking and feeling good.

    Every morning, before I get up I lay in bed for a little bit thinking:

    “I’m alive? Breathing. Do I have back pain today? A bit. Is it gone yet? No, but leaving slowly. What will I wear? Humm lets get up and see.” I start my day in a positive note.

    You see, I’m asking myself questions, MORE important, I am answering them at the same time. I’m not asking myself and placing them on a post it note (although I do have a post it note around somewhere just in case, I’m not perfect). I am asking myself Basic questions, to be able to answer them.

    And look at my white button down Ralph Lauren Shirts, Nordstrom bought and DNKY, Lane Bryant bought pants and wonder how I will mix and Match my clothes to make a great outfit. If I were a man, I’d probably be looking at similar outfit Button down shirt and pant too… ha ha.

    Make sure you have your Neutrogena face soap or which ever you use, in stock. And are able to use water in your day, its meant to refresh you. Wash your mouth with your little colgate tube and Oral Brush. Which ever you use is awesome because you are using them.

    Point: I’m making time for me. I’m taking away the rough night, the bad yesterday and leaving them there. Yesterday is lived and gone. I’m choosing to start a new day. After all, it is a new day right?

    I suggest you try it. I also suggest you don’t ask question of WHAT If’s unless you are able to Resolve them. Like WHAT IF I mix and match Blue and white and red? This is ok because you can get those clothes and place them on your bed to see what they may look like, even try them out. What if I don’t make the team? This question is not what I am talking about, not ok because you cannot predict the future.

    Before you go bonkers in your closet… Give yourself a time limit. Oh yeah… here comes the word limits again. 🙂

    I hope you are able to take time for you in the morning. You will be better than a grouch and your day will start how you choose.


    1. Ask you basic questions and answer them. (Keep them light and positive)
    2. Give yourself a morning goal to look good and feel good.
    3. Give yourself a specific time on how long you have to be ready, don’t do a quickie on yourself here. It is you! You deserve it! BUT DON’T BE LATE EITHER.
    4. Remind yourself that today you choose to be [insert mood here].
    5. Start your rest of your awesome day.

    Good day! (British/Latina accent) O_o lol.

    Smile (If you want)

    Jes Sofia Valle

    What are some questions you like to ask yourself in the morning? Do you even ask or are you pressured to be ON the GO once the ALARM wakes you up?

    Giving too much or too little? Check yourself


    An endearing and very traditional word… Ever heard of it? 😀

    “Give and you shall receive?”
    “What comes around goes around.”
    “Giving gets you everything?”

    Although these quotes are good, GREAT even, I’m not a true believer in them. Jes say what?

    I will tell you why.

    1. I’m am not talking about church stuff here (ties and what not). Keep doing that if you do that, I do. I will never deteriorate you from your blessings. And if you are a believer of such things, on believe.

    I’m talking about giving of self, and things…

    2.If you are going to give, give wholeheartedly, with out ANY expectations.

    3. Giving will not always give you something back.

    4. When you give to someone, its best not to expect something because you will only become disillusioned if you do not get something back.

    5. Giving is just that… giving.

    The definition of Giving is…to give.

    So next time you give something, don’t expect anything. Do it wholeheartedly and appreciate the fact that you are able to give.

    Enjoy giving.

    Giving too much?

    How do you keep from giving too much? Is there such a thing? YES!

    Be careful with giving too much. Make sure you are ok and well before you are able to give. “I get being passionate and just give…” but you can’t give if you don’t have. This means making sure your extra pennies are just that, extra. If you have two of everything, then you know you are able to give to others.

    Again, Take care of you as you are suppose to before you are able to give.

    If I say “give” one more time my friend Brian is going to GIVE me a slap in the arm…

    I hope you become so well off in life, that when you have a lot, you give a lot. Those are my wishes for you’re my dearest readers! And thank you for giving me your time. 😀

    Smile (If you want).

    Jes Sofia Valle

    Asserting yourself does not mean being aggressive…keep your balance

    Asserting yourself: This does not mean being aggressive.

    The lack of assertiveness is sometimes linked to a lack of self-image or prior life experiences. What you think of yourself is what you will project (to place onto) to others. There are many different ways to assert you.

    But first:
    1. Learn to understand yourself.
    2. Think how you would like things to be.
    3. What are the best ways to communicate what you want?

    Think if the common reasons why you NEED assert yourself.
    – How will asserting yourself help you increase your self (general)?

    Before you assert yourself, don’t doubt yourself, know your true answer. This means be you, trust your instinct, be the person that you are and know the actions that you will do.

    There are three parts of each assertive intervention:
    1. Empathy/validation.
    2. Statement of problem.
    3. Statement of what you want. (read want vs. need)

    How to be assertive:
    Use assertive body language. Eye to eye, be serious, use facial expression; keep your voice calm and soft, not whiney or abrasive. Speak like you want to be spoken to and hear how you want to be heard.
    Do not predict the person’s actions. Or Judge the other person when communicating.
    Use the “I”. I want and/or need. I think, I know, WHEN I feel this due to…

    Own your expressive thoughts/feeling, and opinions. If you speak, know what you are saying. Think before you say something. Sometimes we get wrapped around our emotions or become stubborn with our logical thinking that we forget to own what we say or listen to the other.

    Be direct with your wants and/or needs. Details are important here. And again, know what you are asking before speaking.

    Sometimes life brings us moments where we need to assert ourselves and we don’t have to time to think about all of this. HOWEVER, the more you practice this in a consistent basis, it will come to you natural to you. It takes 21-23 days to start a habit. Make this a positive habit.

    Life Life, Love and Be balanced.

    Smile (if you want)

    Jes Sofia Valle