Oxygen Mask ON?


Have you flown before? If not, they go over the saying “Always place your oxygen mask on first before you you are able to help the person next to you.”

This week I went through this situation. I got the flu. The bad case of the flu. Do you know what I mean?

Flu Symptoms: 

  • Fever

As I was sitting at my desk, with my non-cherpy, low mood, not being able to talk self.  I decided to go home.  My reasoning behind that was, first of my Director had asked me how I was feeling and My answer was not so well. I began to think how I always tell people to take care of thier selves before they are able to help others. And I thought, what kind of person would I be if I did not do the same?

So this is my third day off from working. My fever is down, coughing still a bit, but I’m not causing anyone to get sick. I’m resting, placing my O2 mask on first before I go and help for next year.

Always take care of you first, you cannot help others if you are half baked. You can do better service when you are able to breath first. If you cannot breath, you cannot then be able to place the oxygen mask back on someone else who really needs your help.

Smile and Breath (If you want)

Jes Sofia

My Thought: Post Christmas

So did you get what you wanted? Did not?  Where you Naughty or Nice? 

The Holidays can be what you make them, something beautiful or something that create your “other side.” What will you allow the post holiday feelings to be?   🙂  🙁  :-{)  😐  ;-|  :-  ):-D
I hope you had a wonderful Christmas/Holiday with your family and/or friends. And you have a great last week of 2011. 🙂 This defiantly was the ending of some things and the beginning of other great things. 
Make it whatever you make it. 🙂 Remember it all leads back to what you allow in your life.

Smile (if you want) 

Jes Sofia

Having a Low day?


Back to being after life knocks you around.

If you are like me, at some point (or many points) … Life has giving you a one-two, two-one punch (or something like that saying). You go through the hardships, the feeling out of control and even laying in bed not wanting to get out hoping no one remembers you.

https://bloggersofhealth.com/wp-content/uploads/2011/12/sleeping-snoopy.jpgI will tell you, I’ve been through it. I’ve had pain where I wish I was not made the Happy Go Lucky person everyone sees. I wanted to just sleep and hope my physical pain went away. But someone would call me. When I heard the message, it was something other than how are you? I wished someone would just call to ask that. Eventually I started to tell people of my life stories and the crap I went through to stay walking, literally, including what I do now to try to keep this ongoing pain away.

So I write to you with a mission, To make you aware of someone more than just you. I’m an advocate for taking care of yourself, but with that I ask that you not forget your friends and others around you.

So here are some ways that I’ve bounced back, I hope it helps:

  • Journal writing: 
    • I would start writing. What I felt. What part of my body hurt. I wrote it down in paper…I let it go and went back to back to the living. 
    • Understanding your self and others: 
      • I became to understand that keeping myself down was only hurting me. No one else. Just me. 
    • That others will lend a hand. Learn to lean on your friends, but don’t overuse them.
    • Also know that they have all right not be there for your if they can’t, find someone that can. Even if it is a Stranger, You would be surprised how many people that don’t know you are willing to help you.
  • Speaking out: 
    • Telling someone that you need help does not make you weak. 
    • Screaming, being loud and obnoxious will not help… learn to use your words. 
    • Shutting yourself out only restarts the cycle…use your words.
    • Communicating your stories allows you to be reminded that life is worth living because you are now here, not where you use to be. 
  • Laugh: 
    • Put on your favorite episode of whatever, funniest home videos, I love Lucy, Gilmore Girls, Scooby Doo…something.
    • Being around people that will make you smile is always a plus. Caring back for those people reminds you that life if not just about you. 
  •  Faith: 
    • Go to church, temple, a serenity place to find God, locus of control, chi. 
    • Read positive books.
  • Exercise: 
    • Sometimes all we need is a little chemical reaction, walking helps. 
    • Dancing, go out with friends and allow yourself to have some fun. 
    • Go to the Getty Center, its free! Look at the beauty life has made. 
    • Jump in the rain puddles if you must.
  • Reminder: 
    • You are still number one. 
    • Remind yourself of your awesome self worth 
    • Of who you have allowed in your life. Are they a positive influence in your life?
    • If you had a miracle to ask for, what would it be? After answering that question, find methods, ways that will help you get those miracles.
      • If you don’t know the answer any of this question… well then you have a new project to work on; you.

Also! KNOW

That,  I want you to know that someone cares. In a time where everyone places over emphasis (it should be all year long) on family and friends, presents, money, havoc cooking and cookie making and you may feel forgotten- know that I didn’t forget. There is someone out there that cares. If I knew who you where, or If I was told your were not doing well, you would be hearing from me. So if you are reading this and no one knows you… Please know that even though I do not know you… I care. For real, not for fake. 😀

If not I wouldn’t be writing this for you right now. 

There is always a tomorrow. What you choose to do with it is just that. Trust that it will not be the same and you can begin to make it what you want to make it…everything has steps… So take that time to go strong. As someone I know has told me before… you will be “like a flyin’ bat outta hell” when you get better (or something like that. 😉 ).

Everyone has their low days, weeks or seasons. But at the end, it is what you make of it. I hope you choose to make it a great, filled with passion, compassion, style and all of the great things you allow to make it. Happy Holidays!

A hug for you.
Smile (if you want),

Jes Sofia Valle

My Life By Mary J. Blige


I was looking for one gift: My Clue… A scent, “perfect harmony of Fruit (Pear and Apricot), Gardenia, Tuberose and Cashmere Wood. Plus, it’s just Mary—the confident woman we all know and love.”…I searched through out… what perfume would lead me to this?… I typed (Pear and Apricot) on google and found ONE scent with this description. As I continued to type, I gained “consciousness” and typed everything again. Guess what came out?  YES! Mary J. Blige’s New Fragrance, MY LIFE with Carol’s Daughter!  It was Warm scent and Confident. Just like my clue… said. I hope this is what the gift called for… hopefully it was not Mary J. Blige herself because I am not hooked up like that yet.  🙂

Get one and you will see what I’m writing about.

Smile (If you want)

Jes Sofia

Latinos in Social Media (LATISM) Announces The Addition of 4 New Chapters and Re-Launch of Two Existing Chapters

Latinos in Social Media

“Latinos in Social Media (LATISM) Announces The Addition of 4 New Chapters and Re-Launch of Two Existing Chapters

New LATISM Chapters Now Serving Central Florida, Houston, San Antonio and Philadelphia. In Addition, Two Existing Chapters in Los Angeles and DC Have Been Re-Launched

 Washington, DC, December 20, 2011 —Latinos in Social Media (LATISM) is proud to announce the addition of five new local chapters to its roster. The new chapters, which cover the Central Florida, Houston, San Antonio and Philadelphia, join existing chapters in New York, Chicago, Dallas, Phoenix, Charlotte, South Florida and Bay Area, CA. The re-launched chapters, Los Angeles and Washington, DC, boast new leadership.
The chapters, 13 in total, bring LATISM one step closer to its goal of establishing a local presence in all mayor Latino DMAs across the country, and will help to support LATISM National’s initiatives nationwide by creating opportunities to network and learn at the local level.
“We are proud to welcome these four new chapters into LATISM, as well as the new leadership in our Los Angeles and DC chapters,” says Ana Roca-Castro, Founder and Chair for LATISM. “These groups are aligned 100% with LATISM’s core mission, of advancing and promoting the advancement of Latinos through collaboration, education and the sharing of ideas and knowledge with their local communities.”
To learn more about the new and existing LATISM chapters, please support and stay up-to-date about their local events and initiatives by visiting their respective blogs and social media platforms, listed below.


Director: Laura Tellado
Co-Director: Alberto Saldamando
FB: http://www.facebook.com/LatismCentralFlorida
BLOG: http://cfl.latism.org/
Director: Juan Alanis
Co-Director[S]: Sandra Fernandez
FB: http://www.facebook.com/pages/Latism-Houston-Chapter/163244663776423
BLOG: http://hou.latism.org/
Director: Erica Guevara
Co-Director[S]:  TBD
FB: http://www.facebook.com/pages/Latism-San-Antonio-Chapter/263497953709693
BLOG: http://san.latism.org/
Director: Silke McDowell
Co-Director[S]: Ruby Wright
TWITTER: @Latism_Philly
FB: http://www.facebook.com/Latism.Philly
BLOG: http://philly.latism.org/


Director: Jessica Sofia Valle
Co-Director[S]: Edgar Mejia, Berenice Martinez, Rachel Matos
FB: http://www.facebook.com/pages/Latism-Los-Angeles-Chapter/329779067050209
BLOG: http://la.latism.org
Director: Jennifer Lubrani
Co-Director[S]: Cheryl Aguilar, Javier Von Westphalen
FB: http://www.facebook.com/pages/Latism-DC-Chapter/146768758759186
BLOG: http://dc.latism.org


Director: Ray Cruz
Co-Director[S]: Sal Mendoza
FB: http://www.facebook.com/Latism.NYC
BLOG: http://ny.latism.org
Director: Marcela Gutierrez
Co-Director[S]: Hilda Ramirez
TWITTER: @Latism_BayArea
FB: http://www.facebook.com/Latism.BayArea
BLOG: http://bay.latism.org
Director: Elma Placeres Dieppa
Co-Director[S]: Abraham Velasquez, Daisy de la Cruz
FB: http://www.facebook.com/Latism.Chicago
BLOG: http://chi.latism.org
Director: Alejandra Suarez
Co-Director[S]: Byrdie Franco
FB: http://www.facebook.com/Latism.DallasFTW
BLOG: http://dal.latism.org
Director: Ernesto Sosa
Co-Director[S]: Blanca Stella Mejia, Natascha Otero
FB: http://www.facebook.com/Latism.SFlorida
BLOG: http://sfl.latism.org
Director: Brian Cockman
Co-Director[S]: Rafael Rodriguez
FB: http://www.facebook.com/Latism.CHA
BLOG: http://cha.latism.org
Director: Joe Ray
Co-Director[S]: Eric Diaz
FB: http://www.facebook.com/latism.phoenix
BLOG: http://pho.latism.org/
# # #

Latinos in Social Media (LATISM) is a 501(c) 4 nonprofit, nonpartisan organization dedicated to advancing the social, civic and economic status of the Latino community. LATISM also helps to raise awareness among corporate brands, NGOs and government entities about using social media to reach Latinos. Our partnership initatives include research, event sponsorships, and leadership training. A pioneering social media organization with over 140,000 members in its network, LATISM has been hailed as the most influential online movement in the new multicultural Web. To learn more about the Latinos in Social Media (LATISM) organization, visit http://latism.org”

The Troops are Home! – The Act of Being.

According this Morning’s E-mail, “early this morning the last of the troops left Iraq.” -Barack Obama

I am very excited to hear this, as I have a lot of friends who has siblings, friends, cousins fighting for our safety. I want to say with ALL my heart that I am VERY THANKFUL for all your hard work, all you have survived…may you have peace that you are home and you can literally protect your loved ones now and they can feel that they can protect you too.

It is always a good feeling when you are near the ones you love, there is no feeling like it. To be able to talk, communicate and tell your stories even if fresh. A remainder to the families that have people coming back, you may not ever fully grasp all that your loved one went through in the war, but being there, being supportive and loving them is important. They May not want to talk about it yet, but being there when they do and listening will do good. The act of just BEING is Bigger and Stronger than you can think.

Having to re-adjust may not always be easy, but it can defiantly happen when you make it happen. I am Thankful that the troops are back! Now let us serve them as they served their country to keep us safe. They are defiantly heroes.

This is “A reminder that we all have a stake in our country’s Future, and a saying in the direction we choose.” -Barack Obama

Props! Thumbs up! High Fives! I wish i could give all Vets a hug right now!

Happy Holidays!!

Smile (If you want)

Jes Sofia

Teaching Your Child Respect: Rules and Consequences: How to Implament. (ages 4-9) Part 2

I have been writing this one since last week because with out practice (Role-play) it will be a bit interesting to implement, so I am re-writing this as simple as possible with examples.

*Something I forgot to mention last time was that its good to coordinate with one or two of the school rules with your list so that your child can associate home rules like school rules. Most kids this age range follow school rules because that is not only habitual for them, but most teachers have awesome Behavior Charts ( I give you tips with that too).*

Before the Next step: Make a list of all of their THINGS your child likes (DS, WII, Playing outside…etc)
From this List high-lite the ones that you think would work well in helping you during consequences time and provide a time… Don’t take education, coloring or basic living (eating) ones away. You don’t want to be neglectful.

For the next step set aside a day you are home: Make it happen.
Now that you have the rules done.

How will you implement them? Well…here we go!

1. Explain the rules to your children. Let them know why you are placing rules in your home (DON’T BLAME THEM … ie. I’m putting rules because YOU don’t know how to behave. The last thing they will listen to is you after you make them feel bad). Would you like it if I told you your not good so I’m going to make you have rules? Umm humm. So There you go.

2. While explaining, Observe and state their positives. Remember the list I suggest you make in Part 1? We are using it. Here is where you tell your child, (ie…You are an awesome son/daughter, You can read, play, etc). Acknowledge the good things about your child as you convey the rules. If you acknowledge them while doing so, you will make it into a positive memory and the chances of them listening to you are higher.

3. After you have explained the rules to your child, have them choose a place (usually the common area, back of the front door or the refrigerator) anywhere where it is visible to the child, where it is eye level/ visible and But at the same time where they cannot rip it off the wall roll it up and hide it from you. LOL Yes it happens more often than you think…

4. Now that you have explained it, and you (usually parents/caregivers in child’s life do it together for cohesion and consistency) have posted it up, Ask your child about the home rules. Your personality usually shows up here too… make it a matter of fact and fun.

  • (Huh? fact and fun?… I usually act like Colombo and say “Oh you know we where just doing something, and I forgot what?!  Child: You forgot?!!! You: Yeah! Help me yeah?…) 
  • Have the child recite the rules back to you. This way you know they not only can read them, or they can see them. (if a child is non- reading level yet, make your rules into pictures and write down the rule next to it).
5. Now that your child has told you the house rules, now you take them through the home and role-play. “This is how you do this rule.” 🙂 If the rule is to take a bath, take a bath. No yelling, model a calm voice…etc.
6. After you have practiced the rules… let them know what the consequences are (go to the list you made before beginning this set.)
7. Give them an example :
You: “Chanchita if you do not follow the rules, I will give you one Warning. “
Child: Mom what is a warning?
You: Give the answer.
Child: ok… But mom.
You: Hold on let me finish please. 🙂 (Tone remains calm)
Then…if you DO NOT listen after the first warning and do the chore in (give them a decent amount of time… NOW is not helpful in the long term, you are teaching them instant gratification (remember you are the model)) The only NOWs (and explain this) should be emergencies.
Tell him/her what will be taken away and for how long.
With explaining the consequences, make sure you also inform them that you will count to 3 and if by that time it is not done the get a consequence.
Please make it for more than 2-3 days… you will need the DS to help you at some point too.
8. Be consistent with rule setting and Make sure you follow through. If you don’t follow through your child will think that they can get away with murder.
9. Give them a warning and then begin to count to three… if they do not listen…consequences.
10. Be consistent, follow your own home rules and follow through. If you choose not to be consistent, good luck, you are causing your own heart ache. ( So I see and have heard).
Part 3: Behavior Chart Tips
Smile (if you like)
Disclaimer: I am suggesting you do this, but you don’t have to if you don’t want.
QUESTIONS?  Leave a comment please.


Reciprocity, it is a major “thing” in any type of relationship… but don’t get mad when people can’t do it.  Just means they 1. Don’t want to or 2. They never learned how to. Either way… you planted the seed and can only hope for the best. Expectations can be a ______. LOL But like with anything, there is a pro to Expectations; they raise the Bar.

Smile (if you want)

Jes Sofia

Did everything on your own? No such thing

Something I have learned through my parents, educators, siblings, friends and foes…is that…I cannot say I have done everything on my own… who I am, how I think, my built, my emotional capacity and my will…are just a part of it.

With that, educate yourself, be kind and always acknowledge the pathways that lead you where you are at now…you did not do everything on your own, no such thing. You where never alone, I bet there was always someone in your pathway guiding you. Even when YOU THOUGHT no one was there for you, the fact that those people where “not there” for you was part of them being there for you now.

Think about it. If it where not for the people in your life, you would not be where you are at now, even if they where or where not what you EXPECTED them to be. You can always ask them to be though, its their choice if they choose not to be that in your life, at least you asked. So Acknowledge them…name by name, bless them and life will do the same.

Always remember this the next time you feel like you are doing everything on your own… There is no such thing. Even the food you bought came from somewhere and was handled by someone else. Thank Them the next time you say no one was there for you. Because unless you are your own farmer/hunter you did not go out there and farm/hunt your own meal.

Have a wonderful morning. 🙂

Smile (if you want)

Jes Sofia

Republicans in the Senate Blocked Ambassador

Office of the Press Secretary

December 12, 2011

Today a partisan group of Republicans in the Senate blocked our Ambassador to El Salvador from returning to her job, choosing instead to play politics with America’s national interests.

 Ambassador Aponte has served our nation with distinction over the past year, accumulating an impressive list of accomplishments that included negotiating a Partnership for Growth between the United States and El Salvador that is critical to our economic and national security interests in the region. Ambassador Aponte’s leadership on behalf of the United States has earned her the respect of all sides in El Salvador, and the trust of leaders in the United States from across the political spectrum and diverse communities.

Today’s filibuster is one more example of the type of political posturing and partisanship the American people are tired of seeing in Washington. Now is not the time for playing politics, it’s time for Congress to do the right thing for the American people. Whether it’s allowing up or down votes on our representatives to the Western Hemisphere, allowing consumers to have someone looking out for their interests, or extending and expanding the payroll tax cut for the middle class, Republicans in Congress need to stop thinking about the next election and start putting the best interests of the American people first.”