Make Time 

We are soooo busy. We have life going on and its on and on and on and on….

So when do you have time for your friends or mate? >>>>ANSWER: When you make time.

You see, time is there, it will always be there, until its not..because your gone, yet time remains. But when you choose to make time for someone, no matter how busy you are… you are letting them know… Hey you, I’m taking time out of my busy schedule because I like to spend time with you.

Personally These are the things I do to my friends and lovey to show them I appreciate them, or I’m thinking about them.

  1. I tell them I miss them or that I’m thinking about them. 
  2. I ask to schedule some time with them 
  3. I cook lunch or dinner
  4. I ask for their time… they are busy too… can’t expect them to be waiting on you alllll the time. 🙂 
  5. I am direct, there is no “Oh babe… i really would like to go to Santa Barbara SOMEDAY.” I say hey, when are you going to make time so we can go to Santa Barbara? With a smile 🙂
  6. Be assertive, but not rude! Your woman or man will be turned off as fast as they got turned on if you are rude. This all depends on your relationships… there are passive or aggressive people out there… you fall in one or the other or both…Yes, No one is perfect. Personally I like… wait I won’t go there…LOL
  7. Smile, kiss and hug. 

Are there any other things you do to help you keep your romance going as you MAKE time for your friends and loved ones?

Talk to me.

Smile (if you want)
Jes Sofia

Contra La pared? (Against the wall?)


Feeling like you cannot do something about something, its natural. Especially when going though chaos, or even “normal” life events.

How you get over it?…now that is what counts.

Some ways to think about getting out of your runt.

Think! What else would I tell you do do 🙂

  • What steps will I take to get from where I am to where I want to be?
  • How do I take the first step? 
  • What is my goal? 
  • Can I get some help over here? – Never be so prideful that you don’t ask for help. 

Ask yourself questions that add a positive effect. And! know that you can surely do it.

Life isn’t about waiting around, its about figuring it out. What ever you are going through, some one else has gotten over it before. There is a way. 🙂



Have you ever come to a situation where you have felt that there is not more to give?

There will be times, and I hope not too many where your frustration tolerance is to its peek and there is no more that you feel you can do about something, someone or anything. This does NOT mean that this is the end all of it all…. NO? correct. No.

Have you heard of the Word HOPE? This word in itself is one of the most powerful words I use and trust on an everyday basis. HOPE. With out it we would be hopeless. And I come from a personal and trained thought that HOPE is the number one reason why  good things happen. Hope entails trust, understanding, faith… with out it we would be nothing less than the amoeba. (ok, that was extreme).

But think about it. With out hope, what is there? Hopelessness, inability, failure. I do not want this for you. I hope, you don’t want this for you either.

So the next time you are going though something think of this word: HOPE. It allows for faith, goodness, positive self attributes, positive self statements… I can go on and on! But I won’t because its’ 3:52 am and really had to write this to you.

I HOPE you have an awesome day!

Smile (if you want)
Jes Sofia Valle

At the end of the day: Fear vs. Success


So, If you are like me, you work hard for what you have. If you are blessed and you do not have to work, get it!!!

Personally, I have found that there is an awesome sense of accomplishment, a feeling, when you have worked hard to get where you are at and/or have. WHY? That is the whirling question, And my answer will be, it just is to me. I mean, think about it. I create an Idea, I make it happen and then when my idea is working, its the best feeling! I have accomplished something. Right?

So why do many of you out there, not see this for yourself?
I cannot Answer that question, only you.


  • But I can guess as to “why?”….FEAR. 

Yes my dears…. Fear is the number one cause that use to stop me from doing something, so I can only imagine it has probably stopped you before. That, and I use to say Money… But I’ve found that if you really want to do something, you find ways and people to help you through out the way.

  • Excuses! 

http://www.justonecupcake.com/wp-content/uploads/2010/09/back_bone_shiver_-_no-excuses-480.gifWe all have them, lord knows I do at times. But really? If you really want to do it, then do. Set your mind to be successful. Stop sabotaging your possible lifestyle because you “cannot,” do it.

At the end of the day, It is your life, you choose to make of it what you choose. Not one will live your life. People can try… but only you have that control, that power to say… hey, I was given will for a reason. So I’m willingly going to make this happen for me!

 So the next time, at the end of your day, when you feel down because you don’t have enough of whatever you WANT or NEED. Think about it. Are you willing to make it happen for yourself?  

Smile (If you want)
Jes Sofia Valle

How is that stress working out for you?


Have you had an overwhelming moment that is taking more than a “moment?” I think everyone has had that elongated moment. Where you think it will pass…but it doesn’t, the moment stays there and you keep on adding things to it instead of working through the moment, dispelling it from our lives. What am I talking about moments??? STRESS! 

Everyone in this earth has experienced some sort of stress, even new borns coming out into this world have experienced it. Stress can be a good and bad thing. It can help you or bring you down “it can make you or break you,” and yes, there is an between here too. It is how you keep control over it. Yes, Control. I’m stressed just writing about stress…ooooh child! 🙂

Stress comes when something is taking you out of your norm…yes, I dare say the word Normal. By Normal, I mean “YOUR NORMAL.” Which to others may be awkward. Taking you out of your norm in turn can be a good thing because it takes you to a new level, somewhere you had not dared to experience.

I will place myself as an example: How I use to see:

I am now eating healthy… its been a few months now, but BOY oh BOY has it caused stress! Packing my foods earlier, making several small meals, eating it in between clients, hitting the gym in the morning, walking up way too early… see how I just made that sound a bit negative? That is how I use to look at it.

Here is the scenario and how I see it now:

I wake up in the morning take care of myself packing my several meals that will help my metabolism increase, and then I make time for me in between my work day. I am taking care of myself.  I make time for the gym and that makes me feel better.

I took an event and choose to make it into a positive. Of course, the action itself being a positive one. I’m not going to say Doing drugs is good for me either… that would be, well…. For the lack of the phrase i would like to use… a PG13 word, stupid. Its using your common sense, of which many of us, don’t use sometimes.

Managing your self, your life and placing VALUE to what you really want will help you make decisions on what you want most, what you have to do to make that happen and make you take CONTROL of what you want.  An example, Does time with your child come over going to the movies with your friends on a daily basis ? …. I would say NOT!  Does you having a few hours to yourself after you place your child to bed….I would say YES!. Its all how you schedule yourself.  What you allow in your lifestyle and where you allow it to fit into your life. If you have to schedule time for your kids, do it. Some people say it sounds WAY wrong, but you know what, if you do, then don’t do it. If you like the idea try it. As long its good quality time, and I don’t mean 30 a daily mins either.

Just BE MINDFUL of others while doing you too… don’t neglect other’s, you will feel more stressed afterwards. 

What about us single, non-parent workaholics? 

Schedule yourself too… Being busy is a great thing! keep you out of trouble, but MAKE TIME for your family and friends, even the person you are Dating or Getting to know.  The point of getting to know someone is just that, getting to know if they are compatible with your lifestyle, your constant changes (because changes are the only constant). If you can deal with their flaws and them yours.  Don’t be afraid to show up to your relationship. Hiding or being private will only make the other weary. Don’t be afraid to be you… at the end of the day, they will see you for you anyways.

Work wise, show up too… it help pays the bills. Whatever you do, do your best, be successful and make it happen. If you want to.

If you are like me, you know almost EVERY excuse in the book, but that should not stop you from taking initiative to do something or make it happen and successful.  YOU CAN TAKE CONTROL AND BALANCE YOUR LIFE. YOU CAN DO IT! 

Make it happen people… you don’t want to be stressed out when you can be enjoying life.

How have you learned to relieve stress? How do you do it?  Leave a comment. 🙂

Smile (If you want)

Jes Sofia Valle

Know what you want?…


Who knows what they want?…
There are many things in this life that will bring about you making choices; do you want it/them, or do you need it/them?

Having a target, a goal will help you to reach those goals. You see… you will not always know what you want in life… but you can work with what you do know and have at the moment.  You can stick to your goals you currently have, and this may eventually bring you to what you want and need. 

Just keep focused. Keep working. In the word’s of the Doreen, Movie Nemo.. “just keep swimming.”

And remember life’s only constant is change. 

I hope you have a terrific day!

Smile (If you want)

Jes Sofia Valle

Let me know what you think: Comment 🙂

How to Pack it Right!

http://blog.fueloverdose.com/wp-content/uploads/2010/06/snoopy2.jpgI’ve been investigating this whole packing business for a bit now. Every time I go away, I’ve been altering my list over and over and over… ok, you get it. 

Well, I have found something! That there is a method to the madness of packing. You see sometimes we over do it. The Answer: Take what you NEED, not what you want. Yes, If you have been reading my blog for a while now, you know I’m going back to the basics of which I wrote about in the early parts of this blog.

Need Vs. Want… and on this one, Need wins yet again! (yay need? LOL)

So this is my list with explanations so you can understand it.

A three week trip, two tropical places:

Things you will need to get organized: 

  • Luggage: One medium, one carry on, one backpack  
  • Seven (a few) Ziplock bags.  
  • A toiletries travel kit
  • Some “No air”  bags

List of Items Luggage one: 

  •  One business card in the WHOS BAG THIS IS section and one inside. Just in case they loose it, there is no excuse to have it lost in Timbuktu instead of being sent to you.
  • Your Underwear (LOL LOTS OF IT!) just kidding
    • a few pairs Learn how to wash in La Pila (the washboard).
    • 4-6 bras At least all sexy… you never know. LOL jk Not really.
  • In the Travel kit add: 
    • your favorite shampoo, conditioner, and any much needed things. Your own shampoo will remind you of home and feel safe. UNLESS you’ve recently had a fall incident in your shower or your hair dryer fell in your bubble bath…eeek. DO NOT TAKE YOUR HAIR DRYER unless you are a beautician or stylist and really NEED it.
    •  One toothbrush with a cover (you don’t want to get to a place with out a toothbrush) YUCK!
    • Soap and your wash cloth Lavander makes a cloth/scrub where you can put your soap in. 
    • Q-tips, lawd knows you should not have yellow guck coming out of your ears. 
    • Cotton pads/swabs – just in case you need to clean your face? Always a use. 
    • Lotion, SPF 65 so you won’t get burned. 
    • Your make up – you never know, might find me right now. If you are taken, well good for you. 😛
    • Hair Brush 
    • you get it. 
  • Two pair of Jeans. 
    • Wear one pair on the plane ride to reduce weight on your luggage. And just in case your plane falls down and you get LOST. Just messing.
  • Several COMFORTABLE tops. 
    • Cute and comfort. Some Cute are not always comfort. FYI 
    • for three weeks, I took 9. You can always  re-use one or two and Wash them. 
    • take cotton ones, they dry faster than other kinds. And last longer.
  • Three Dresses 
    • one semi-dressy, classy, short
  • Bathing suit(s) no more than two. 
  • Light hoodies/ sweaters (Jackets if you must take it on the plane) 
  • Shoes  
    • Tennis -wear them on the plane less bulk 
    • Heals if you must, I do wedges because they are more comfortable 
    • Sandals
    • Fashionable sneakers ( girl needs to look cute!
    • if you have a big foot like me, good luck! If i didn’t have business meetings in my vacation trips (yes I don’t stop) then I would take only tennis and Sandals.
  • If you are picky like me, take your own bath towel… I am cautious of towels that have been used by 100s of people. 

All the above Items you can place in those bags that you can suck the air out of… more space, less weight. This same bags you can use for our dirty clothes. So you wont stink up the other clothes. 

  • A Ziplock filled with small snacks.
  • Your Vitamins in another. In a post-it Place what you have, by color 
    • Ex. Orange- Daily Multi-Vitamins 
    • White- 2x daily- Calcium 
    • Blue- One weekly Vitamin D  
    • Red- Iron ….etc.
  • In another, your Meds, if any. Always good to carry some Tylenol and/or Ibuprofen.
  • One can of Self open soup. (you never know, don’t want to get stuck with out food) 
  • Any medical electrical things. I have to take my Spine Muscle stimulator. 

Carry on Bag:

This bag is intended for your valuables, to take with you on the plane. Intended for an emergency in case your bigger luggage gets delayed, and we hope not lost.  You will have a lot of space on this one. It will allow for you to come back with trinkets, presents and what not. For me, It will be COFFEE! 😀

  • One dress outfit
  • Pjs
  • Tooth brush 
  • All your jewelry (if any) 
  • Presents (if any) 
  • One can of Soup 
  • One clutch or purse 
  • A Zip Lock bag of Almonds or some nuts (snacks). NO ICE CREAM!
  • One business card in the WHOS BAG THIS IS section and one inside. Just in case they loose it, there is no excuse to have it lost in Timbuktu instead of being sent to you.

Back Pack: 

  • IPAD or Lap top (if you really NEED IT!)
  • One book to read in the plane 
  • Your Camera (take loads of memories!) 
  • In two separate Ziplocks wind all your cords and tie them up with your hair bands. This way you have your hair bands and they are being put to use all at once.
  • Your Emergent meds, Inhalers, vicodine and a snack. (I love almonds)
  • One Small Emergency kit (Johnson & Johnson make a cool one) 
  • Gum 
  • Two working Pens. 
  • Small Make up bag (ONLY the necessary)
  • Your glasses/sun glasses
  • Your Wallet – 
    • Inside  Cash, about $160-200. One big bill, the others in 20s, 5 and singles. 
    • Your ID
    • Passport 
    • Credit Cards/Bank cards 
      • Contact all your cards so they won’t think they stole your monies and you cannot use your cards where ever you go.
    • Insurance Card 
      • contact your insurance company before you leave to find out if you are covered or if you need to buy supplemental coverage 
    • If you are a AID, Like CPR certified take that. You never know when someone will need help. 
    • Business cards 
    • A bag of Change. 
    • A copy of any Doctor notes needed. (I use mine to get through the scanner due to my spine metals) 
  • Tissue (blow your nose) 
  • Headphones/ Ipod 

Try to have EVERYTHING bagged one or two days before the day of travel. Doing this at the last minute will only make you worry and you don’t need all of that before a PLANNED trip.

Day of travel: 

  • Stretch, yoga it up. Chill. 
  • Wear what you planned. Make sure you have a warm sweater you can pull over your mouth just in case you hear people coughing in the plane, It’s recycled air…
  • Get comfy 
  • Enjoy the ride.

I hope this helps you some. I will be gone for a few weeks, but I will blog at least once or twice from my destination. 

If I forgot something, Leave me a comment. Or Just leave me a comment to feel the love from far away! 😀 <3

Smile (if you want)

Jes Sofia Valle

A reminder


Sometimes we loose those whom we once shared moments with. People we out grew, but the memories remain the same. They are an avid reminder of how we grow, live and learn. A reminder that there is no excuse to forget your friends no matter how far away you maybe. A reminder that its okay to check in because our tomorrow is never promised.
Many Hugs to you. ♥ xoxo

Smile (If you want)

Jes Sofia Valle

Intensity?…. think about it.

At some point(s) in your life you will or might have an eruptive/explosive moment or even a phase. Don’t say never on this one… we are not perfect.

Well… let me inform you that this moment of intensity in life… yes, it is a test. To see if everything you have been through in life has actually stuck in your mind. To make you ask yourself, Are the lessons learned sicking for future use? Will you be able to use what you learn from those lessons?

http://butlersheetmetal.com/tinbasherblog/images/wilecoyoteroadrunner.jpgAfter your explosiveness, you will remember (to late of course) how you were suppose to react. Of course this might be after you have altered your blood pressure, mest up your vocals or even probably socked a hole in the wall and now have to add a patch to the whole thing. (eeek lol). First things first,  remember that no one is perfect and well, life is what it is. This does not making punching a hole in the wall correct, but it can stop you from punching it again. (maybe this is a little too much…but you never know who is reading this right?)

http://wesleying.org/wordpress/wp-content/uploads/2010/12/screaming.jpgYou may be torn up for a while, and feel guilty or all sorts of things. You might even think that all You may think….All you had to do was either breath and re-organize everything, take a few minutes to chill, or say what you were really going through in that moment to someone, or the wall….. you were going through something called pain.

This pain was so much it became intense.

So what do you do to avoid that?


  • When you have too much going on… take some stuff off your plate 
  • When you do not get enough sleep… seek your doctors, therapist, to help you. 
  • Drinking coffee?  Kept it to once a day before 6pm. 
  • Have a crazy household?…..find some time for you. There is always a way… be smart about it. 
  • In a chaotic relationship…. think about it… DO you really need to be in chaos? 
  • Are you a victim of some abuse?…. get help 
  • Are you trying to do too much?….. find a way to decrease you load. 
  • Being an intense person doesn’t help you or anyone…. Breath, think and do less.  
  • Use exercise as an outlet, sing, pray, wooosah it out. 

Being intense adds stress to your body that you don’t need.  Continuing to be an intense person only brings on a cycle of hurting yourself…

Think about it…

Smile (If you want to)

Jes Sofia Valle

Cafe con Leche

How Do I like my coffee?

I like to drink my coffee when I’m doing something good. In no way do I associate my coffee drinking to something negative. It is probably why I like it so much.

Once a day, I take time to make or buy some coffee. Sit down, weather it be icing my back or just to chill and catch up with my DVR. Giving myself a moment.

Always make a moment for yourself, with Coffee, or with out.

Enjoy Life.

Smile (if you want)

Jes Sofia Valle