Being Kind

For many, the act of kindness is everyday. For others, it’s been a difficult time to learn how to be kind. Neither is right or wrong. The fact that you are trying says a lot about your wanted ability. Like with everything, for some it takes lots of practice, and in practicing you end up learning more about yourself. Now, learning some hard stuff about yourself isn’t always a positive, so I recommend that if you are not use to doing this, to go to a therapist to help you process learning how to be kind. It can be tough and again, that is normal.

Learn to be kind to yourself First

So how are you kind to yourself first?

When you feel something is off, trust your instincts.

When life gives you options, do what you feel will make you feel happiest with not regrets (ie don’t choose drugs over a good run to bring your adrenaline up)

When upset at yourself, give your self grace because you are either about to learn a lesson, or you just finished learning a lesson. Ask yourself what did I learn from this so I won’t go through it again.

When you have to make a hard choice, be happy that you have choices to make.

What if you have a done something horrible?
call a therapist and talk it through. Life is to short to not work it out with yourself and someone that is trained to understand.
when you have doubts… write them down.
come back to them and revisit when you’ve given yourself a day or two to think it through.

If this is stressful? Make a cake , do some yoga and deep breathing 😮‍💨 know that all will be well and you’ve got this! Be kind to you. Once you begin to be kind to you all starts to fall into place.

Once you’ve practiced to be kind to you, then you will know and have grace to be kind to others.

Ten Reasons Why You Should Take Your Self Out on a Date

So why am I writing about this on a health post? Well… It’s more of a mental health thing. Making yourself happy is one of the biggest ways to be happy! Here is one of my many anecdotal experience.

Here I go!

1. It makes you aware of what you like to do.

I’m sitting here in between two movies that I really wanted to watch. Star Trek and Jason Bourne, having a grande soy chi latte and listening to “The best is yet to come” by Frank Sinatra at a Starbucks under the theater. And I love my Frankie, coffee and movies! This sitting at Starbucks alone can be it and I’d be happy. A reminder that I love to just chill with no one sometimes.

2. Your mind starts to think about what you would like to do next!

Like tomorrow morning I’m going to go hiking! I probably won’t write about hiking until later but I know I will have a blast!

3. You learn who you can bring into your life, and who you really don’t want to bring into your life.

Have to be picky people, this is after all your life too.

4. You get to spoil yourself a little or a lot when you take yourself out. ?? That’s how a man/woman/partner/alien is supposed to treat you when you are out. The way you treat yourself. And now I know why i’m single, high maintenance… lol jk (maybe).?

5. People watching! I love people watching. You get to watch people with their peoples and smile.

This makes me more aware of people in general. Who, what, where, when and why…and how. It is a good thing to meet new people. Not everyone will hurt you and reject you or make you wish you had not met them. Most people are kind, they do tend to make you laugh and they do things to allow yourself to be happy.

6. You accept yourself in the here and now moment, that… you are alone with no one and you can do anything you want. Or that you choose to sit at Starbucks to write your next post and have a huge smile on your face because that makes you happy…. Oh wait, that’s me! ??
7. You become a little more self assured/ secure that you can take on life on your own if you had to. But that’s why we have friends and people because you don’t need to really.

8. You gain more understanding of what makes you happy, for me it’s all about the little things.

9. You. This date is all about you. As a strong woman in this world… It’s good to know what you can or cannot do. Same for a man. A lot of dudes should really take themselves out on dates too, I hardly hear or see that, and Gym does not count. That’s something normal you already do.  Focusing and enjoying time for yourself is upmost special time. Fav!

10. You get to head to your next movie excited to see one of your favorite franchises. ???? Oh wait, that me again…well I did say this was anecdotal. lol.

Ok. So this is me enjoying my time and giving you some of my me time. Feel special readers! 😀 off to Jason Bourne I go!

Have a great time on your self- dates ya!

Smile (if you want to)

Jes Sofia

Ten ways to #Advocate for your #Parents

One thing I am noticing is that our bodies become frail as we get older. I mean, that is a given… but you don’t see it until you actually see your parents go through it, and how much you took care of yourself shows as you get older … (this may be partially true).
I’m currently at the point where my parents are going to the doctors more often. They are getting small but significant procedures done and its interesting because they are doing it back to back…meaning, one week my mom, the other week my dad. (Ahhhh :-)!) And I WANT to be there for them, even if by their side in the hospital. Luckily, I have an awesome schedule and my parents schedule their appointments to be the first appointment of the day and I can see clients in the evening, but living a caretaking life is no joke.
I can only imagine what it must be like to be in the shoes of others that cannot accompany their parents to see the doctors. Now that I’m older, I ask… do a lot of parents even get their check ups done?
Luckily to my advantage, our family knows that doctors can actually help. Growing up as a hospital kid, they learned to advocate for me. I guess those tables are turning and its time to advocate/support them. So…Here are…

Ten ways to advocate for your Parents

1. Listen to your parents and to the doctors. They are defining the issues.
A lot of people go to the doctors and don’t use the knowledge the doctors give you – parents tend to do things their way and sometimes forget what the doctor says.
2. Learn to ask for second opinions. Gather information. Sometimes this helps, not only can one doctor miss something, but you gain assurance that its not just your doctor telling you something, its now two or three.
3. Know your rights!
HIPPA (Health InsurancePortability and Accountability Act). Know what the hospital/clinical settings should be doing to protect your parent’s information.
If your parents do not speak English (in the USA), ask for a Translator. Though you may be able to translate, don’t place the burden of having to tell you parents’ things and later feeling emotions due to it. Let a professional do it, its their job, not yours. Also, there may be some medical terminology that sometimes-even professionals can’t comprehend because getting certain news about your parents can be shocking.
4. Have them Ask, Answer and make their own Decisions: Read about the conditions that they have, knowledge is power. They will want to ask you questions. Guide them to ask their doctors…gently/ sometimes sternly depending on how stubborn your parent(s) is/are…lol
Example: “mom/da/grandma, I read that this is what it is (hand them a brochure in their language), but I think you should defiantly ask the doctor as they know a lot more about this subject.”
The reason for this is to empower your parent and help them become advocated for themselves, if not already. This allows them to make an informed decision as oppose to a generalized statement “OK.”
5. Paperwork: Help keep and teach your parent how to keep their paperwork in one binder, so that if they every need anything, its all there. Doctor appointments, past and current medications. Have tabs, Label them, Past and Present. This way if their doctors (new doctors) ask about their history and your parents don’t remember, they have a binder.  Also, you can always ask your treating team for a summary of services (HIPPA).
6. Help your parents set a plan for their health. Ask questions. Its better to ask than to assume. When can they fit in exercise? What can they do or not do (mobility wise). When is their next doctor appointment? What are their general health goals?
If they have a chronic illness, how will the team of doctors treat them? These questions you can ask your parents to ask their doctors. And explain to them that its always good to know what they should expect from the doctors, even though most doctors might say, we will take it one step at a time.
This helps…
7. Be patient, assertive but not aggressive.
Because these are your parents, you will want to get mad at the person who is treating them… this will not help the situation, it will only create more anxiety.  And the whole point of you being there is to support.
A lot of the time, you will see yourself in their reactions, which is normal because…well…. They raised you and you learned things from them. So try to be patient with them and yourself.
8. Review with your parent.  I will warn you, a lot of people who have acute or chronic illness with do one of two things; talk about it like there is no tomorrow, or not talk about it like there is no tomorrow…. Be patient. Be kind and remind yourself that you are there to support not live their life.  This is also where things can get dicey. Because your parent may already know and may not want to review, your binder may help. Casually leaving the binder out might help them review their condition, but regardless, always refer them to talk to their doctors.  Have a talk about it.
9. Remind them of their follow up appointments.
10. Be you. Its good to know yourself, and your positive attributes. Sometimes it’s also good to know if you are not fit to be your parent’s supporter and you need to step away.
Most of the time it’s hard to see our Heroes being frail. If for some reason your parent(s) ask you to be there for them and you don’t feel ready, have a conversation about it. Tell them why you don’t feel capable to help them. Explain it to them. Because with out an explanation, it usually just feels like a rejection or like you don’t want to be there for them.
     I know I only said ten, but I added one because its needed.
Well… I wish you luck. And ALWAYS< ALWAYS>ALWAYS contact a doctor for support. Even if you yourself are a doctor. J
If your Parents need Insurance Click Here to find out how you can get then insurance.  For Español haga clic aqui
Smile (if you want),

Jes Sofia Valle, Founder, MA IMFT


The death of a loved one is one of life’s most stressful events. It can be the catalyst of major emotional crises to those who mourn. Grief is the internal (emotional) reaction to the death of a loved one whereas mourning is the external (behavioral)  reaction of this grief. Whether the death was expect or unaccepted, a variety of emotions arise.  These include but  are not limited to:

  • Denial
  • Disbelief
  • Confusion
  • Shock
  • Sadness
  • Yearning
  • Anger
  • Humiliation
  • Despair
  • Guilt

Historically, Elizabeth Kubler-Ross’ 5 Stages of Loss, where readily used to explain grieving; this is no longer practiced to support mourners. There are no strategic stages to grieving. Grief is a journey marked by easier moments and moments of hardship. One never gets over the death of a loved one. We simply learn to live with the loss and learn healthier ways of coping. In essence, creating a new normal.

The intensity and longevity of grieving emotions and mourning behaviors varies; everyone is different in their journey. However, there are strategies a person can use to take care for themselves through the grieving process.

  1. Seek support.  Whether is in the form of friends or relatives or professional help. Seek to express what you are feeling and going through at this time.
  2. Take care of your health. The stress the body goes through after the death of a loved one can lead to physical complications. Make sure to care for your physical well being; be sure to eat well and get plenty of rest. Be aware of the danger of developing a dependence on medication or alcohol to deal with your grief.
  3. Avoid making major life decisions. Give yourself time to adjust to the death. Another change can further complicate your emotional health and further your stress level.
  4. Be patient. It can take months or even years to absorb a major loss and accept your changed life.

Remember, with support, patience and effort, you will survive grief. Some day the pain will lessen, leaving you with cherished memories of your loved one.


National Alliance for Grieving Children. 2016. Web. 30 Jan 2016.

Gupta, Sanjay. “How Grief Can Make You Sick.” Everydayhealth. Every Day Health Media, LLC. Web. 28 January 2016.

Richardson, Angelle. Personal interview. 29 January 2016


Yaritza Zayas, MS, MFT, LPC
Yaritza Zayas, is a Marriage & Family Therapist and a Licensed Professional Counselor .   She is co-owner  of SHARE Counseling & Therapy Services™, a private practice in Philadelphia, Pa.  Yaritza graduated from Temple University with her B.S. in Human Biology and a minor in Anthropology. She earned her Master’s degree in Marriage & Family Therapy from Holy Family University.

Decreasing your Anxiety Tips

Anxiety is a part of life. With out it we may not be aware of many things.  We would be LIKE a Zebra with out its instincts and could not run away from its lion predator.  But to over due it, we would be an unable to function Zebra. To help decrease your anxiety here are some things you can begin doing:

  • Notice what kind of Anxiety you may have:
    •  Taking Notice helps you look and search for the things you may use to help you decrease the anxiety.
    • It also helps you become aware that you have anxiety
  • Ask your self, “What do I like to do that brings me a smile and leaves me relaxed?”           

  For some it can be:            

    •  Biking
    •  Walking or running at the beach.
    •  Walking your dog.
    •  Cooking
    •  Singing… you get it.

    Make sure you do what you like in moderation.

            A reminder:

    • “Exercise relaxes the body and also contributes to the release of endorphins, the body’s natural “feel good” chemicals. Virtually any type of exercise is beneficial for reducing stress, from jogging to swimming to taking a brisk walk around the block. (Quality Health, 2011)


  • Breathing
    • This is a basic of life right. Most of the times, it is as simple as that.
    • How do you do it you may ask?
    • Breath in deeply through your nose, keep your mouth closed, and hold it a few seconds.
    • You will feel your chest expand.
    • Breath out by blowing it slowly out through your mouth.
    • Repeat it until you feel calm.
  •  Do nothing
    • When you have a lot of things going on, when you are overwhelmed.
    • Sometimes you can chill, sit back and relax.

  •  Seek Help
    •  Seeking help is always an option. Consider therapy. Speaking to a professional is awesome.  They can provide you with tools that can help you specifically for you and the type of anxiety you may be having. There is an array of things you can do specifically to help you.

I Hope these few tips help you.

Smile (If you want)

Jes Sofia Valle (repost of 2011)

References:  (Jan. 13, 2011) Quality Health.

Change Rejection into a Gift

What a weird word to write about in February, right?
Well, for those of us who have ongoing issues with rejection (a lot of people do). It’s time to fess up and be vulnerable. Meaning, Change your thinking of rejection into a positive one. Being Vulnerable is a strength. It means you are allowing yourself to be, feel and grow. WHAAAAAAA (in a *minion voice*). Yup! Turn your rejection into a positive!
How the hezy?
Well, here is a thought starter:

1. Know that not everyone in the world will say yes to you. And know that, that rejection in itself is a gift.
noun: gift; plural noun: gifts
A thing given willingly to someone without payment; a present. (Thanks, Google, 2016).

2. Acknowledge that you are feeling hurt. Why? Because you are a person and we were created to be acknowledged, even we have to acknowledge the feeling of hurt once we are being rejected.
The reason to acknowledge your feeling is to allow you to feel. To realize that you are important. This does NOT mean you have to go all Carrie on someone because of your feeling hurt due to being rejected… No one else can make you think or feel but you.
You are in control of you… no one else controls your thoughts of feelings unless your body is going chemically hey wire (side note: this means EVERYONE at some point in their life, or points… and this is not an excuse most of the time) in which there are people there to help you (talk to your insurance carrier to help you find someone). Oh yeah, or you have become a Stepford wife and you have become into a machine. XP Controlling others is too much work anyways, just be!

3. Be… Being human, yes we are imperfect, but just because we are not perfect, that does not mean that we are not good enough, because we are good enough. More so, rejection is one of those gifts Life gives us to help us stay humble. You begin to grow when you realize that it’s ok for someone to say no to us, yet we are still good enough… No one can change the value of humanness that you have placed upon yourself. No one.
Did I confuse you? Good. Take time to read what I wrote, and enjoy the process of loving yourself and accepting yourself for all you are, flawless in all flaws, and strong in all weakness.

Smile if you want,


“We cultivate love when we allow our most vulnerable and powerful selves to be deeply seen and known, and when we honor the spiritual connection that grows from that offering with trust, respect, kindness and affection.
Love is not something we give or get; it is something that we nurture and grow, a connection that can only be cultivated between two people when it exists within each one of them – we can only love others as much as we love ourselves.
Shame, blame, disrespect, betrayal, and the withholding of affection damage the roots from which love grows. Love can only survive these injuries if they are acknowledged, healed and rare.”
― Brené Brown, The Gifts of Imperfection: Let Go of Who You Think You’re Supposed to Be and Embrace Who You Are

Latina in HongKong

Some of you may have been following my adventures and know that I met a special person (now boyfriend) “J” who is the best friend of Bryce, whom I met while filming Project Runway All Stars. Well the stars certainly aligned, the timing finally became right for us (both dating other people when we first met), and now we are in this full-blown relationship that has changed my life.

Read more: 

How to Keep Your Health While Being an Influencer.

Keep your health while being an influencer

Influencers are committed, consistent, creative, idea driven, motivating and obviously…influential people. They too become overwhelmed, stressed but they just know how to work it so no one knows.

So How do you use your influence to help your health?

Here are five simple steps to help you keep your health while being an influencer:

1. Do what you love doing.
Most often once you are an influence of something you are placed in a box of the influence you are a part of. I say if the box is what you love stay in it. If it isn’t well go outside the box. When you love what you do you are happy. Happy wife happy life? Not married that’s ok your married to being an influence.

most influentials usually have the first one down because they became an influencer though being who they are… But just incase…

2. Consistency:
Influencers are consistent most of the time… Guess what? Your human- #Take5 minutes to help you recharge a few times during your day. We are not telling you to stop… But we are suggesting you take time to chill, slow your mind and body to relax. Keep that consistent, then work hard so you can play harder.

3. Commitment:
Stay committed to you. As an influencer you are pushed and pulled and most of the time on the go. So stay committed to (______<your name), you. Make sure that with in your schedule you add #MeTime.

You don’t have time? … Well guess who is boss?! You are so make the time to take care of you. Think: Health, mental health and your soul’s HEALTH Too.

4. Creativity:
Influencers are most of time creative. Well it’s time to get creative with your health. I speak from experience… I would put my job before my health… But guess what? It doesn’t turn out well… So I had to learn to keep me alive before I became a dead influencer. Be creative, have your meetings in a #dailywalk. Talk to people while you are taking a stroll and then continue with your walk.

And five!

5. Motivate:
Once you are able to schedule your #Take5 minutes for you in your happy influential position because you like what you do and are able to be creative where you are at in your life…. Then others will follow and do the same. After all, you are influential right?
Stay influential. Stay alive. Hopeful and motivated. Keep it healthy, keep it going!


Jes Sofia Valle
Global Influential.

Stressed Out? …Ways to help keep Stress Away

Stress… It is an everyday thing unfortunately. But does it have to be? “Stress is preventable and treatable. It can be challenging at times, but it can defiantly help your daily living.  Like with a lot of things, recognizing you have stress is the first if the first step.”

  How do you know you have stress?
  • Intense frustration, such that you feel like screaming, over crying, wanting to be alone
  • Panic when faced with a fairly simple tasks
  • Irritability and bad temper
  • Sleeplessness or over sleeping
  • A need for excessive alcohol or tranquilizer intake in order to relax
  • Physical appearance; disheveled.
  • You know you have stress.
What are ways your can relieve your stress? 
  • Take a moment to Breath: in through your nose out through your mouth
  • Get organized: If your home/office is messy you will feel messy.
    • Clean your home  
·       Clean your office  
·       Organize your pantry  
·       Make your bed in the mornings     
  • Get Rest: Rest is a must. You cannot expect your car to run with out gas… you must rest.
·       Eat a Good meal. In moderation, eat your favorite meal. Cook if that helps you.
·       Meals are very important.
·       Get Sleep is a must. You don’t want to end up burning out.
·       Light a candle: a scent that you find soothing
·       Bubble baths: Water allows for your mind to be relaxed
·       Sit outside away from the chaos and light an inscent
·       Do light things: When you are stress decrease your load. If you are always on the go… Learn to slow down and stop sometimes. 
·       Remain Positive: If you allow the hardships to overcome you, they will do just that. Make sure you continue to think positive. Think Positive about yourself
  • Exercise: Don’t underestimate the value of a brisk walk. It allows for your to clear your mind, allows oxygen to your muscles to allow them to relax.    
  • Talk to your friends: If you have kids and they are driving you crazy, or your work boss is telling you to do too much… Vent. It’s OK to vent. This doesn’t mean you have to talk down or bad about someone, just means you can tell a friend of how YOU are feeling and What YOU are going through.  
  • Have YOU days: This one is my favorite. If you are with a partner ask them to help you. If you are a single mom, ask a friend to help you. Personally, I love my Mani-Pedi days or Beach time. 
·       Read a Book: Allow yourself to be distracted by something that has nothing to do with your stress.
·       Listen to music: Listen to something that you know will calm you down.
·       Write your thoughts down in a Journal. 
If your stress is too much, talk to someone about it. Having tools to decrease your stress and possible anxiety will only help you. 
I wish you rest, peace and ongoing enjoyment of life in a serene way.  
Smile (if you want),  

Want and Need

In life, there are many situations that may bring you to say the word no, but you end up saying yes. A lot of them are in relationships, money, lifestyle, etc.
Knowing when to say no is much necessary. A lot of people do not say it too often and end up doing things they don’t really want to do. Or get too involved in life altering commitments. The following are some suggestions or things to learn and questions that you may ask yourself the next time something comes up.

Learn the meaning of want and need.

“Need” is a basic living essential like, if you don’t have it, you could die. Life food and water.

“Want” is something that you feel you need, or you really desire, but not having it doesn’t mean you die. Like the Luis Boutin heals.

Do I need this or do I want it?

Then learning to be truthful to yourself and honoring what you really need vs. what you want. At the end of the day, what you get or do not get falls on you. You will live with the choices you make. Yes people!!! What our parents told us growing up (well, mines always did) about making correct decision does follow us. And if you are reading this, then you will say… awe man! That old lady was right! LOL Mommy I love you and you are not old yet!

Nevertheless, pick, choose and learn what works for you.

If you’re dating someone, make sure you get what you need out of it, and make sure you give what you want to give to it. Learn that saying no will have some response and results from both sides. After all isn’t that a big part of a relationship…communication.

In friendships, learn to say no or yes. Allow your friends to be a part of your life, but don’t allow them to run it. Running your life is your job. Saying no is ok. And so is yes, as long as you are true to you.

In money!!!!!!!!! Defiantly learn how to say no. And learn what you want and what you need. And remember to save for a rainy day…lol.

Ok people, with that I’m off to make my dinner and not eat pasta and make some salmon because I don’t want or need the calories of pasta, but I do want and need healthy food. Just threw this in here to mess with you.

I hope you live and learn everyday, and learn to know what your want and need in life.

Live life, love, and be!