The Troops are Home! – The Act of Being.

According this Morning’s E-mail, “early this morning the last of the troops left Iraq.” -Barack Obama

I am very excited to hear this, as I have a lot of friends who has siblings, friends, cousins fighting for our safety. I want to say with ALL my heart that I am VERY THANKFUL for all your hard work, all you have survived…may you have peace that you are home and you can literally protect your loved ones now and they can feel that they can protect you too.

It is always a good feeling when you are near the ones you love, there is no feeling like it. To be able to talk, communicate and tell your stories even if fresh. A remainder to the families that have people coming back, you may not ever fully grasp all that your loved one went through in the war, but being there, being supportive and loving them is important. They May not want to talk about it yet, but being there when they do and listening will do good. The act of just BEING is Bigger and Stronger than you can think.

Having to re-adjust may not always be easy, but it can defiantly happen when you make it happen. I am Thankful that the troops are back! Now let us serve them as they served their country to keep us safe. They are defiantly heroes.

This is “A reminder that we all have a stake in our country’s Future, and a saying in the direction we choose.” -Barack Obama

Props! Thumbs up! High Fives! I wish i could give all Vets a hug right now!

Happy Holidays!!

Smile (If you want)

Jes Sofia

Teaching Your Child Respect: Rules and Consequences: How to Implament. (ages 4-9) Part 2

I have been writing this one since last week because with out practice (Role-play) it will be a bit interesting to implement, so I am re-writing this as simple as possible with examples.

*Something I forgot to mention last time was that its good to coordinate with one or two of the school rules with your list so that your child can associate home rules like school rules. Most kids this age range follow school rules because that is not only habitual for them, but most teachers have awesome Behavior Charts ( I give you tips with that too).*

Before the Next step: Make a list of all of their THINGS your child likes (DS, WII, Playing outside…etc)
From this List high-lite the ones that you think would work well in helping you during consequences time and provide a time… Don’t take education, coloring or basic living (eating) ones away. You don’t want to be neglectful.

For the next step set aside a day you are home: Make it happen.
Now that you have the rules done.

How will you implement them? Well…here we go!

1. Explain the rules to your children. Let them know why you are placing rules in your home (DON’T BLAME THEM … ie. I’m putting rules because YOU don’t know how to behave. The last thing they will listen to is you after you make them feel bad). Would you like it if I told you your not good so I’m going to make you have rules? Umm humm. So There you go.

2. While explaining, Observe and state their positives. Remember the list I suggest you make in Part 1? We are using it. Here is where you tell your child, (ie…You are an awesome son/daughter, You can read, play, etc). Acknowledge the good things about your child as you convey the rules. If you acknowledge them while doing so, you will make it into a positive memory and the chances of them listening to you are higher.

3. After you have explained the rules to your child, have them choose a place (usually the common area, back of the front door or the refrigerator) anywhere where it is visible to the child, where it is eye level/ visible and But at the same time where they cannot rip it off the wall roll it up and hide it from you. LOL Yes it happens more often than you think…

4. Now that you have explained it, and you (usually parents/caregivers in child’s life do it together for cohesion and consistency) have posted it up, Ask your child about the home rules. Your personality usually shows up here too… make it a matter of fact and fun.

  • (Huh? fact and fun?… I usually act like Colombo and say “Oh you know we where just doing something, and I forgot what?!  Child: You forgot?!!! You: Yeah! Help me yeah?…) 
  • Have the child recite the rules back to you. This way you know they not only can read them, or they can see them. (if a child is non- reading level yet, make your rules into pictures and write down the rule next to it).
5. Now that your child has told you the house rules, now you take them through the home and role-play. “This is how you do this rule.” 🙂 If the rule is to take a bath, take a bath. No yelling, model a calm voice…etc.
6. After you have practiced the rules… let them know what the consequences are (go to the list you made before beginning this set.)
7. Give them an example :
You: “Chanchita if you do not follow the rules, I will give you one Warning. “
Child: Mom what is a warning?
You: Give the answer.
Child: ok… But mom.
You: Hold on let me finish please. 🙂 (Tone remains calm)
Then…if you DO NOT listen after the first warning and do the chore in (give them a decent amount of time… NOW is not helpful in the long term, you are teaching them instant gratification (remember you are the model)) The only NOWs (and explain this) should be emergencies.
Tell him/her what will be taken away and for how long.
With explaining the consequences, make sure you also inform them that you will count to 3 and if by that time it is not done the get a consequence.
Please make it for more than 2-3 days… you will need the DS to help you at some point too.
8. Be consistent with rule setting and Make sure you follow through. If you don’t follow through your child will think that they can get away with murder.
9. Give them a warning and then begin to count to three… if they do not listen…consequences.
10. Be consistent, follow your own home rules and follow through. If you choose not to be consistent, good luck, you are causing your own heart ache. ( So I see and have heard).
Part 3: Behavior Chart Tips
Smile (if you like)
Disclaimer: I am suggesting you do this, but you don’t have to if you don’t want.
QUESTIONS?  Leave a comment please.


Reciprocity, it is a major “thing” in any type of relationship… but don’t get mad when people can’t do it.  Just means they 1. Don’t want to or 2. They never learned how to. Either way… you planted the seed and can only hope for the best. Expectations can be a ______. LOL But like with anything, there is a pro to Expectations; they raise the Bar.

Smile (if you want)

Jes Sofia

Did everything on your own? No such thing

Something I have learned through my parents, educators, siblings, friends and foes…is that…I cannot say I have done everything on my own… who I am, how I think, my built, my emotional capacity and my will…are just a part of it.

With that, educate yourself, be kind and always acknowledge the pathways that lead you where you are at now…you did not do everything on your own, no such thing. You where never alone, I bet there was always someone in your pathway guiding you. Even when YOU THOUGHT no one was there for you, the fact that those people where “not there” for you was part of them being there for you now.

Think about it. If it where not for the people in your life, you would not be where you are at now, even if they where or where not what you EXPECTED them to be. You can always ask them to be though, its their choice if they choose not to be that in your life, at least you asked. So Acknowledge them…name by name, bless them and life will do the same.

Always remember this the next time you feel like you are doing everything on your own… There is no such thing. Even the food you bought came from somewhere and was handled by someone else. Thank Them the next time you say no one was there for you. Because unless you are your own farmer/hunter you did not go out there and farm/hunt your own meal.

Have a wonderful morning. 🙂

Smile (if you want)

Jes Sofia

Republicans in the Senate Blocked Ambassador

Office of the Press Secretary

December 12, 2011

Today a partisan group of Republicans in the Senate blocked our Ambassador to El Salvador from returning to her job, choosing instead to play politics with America’s national interests.

 Ambassador Aponte has served our nation with distinction over the past year, accumulating an impressive list of accomplishments that included negotiating a Partnership for Growth between the United States and El Salvador that is critical to our economic and national security interests in the region. Ambassador Aponte’s leadership on behalf of the United States has earned her the respect of all sides in El Salvador, and the trust of leaders in the United States from across the political spectrum and diverse communities.

Today’s filibuster is one more example of the type of political posturing and partisanship the American people are tired of seeing in Washington. Now is not the time for playing politics, it’s time for Congress to do the right thing for the American people. Whether it’s allowing up or down votes on our representatives to the Western Hemisphere, allowing consumers to have someone looking out for their interests, or extending and expanding the payroll tax cut for the middle class, Republicans in Congress need to stop thinking about the next election and start putting the best interests of the American people first.”

Coach For the Holiday Party!


Its that time where you go to parties, but you don’t want to take your everyday jewelry and purse!  You want to look “Chic” and you want to make a settle statement. Here it is! 

Coach came out with there awesome Small Pave Stud Earrings and Small Bags.  
You will feel sooo pretty!

Occasion Sequin Framed Large Wristlet 
[more colors available]
I hope you enjoy your trip to www.Coach.Com! 🙂
Smile (If you want) 

Charlie Brown Center Piece Tree

So I was in the mood for decorating this year and just in time my work asked for Volunteers for our Holiday party. Of course I added something to my things to do because I LOVE TO MAKE A PARTY!

So I did a few things… But my favorite part of it all was this center Piece. I Called it my Charlie Brown Center Piece Tree. Try saying that ten times! LOL

Things Needed:

  • One IKEA vase ($1.99)
  • Color Ornaments (Ornamininimants as I use to say when I was little). ( 99 cent Store…99 Cents) 
  • A squigly stick 
  • a Piece of Garland

How to make it!

Be creative! Mix the Holiday Orniments, Garland into the Vase. Add the stick in the middle and add an Orniment on top. You can even add your favorite orniments like stars, Trains, nick nacks and Make it your own style.

Let me tell you, it was a hit. I liked it a lot.

Hope you like it.

Smile (if you want)

Jes Sofia

Death and Taxes… more like Death IN Taxes… and MORE White House Info.

Here we go!

“We have a number of White House updates that impact…!” -Julie R. TWH

More so, almost all of America if you think about it..What am I talking (writing about)? TAXES…And This does not look good in our pockets for the NEXT YEARS Taxes if you don’t speak up. I know that if the payroll tax cut would not pass…it would mess me up a bit. I already Owe for school Loans…Now Imagine now not being able to get some relief in your taxes because you own a lot more?

“On Wednesday, President Obama spoke at Scranton High School about the American Jobs Act and why passing the payroll tax cut for the middle class is so important. On Thursday, the Senate rejected an extension of the payroll tax cut that is set to expire at the end of the month. If Congress doesn’t act, taxes will go up on approximately 160 million Americans on January 31st. Use the tax calculator on the White House web page to figure out how much more you would have to pay.” -The White House


“President Obama continued to take executive actions this week because We Can’t Wait for Congress:

  • “On Monday the President issued a Presidential Memorandum to modernize government records management; and on Wednesday Kathleen Sebelius, Secretary of Health and Human Services, announced a plan to accelerate the adoption of health information technology.” – TWH

This means, stop the paper, use electronic chart (I will assume). We have it all over mental health and in hospitals… just the next step. I think they will need to hire a Scanning technician with for old files. That is what UCLA did with old x-rays… Yes I use to be a film Liberian that scanned x-rays. I’m pretty sure their paperwork is headed to the scanner too… Be careful WH, you want to know who is scanning our papers VERY well…

  • “Friday, President Obama announced nearly $4 billion of investment in energy upgrades to public and private buildings through the Better Buildings Challenge. These investments will accelerate progress toward the President’s goal of making America’s buildings 20 percent more efficient by 2020 and will also create tens of thousands of construction jobs.” -TWH

I got a phone call recently about solar power… I think its a great idea, it would allow for more jobs.

  • “On Thursday, President Obama marked World AIDS Day by speaking at an event called “The Beginning of the End of AIDS.” The President announced that he is directing $50 million in increased funding for domestic HIV/AIDS treatment and care — an additional $15 million for the Ryan White program for HIV medical clinics across the country, and $35 million for state AIDS Drug Assistance Programs.When compared with all other racial/ethnic groups, Latinos are more likely to die from AIDS related complications within 18 months of HIV diagnosis.” -TWH 

 I say YES to this! I believe that that in order to fight it, you have to know about it. HIV is bigger than what you think… Just because you may not know much about it, or ignore it, does not mean it does not exist.  To put the word out is easy, to make it happen takes money. Good one.

My Question is… DO you want to have a say on how much you want to get back or give to taxes? I would…Speak up! Use your rights. 🙂 
Smile (If you want) 
Jes Sofia

Burberry Belted Lambskin Leather Hobo

Burberry Belted Lambskin Leather HoboI love!

Burberry had been one of my favorite Lines since I knew anything about Labels.  I remember walking into the store as a teen and wanting a handbag… I never liked the ones that had all the logos on them… So I’ve always liked the clean cut ones… While shopping for the holidays I saw this one..,

You can buy it at 

General Size Information:
  • Dimensions: 14 1/2″W x 13″H x 4 1/4″D. (Measures large.)
  • Strap drop: 8″.
  • Shoulder strap drop: 15″.
  • Handbag Sizing