Ten simple tips in Bringing your Ideas to action while Recuperating.

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So there are many things you can do while you are recuperating. I can tell you for a fact that there are… Bloggers of Health was a product of recuperations.

Let me tell you our short story…

So I (Jes…yes me) couldn’t walk… more to come in the book for that one. But while I was bored out my wits end and wishing that the aliens overtook my body and magically did some new spine experiment to make me walk again… I decided to stay busy. Well, first I was looking for new spines in the black market… but I only found the white and black market where they sell super cute clothes so that was a bust… then I was looking for health blogs in English and Spanish to find others who had the same stuff I had, mind you this was back in 2010… like 100 years ago. So… here came Jes with her brilliant Ideas wanting to make a voice for a population who didn’t have one. I ended up finding people who blogged and from there a whole bunch of fun began. JesSofiaSays was born and then after working hard in it…became Bloggers of Health. Recently i’ve been standing still (recouping) and another part of my hope for my blog began… (which ill show you later in a few months). And that how Bloggers of Health became.

So since I’ve coached many how to do this, I figured i’ll give you ten tips:

  1. Just do it! Write down your plan. This help because if you are like me, you may forget it after you say oh hey I have an idea!
  2. Tell someone about it, preferably someone you trust and not someone who would take your idea and run with it, without you… I’ve seen this oh soon much. It’s actually happened to me before too.
  3. Go to SCORE and find someone to help you develop a plan and get all you need to get done to make sure your idea becomes an action.
  4. Keep at it until someone listens to you.
  5. Find funders and associate yourself with startup weekends to help you develop your ideas. These are like 54 hours of crazy intense weekends to help you develop your strategy and most times venture capitalist or awesome peoples like so and me are there helping you develop.
  6. Stay hydrated and take care of yourself. Most people forget that an idea can take the life out of you if you are not taking care of yourself… so you must do that.
  7. Continue to walk (if your doctor allows you and I meant this metaphorically)! When you are in pain after surgery and thinking OMGOSH i’m soon bored and i’m feeling soooooo like I can’t do anything… Well, after taking your pain meds and a nappy nap… make sure you continue to draw, write, or tell your story to people who are listening. Though I will caution you… don’t write online when you are on deluded, vicodines (meds) and about to fall asleep because of your meds… people tend to notice when you are high on line. Yeah spine surges where no joke.
  8. GO online and see who in your circles are entrepreneurs, the ones that are making it happen and ask for help.
  9. Oh yeah… did I mention you HAVE to take care of yourself first? Well,… yes. A must do!!
  10. Read and do your research in depth and ask yourself if you have a hobby or an idea that is needed in the world. Being real with yourself is important.

Apparently Bloggers of Health was defiantly needed when I started because we’ve been award winning for ages not. And I’m sooooo thankful for that.

I hope you recuperate soundly and in the time provided for you do recuperate. I also hope you don’t get so bored while doing it so.

Smile if you want,


P.S Follow your doctor’s instructions… they went to school for this! X-D

You never know…

Want and Need

In life, there are many situations that may bring you to say the word no, but you end up saying yes. A lot of them are in relationships, money, lifestyle, etc.
Knowing when to say no is much necessary. A lot of people do not say it too often and end up doing things they don’t really want to do. Or get too involved in life altering commitments. The following are some suggestions or things to learn and questions that you may ask yourself the next time something comes up.

Learn the meaning of want and need.

“Need” is a basic living essential like, if you don’t have it, you could die. Life food and water.

“Want” is something that you feel you need, or you really desire, but not having it doesn’t mean you die. Like the Luis Boutin heals.

Do I need this or do I want it?

Then learning to be truthful to yourself and honoring what you really need vs. what you want. At the end of the day, what you get or do not get falls on you. You will live with the choices you make. Yes people!!! What our parents told us growing up (well, mines always did) about making correct decision does follow us. And if you are reading this, then you will say… awe man! That old lady was right! LOL Mommy I love you and you are not old yet!

Nevertheless, pick, choose and learn what works for you.

If you’re dating someone, make sure you get what you need out of it, and make sure you give what you want to give to it. Learn that saying no will have some response and results from both sides. After all isn’t that a big part of a relationship…communication.

In friendships, learn to say no or yes. Allow your friends to be a part of your life, but don’t allow them to run it. Running your life is your job. Saying no is ok. And so is yes, as long as you are true to you.

In money!!!!!!!!! Defiantly learn how to say no. And learn what you want and what you need. And remember to save for a rainy day…lol.

Ok people, with that I’m off to make my dinner and not eat pasta and make some salmon because I don’t want or need the calories of pasta, but I do want and need healthy food. Just threw this in here to mess with you.

I hope you live and learn everyday, and learn to know what your want and need in life.

Live life, love, and be!

Where to begin: The process of #PositiveThinking.

In life,… OoooChild! In life we go through sooooo much. ONE thing I can tell you on this Post is that the way you choose to think after something happens, its what you make of it. You can make a hard situation harder, or you can acknowledged that something good may come out of that situation.

Here are Five simple steps to help you begin your positive Journey:

1. OBSERVE the positive: 

Take a moment and ask yourself what are the people, things, behaviors and words that people say that are positive, and leave it at that (for now). Don’t go all worry wards and begin to think of the negative. Keep it at the positive. If you are a people watcher, don’t be jelly or caddy… really acknowledged and observe what makes people, your surrounding, the people around you positive.

Avoid saying, for Example: I love that about you, BUT i …. or I think thats awesome BUT… see what happens is that BUT negates everything you said before that was positive. Keep it simple. I like that. I love your sense of style. I like how you cook.  NOT,I like how you cook BUT you could have added more salt. You know what people are saying to themselves when you say that? Here it goes… They are saying… “well darn it! you cook and how about you put your own damn salt!” You know most are. However, if you just say I liked your cooking. They will think “Oh she/he appreciates my co” AND do it genuinely. Because people can tell when you are faking it. (yes and this is just step one).

Summary of one: Keep it simple (unlike what I just did…LOL) I like….I think (insert positive).

2. Positive Writing

Take a journal and every morning or evening or lunch time… take 10-20 minutes to write down what you observed that was positive. What you witnessed that was positive. If you have children, write down the positives, if you have a spouse, write down hers/his positives down. Write down your positives. Again, let go of the worry or the “buts” and the “what ifs” and focus ONLY on the positives. It takes practice, you nor am I perfect… but you can do this.

Mental note helps. More so, by actually writing it, you are allowing your body to become synced with your positive thoughts. You are now feeling the positive. You are feeling the pen or pencil that is in fact putting out what you are thinking and making it more concrete. More real, it is no longer just a thought. It’s on paper.

*For families here is an idea: Take a paper lunch bag, have everyone design it in a family setting and everyday place a POSITIVE note (ONLY) in your family’s lunch bag. At the end of the day or week, read what awesome things your family members have thought about you.

3. Talk the Positive you observed and wrote.  

Positive Self-Statements

First and up most, learn to give yourself a positive kudo. SOMETIMES…MOST TIMES if you are not saying, thinking, feeling positives about yourself, then you probably are not saying positives about others. Just saying… its known to be a behavioral pattern.

So begin with Positive self-statements.  I like what I’m wearing, I like that I can laugh, I like that I’m learning to be a positive person… Use “I” statements, And throw in some (a lot of)  Love… I love that I am a good woman/man. I love that I am alive, I love that I can cook, clean, do an awesome job (insert your job/work duties here) and I love that I can say I love! 🙂

4. Continue to talk positives. 

Positive Statements 

Now, steps three and four are usually interchanged. Why? because (based on providing therapeutic experience)  most people who don’t think positive can talk about other’s positives first before talking about themselves or admitting their awesome-ness to their selves. And that is awesome. AS LONG as you work on your self too! I mean how can you tell someone their are awesome, and not see yourself for being awesome. That saying, “It takes one to know one?” well… it takes an awesome person to acknowledge an awesome person. Its in you.

Tell being what you see that’s awesome about them or something they like. I tend to be random because it makes people smile. I usually say “I think that dress, tie, looks good on you. Your rocking’ it!” Of course if i thinking it too. I have to be honest, most women tend to be able to give other women props for looking good. And it may be seen different with men. But hey! if your single ready to mingle, stroke that ego! stroke that ego!!! LOL

and Lastly

5. Believe in the positive. 

Have conversations in a positive format. 

Sometimes we lose practice of observing, recognizing, acknowledging, admitting, stating, reporting, living ours and other’s positivity that we become brittle folks. Don’t become a Brittle folk! Enjoy life. I mean your breathing for goodness sakes! Make sure you take advantage of that. Live, believe it and show it! I mean I’m Thirty *cough cough* something and I can’t believe I’m already in my thirties. now imagine you, you are either younger or more Mature (yeah you know you liked that!) than me, so make it good. Make it happen! Make is positive! Make it you! Make it life.


Smile (if you want to)

Jes Sofia Valle 

#Adjust to #Change

We are creatures that Move. We move home, apartments, cities, jobs, states, we drive too much and we sit too much too. So what do we do when our “routine” has changed?

Here are some tips to help you Adjust to your new ways.

1. Look for the things you like in your new surrounding area. They may not have your favorite things, but they may have something better. Remember its how you perceive things. If you like your shrimp and veggies, find a place that gives you shrimp and veggies. If you like Trader Joes, then look for a Trader Joes.  Don’t be afraid to try out new things too… part of change is experiencing what you didn’t have before and now you do.

2. Make sure you know where the police station around your new surrounding is at. Safety is always important. Know the hospitals etc. God forbid you need to go one, but its always good to know “just in case.”

3. Take pics of your surroundings. I’m not saying post them on Facebook or Instagram. I’m saying, learn to love where you are around. Find the details that allow you to look for, search the beauty of where you are at. I’ve learned to look at nature. AND I love pictures so it goes hand in hand.

4. Let people who you trust know where you are at. This way, just in case you go off the rid… you have someone know where you are at (Again, safety).

5. Traffic. I know here in Los Angeles (where I’m from) we have traffic at various hours of the day, and other times, we don’t. It all depends on where you are at and where you want to go. use traffic finders to seek what routs would allow you to get to your daily and “normal” routs faster and more efficiently. The last thing you want to do is stay in traffic after a hard days work and you come home to your new place and start to hate it because of it… Oooo child!

6. Enjoy your new change. Accept the fact that you are growing, allowing change in your life and being at one with you and yours.

7. Sit in your new place and allow the good vibes to come on in.

8. Drink water. And DECORATE it pretty to your liking (if you want).

9. Relax as much as possible.

10. Smile.

Hope this helps some.
I talk from experience.

Smile (if you want to).

Jes Sofia 

My Affair…. with Dove

I love my Hair! 

Tis true. I think, taking care of my hair is the most time consuming part of getting ready for me. Granted I get ready pretty fast…(so I think..LOL).  But I do know and think is that taking care of myself is a big part of staying Mentally Prepared for my day. Because when I take care of me first, I can take care of everyone else better. So Taking care of me is very important. There is more to its than looking cute. 

So what does one do when they have frizzy long hair? Well, I will be honest. This is my to do list I do to keep my hair healthy as possible… 

1.  I wash my hair with Dove’s Hair Therapy. 

2. Brush it while its still wet 

3. Towel dry it and let the hair be damp dry. 

4. Add some Style+Care Frizz-Free Shine  Cream-Serum 
and let the hair dry out. 

Usually I let my hair air dry but If I have to then I’ll use my hair dryer to help it dry up a little bit. Still leaving it moist because I don’t like it all dry. 

After my hair is dry I place it in a Swirl Bun. (Is when you swirl you hair and make it into a bun). And a few hours later I have curls and bounce, soft and good smelling hair. Another reason why I don’t like to do too much to my hair is because If i add curls or dry it up with the blow dryer I get a burnt smell. 
And then I have this! I like to use my Self Friend pictures because I’m about keeping it real. So this is my Hair after I did What I wrote before. 

This is me with my hair about to speak at a Mental Health Pannel at the #LATISM13 conference in New York. 

and the Second picture is of me and Mel enjoying New York and an awesome fun time after dinner party. Isn’t she Gorgeous!? 🙂 

Note: Disclaimer: These Dove products were provided free of charge in collaboration with Bloggers of Health to facilitate this product review.  I just love their Hair Products and I like their Socially responsible company. 

When too much is too much


Looks like there are times where there is too much going on. We say yes to a lot and at the end of the day we need to learn to say NO. This yes thing in turn causes us stress. Did you know that stress can cause health issues? Stress is known to be associated with affecting your overall health.
Some issues that can come about stress are:

Mental health disorders, like depression and anxiety
High Blood Pressure
Abnormal heart beats
Heart disease
High blood pressure
and other issues.

WHY can stress cause this?  Hormones. The body responds to stress by emitting stress hormones. All the flight or fight hormones come out and make things happen… stuff we don’t want to happen (see list above).

So what can you do to help decrease this stress thing?

I can tell you from my experience what I have done:

You can say NO to things. Saying Yes to everything will take a toll.
You can make a few nights where you vegg. (I make these days Catching up with Books and DVR nights)
You can stop, sit and breath (in through your nose, out through your mouth)
You can exercises: YOGA!  #dailywalks
You can do things that make you happy. 
You can catch up and talk with your friend on the phone.
Go out with your friends.
You can write in your journal.
Dude… the list is long.

The point is that you do things that don’t cause you stress. If you are stressing over what to do to not have stress, then stop and just sit down and do nothing. Oooh Child! you need to relax before you get to the Wren & Stimpy pic. I hope this reminds you that its ok to sit and chill.

I’m off to chill more now.

Smile (if you want),

Jes Sofia

Bloggers Of Health

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