Author: bloggersofhealth
January Health Observances Dates For 2011

There is a lot to say about Observing Health. Many people live every day with illness everyday and live strong. If you are inspired as I am to help others. Please help and be inspired by their willingness to live strong. I am inspired by you who live through and with an ongoing illness. <3

There a lot to say… a lot to say! about friends. The end.
Just messing.
This word is everlasting. Actually, this word is very transitional. I say this as I sit at my friends home laughing because we are just being us.
As random as this will sound, this is what friends are too me. They are people you can be you with… being silly, moody, funny, exaggerated, hyper, quiet, sarcastic, chatty, anything you want to make it.
The people you can go to when feeling low and they somehow, with one word, make everything ok. When you are happy and you are able to rejoice with them because they are your cheerleaders as you are for them. Pure Joy.
And yes we were sober while I write this:
Friend B: Straightening her hair getting ready to cut it. Saying “my hair is transitional”
Friend A: Lays on her couch and asked to be a “publicity hog desperately wanting to place her name onto my blog.” She wants me to interview her.. and to place her products onto my blog.
Friend B: Making all sorts of noises in the restroom and all of us screaming across from each other.
Me: Why didn’t you make me some coffee today?
Friend A: I will make you my famous coffee once I get up to cute nap.
Me: says Blah
Friend A: says Blaaahhhh
Friend B: says count Dracula bleuhhh.
Friend A: You left the tea bags in the sink Friend B!
Friend B: I did what!?
Me: Laughs…Ya’ll favorite color is clear!
Friend B: Imma Break yo’ face!
Friend A: Laughs… Le ghetto.
Me: Oooh Child!
I wish I had a tape recorder.
Friendships. Need I say more?…
What does the word “friend” mean to you?
Paula’s Pancake House- Solvang
Have you ever had a Dutch Pancake?
I recently was taken by my mom to Solvang. A city about 2.5 hours away from Los Angeles, CA. A Dutch town, small and super nice during the holidays. And we had breakfast in this little home cooking place, I truly enjoyed.
There is shopping, and so many little knacks to buy. It is cold at this time of year… but you can only imagine how this place looked during the spring.
We were walking in the cold and I think we were too brave. LOL.
The entry to this city actually reminds me of a City in Guatemala in called San Lucas.. one of my favorite spots. It is the most amazing entry to a city. Big HUGE green Christmas Trees and behind then super awesome long vineyards!
And did I mention, the ride going up from Los Angeles. It is Superb!
It is long, so you have to take a break like every 30 mins… But you can walk and stretch… and that is why there is shopping right? LOL
Here are some of our trip pics.
Yoga Wear by Divine
It is the beginning of the year, and as many of you choose to be healthy, I would recommend the Yoga wear for your new years resolution. Divine is an awesome Designer that makes the wear you see here and on her
Her stylish yoga wear reminds you of core things to be reminded in life. Love,To breath, and other hopeful messages that remind us of an awesome peaceful life.
Basic Tips: To make a Resolution
- “a formal expression of opinion or intention made, usually after voting, by a formal organization, a legislature, a club, or other group. “
- “a resolve or determination: to make a firm resolution to do something.”
- “the act of resolving or determining upon an action or course of action, method, procedure, etc.”
- “the mental state or quality of being resolved or resolute; firmness of purpose.”
- “the act or process of resolving or separating into constituent or elementary parts.”

- Don’t overdue your expectation; keep it real.
- You know yourself, honestly, keep it real.
- If you cannot afford it, find it cheaper etc.

- Write your Main resolution down, and your goal(s) to obtain this resolution down and next to it write “flexible when needed.”
- Make a chart to help plan your goal(s) if you need to.
- Keep it short and in increments.
- This way you can do things little by little, not all at once.
- When you strive for something everything has a process…remember this.
- Tell someone about your goal.
- This helps you keep you on track, journal it.
- Find other friends who are doing the same or similar goals to create support.
- Be happy with your goal, stick to it.
- If you feel you need to upgrade it, do it. After all its your goal.
- Don’t overstress yourself. A goal leads to a resolution that is usually set to allow stress to be relieved.
- If you goal add too much stress, think about it.
- Your goal is that, your goal to have a resolution.
Note: This is not meant for everyone, but its a start if you want to begin. 😀
Effort I tell ya! : Doing what I preach…
I’ve been writing for a bit now for people out there on how to take care of yourself. Is anyone out there???? I hope so.
I’ve written about people; highlighting their strengths. Writing about how to look at your basics in life, instincts, follow your dreams, be modest to others and rest when you need to rest. Giving hope.
Well, I’ve been doing just that too, practicing what I preach. Resting, giving myself hope when pleading for spasm mercy! and talking to my besties (Best friends) and even crying on the phone to my boyfriend, yes I am human too…lol
He is awesome. My facebook quote last night: “I ♥ my bf. I’ve been taking meds to ease my cough etc… and I’m sleepy and meds make me feel icky and all emotional. He called… I cried, he made me laugh. I can always count on him even if far away. So excited he is coming home soon!” It also helps that hes an awesome man. Facebook people… geniuses I tell ya!
What is going on?! you may ask. Well… along with getting fit, back better, I became so sick last month, got pneumonia/bronchitis, got better, then again got another strain of this horrible flu. Immune system weakness I like to call it. Can a girl get a break! hijola (e-hole-la)! (geesh in Spanish). It really took me down. Like for many of us out there…I think I slept for two days straight. Going to my family for only 3 hours for the holiday eve and my Christmas was filled with sleep. When I did wake up, it was to reply to text, tweets and some phone calls. I even attempted to speak to some friends…giving up only because when I spoke, I coughed. It is a bit funny now that I write about it because my last post was about having a low day.
More so, today my mom (awesome support) asked me to make an effort to get better because she was becoming worried. (When do mother’s no worry right?) So with my sneeze, red nose, I’m making an effort, I’m writing, she reads my blogs. Also, to make my mind begin to think that I am doing better. Sleeping another day will only make my back hurt more anyways. As if coughing helped right? It is a string of things, coughing aggravates my back pain, which then makes me feel more yucky. I definitely will and want this to go away.
So this is my personal update to you. I’m better than two days ago. My back is spasming after a lot of coughing but I’m resting. For those that know me, rest for me is like telling a fish not to swim… but I’m doing it. I’m learning its a must sometimes. Life is a little lot of effort, to rest, is too an effort sometimes too.
I hope you had an awesome holiday! I’m excited for the new year! What do you think about the topic of New Year Resolution? ha! here is comes!
Happy Holidays,
Easy Breakfast – french toast – sweet!
Do you ever want to start off your day with something Sweet but afraid of the calories?
I did today. It is raining outside, and oatmeal although wonderful, was a bit to cliche for me today. I know right.. food being “cliche” … hey hey now It was cute. lol 😀
So I looked in my fridge and saw two buns left over from last nights dinner.
All you need for this breakfast are four things:
- One Egg
- Milk
- Cinnamon/Nutmeg
- Fruit
I mixed the first three ingredients (just enough milk for your liking). Dunked the bread in. Sliced a bit of butter (smidgen) and placed in pan. Then I Placed the soaked bread in the pan. Let them brown, added some Blueberries and Some light syrup. TADA!! food ready! 🙂 AND of course! I added a cup of milk on the side. It was a bit crunchy, soft inside, very tasty and I helped decrease the calories with the light syrup. SOOO yummy! Enjoy!
Sing-off Finally
There is music… then there are vocals!
Being a choir chick, I’ve grown super fond of the show Sing-Off. Where every weak you can here
Best days of the week for the best deals!
I was watching The Nate Berkus Show today and I was so happy that his friend, “Financial expert Alexa Von Tobel Shows what the best days of the week are for the best deals.”
I though this was an awesome Show today! Take a Look!