What to add to your planner…

“So What do I put in my planner???”

First of all…buy a planner from Franklin Covey

After you get your self and your family planners.


  1. In your planner plan time with your family. 
    • Usually I ask the parents (if you have kids) to help them write it down. If you have teens to communicate about it and help them write it down.
      • Make time to have dinner with your family.
      • If you are on a budget, its even better cook it… make a new “i remember when Dad or Mom use to cook” time. 
      • Board Games.. not boring games… board games.  
  2. Write in time for you. 
    • Remember, with out placing on the oxygen mask first, you cannot help someone else.
    • Give yourself time to make you count too… after all don’t you help run the home?  Would you like to have a sleepy pilot flying the plane? I don’t think so. Make it so that your loved one, even if its just you, get a great you. 
      • Gym time
      • Personal time 
      • Lifetime (Movie channel)
  3. Work…. 
    • http://judykerrblog.files.wordpress.com/2010/08/snoopy.jpg

    • Your goals
    • Your inspirations
    • time working 
    • meetings

    Allow yourself to be organized… It will help you with a lot in your busy life. Just don’t do a Garfield. LOL


    ***If this becomes overwhelming, start slow… and remember these are just suggestions. You can add more or less to your planner.

      Thank you,

      Smile (If you want)
      Jes Sofia

      QUESTION: How do you make your life run as smooth as you can make it run???

      A one sided relationship with Michael Kors


      As you may know by now… I have a thing for Michael Kors and his designs; his fashion. I tend to look at what brings to Nordies to match my wardrobe daily.  It is a relationship I have with him with out him knowing… you know how that goes. Like when you were a teenager and you had a crush on a boy and would tell your girls how you wish you could just sit down and chat with him… but when he speaks you run away…

      Well, I wouldn’t run away from Michael Kors, but I would defiantly smile and carry a conversation about how much I like his style.. his brand… his mind. He is gay I think, so there is no way I could ever marry him… But I wouldn’t mind being a Muse.

      So this are the Items I LOVE for right now… this too changes as I see new things… this just comes with being in a one sided relationship with Michael Kors… LOL

      Yes, I am silly.  Oh the Joy of writing…

      MICHAEL Michael Kors 'Sailor' Wide Leg Jeans (Plus)You can find these at Nordrstoms

      And you can find me Shopping at:
      The Grove LA
      Westside Pavillions 

      Who is your favorite? And where do you shop?

      Paper or Plastik Cafe

      I’m sitting at a cafe… where the chi latte and pastries are what they are suppose to be… appetizing.  The Music is electric and the atmosphere is calm.  I’m eating a lemon treat… Delicious. I wouldn’t know of this place other than my dog ran away a few weeks ago and I had to chase him all the way over here… Thanks Buddy. You will hear about him again… he is back home.

      This place is also a dance studio and on the weekends they have a gift store where you are able to get…what else than gifts.  A grungy chic place. I like it. I like it so I say you go and enjoy the chi latte.

      Location: Corner or Pico and Ogden Dr.
      Paper or Plastik Cafe
      5772 West Pico Blvd.
      Los Angeles, CA 90019.
      7AM – 10PM 323.935.0268

      NightLife: This Holiday Weekend are you ready? – The SLGroup

       Do you have your MLK weekend planned? 
      Weather you are Los Angeles, Hollywood, Pasadena or Alhambra. 
      There is a place for you to go.  Go to All Places!
      Thursday, January 13th @ THE FALCON in HOLLYWOOD

      Click on people’s faces in the photo to tag them.
      Welcome will be asked to approve all tags before others can see them.
      This MLK Weekend come Celebrate the Dream! 
      At ULTRA DIVA Sunday January 16th 2011 with NO School or NO Work the Next Day all Inside the all New LUNA Supper Club in DIamond Bar with DJs David Delano, BIg Syphy Syphe, Joey Radikal , & E-Kid +plus Mind Bending Eye candy by Samantha Padilla & Amanda Nicole. 
      All tables Almost Sold out! Book yours Today. 

      What are your plans looking like now? 😉 

      Using Nature to Remain Calm…

      Nature is beautiful. Maybe not around the corner where you see trash on the sidewalk. But if you take a moment to look up and ahead of where you are walking, you may find that there is an awesome view. I usually take a moment to see above the floor.

      I love photographing nature. It allows me to be calm. When I feel overwhelmed I tend to go to the beach, The Getty Center and/or hiking to a high peak to help “remove myself” from whatever is causing the overwhelming feeling. Somewhere I can breath and relax. I usually sit and stare at the beauty of nature and tend to get my “head on straight.”

      This helps with reducing muscle tension, anxiety, anger, anything you want. At the end of the day, it is your thinking that allows you to “keep control” of how you want to feel, think and be. But I also want to remind you that feeling “out of control” can sometimes be good… why? Because sometimes you need a reality check, and feeling “out of control” is like a pain signal in your body telling you that something is not right.

      Regardless if you feel in or out of control, going to a place that gives you peace is always good.

      Here are some picture I recently took of The Getty Center. Staring out into the scenery helped me more than I expected… I reminded me how awesome life is for me no matter how much pain my body gives me. And Yes, I am paying attention to those signals too. 


      Cupid and Eros, getting to know Avi and Jo

      Avi and Jo

      Avi and Jo from Cupid and Eros, both are very sweet, diverse, positive, high spirited and greatly skilled people. They are a great duo, power partners I say.  I will tell you a bit about them…

      Avi Glijansky, the producer/director/writer of Cupid and Eros is Venezuelan via parents. Born and raised in Philly, moved to New York to attend Film School.  He writes, produces and directs Cupid and Eros.  He is witty and very passionate about his work. You can view his details and though as you see the episodes.

      He currently lives in Los Angeles, with his Lady and an awesome dog.  His drive to make Cupid and Eros reminded me that passion is only the beginning of making your dream a reality.

      So what is Cupid and Eros? The same god?

      Josh and Jo

      Cupid and Eros are two names of the same god, they are in fact colleagues, each the god of love in their respective pantheon.  They still match up mortals and do their best to stem the tide of infidelity and divorce, but besides their common mission they are as different as night and day. Cupid is the original “nice guy”; sweet, charming, but constantly in the “friend zone”.  Eros on the other hand is sexy as hell, and irresistible to anything with a pulse – mortal, god, or anything in between.  He’s the ultimate romantic, she’s the ultimate personification of passion and unbridled sensuality.

      Cast: Josh Heine, Jo Bozarth, Kiera Anderson, and Phillip Ward

      Their current three episodes you can view on MingleMediaTV  Cupid and Eros
      and their new season begins January 24, 2010.

      Paul and Jo

      Jo, whom I call the muse, the actress, plays Eros. Her talent makes Eros the hot and sensual goddess. Jo is sweet and kind, Eros…you have to see to find out. I can only tell you that she is able to change persona in her roles.

      Jo Bozarth began acting “on the side to satisfy the need for creativity” while obtaining her degree in psychology. She has worked with many independent features films. Including her own film which she co-wrote and co-produced; Ofelia and Joe. She plays the part of  her mother in a love story that portrays a Mexican woman and an American man dealing with the barriers of language as they fall in love while working on the same Vineyard in 1960’s California. Talk about history in the making. A bilingual short film.

      Avi and Jo also work on An Evening With Eros. A humorously skilled mini that allows you to have just that, an evening with Eros and her thoughts as she answers godly questions.

      I met to awesome people. Avi and Jo. I say you can view their godly work, their current three episodes on WebTV  Cupid and Eros. Their new season begins January 24, 2010.

      Thank You Avi and Jo. It was awesome getting to know you.

      Keep posted as I will continue to follow these two through their season of Cupid and Eros.

      Smile (If you want)

      Jes Sofia Valle

      West Restaurant & Lounge

      Panoramic views. Great Drinks. Wonderful Marcia. Live Jazz Mondays, Tuesdays and Thursdays. Happy Hour 4-7PM.

      West is a stylish restaurant & lounge, high atop in the Hotel Angeleno in  Los Angeles, CA. It has  boastful panoramic views and floor-to-ceiling windows. Wonderful service and an amazing atmosphere. A perfect place to have drinks with your friends while you view the sunset, bring in the night, laugh, and enjoy sports on the TV if you are watching the highlights of the Laker vs. Suns or Spurs vs. Celtics NBA games.  Or Listen to Live Jazz on Mondays, Tuesdays and Thursdays. 
      West is officially my new transitional place.

      Their California fresh Italian steakhouse menus featuring prime dry aged steaks, chops and roasts with traditional pastas and small plates are delicious.  I had their ravioli and the Sabor (flavor) was lip smacking. Their wine selection of Italian and California wines are perfectly paired for every dish if you choose wine. The bar and lounge offers specialty cocktails, my favorite is the Dark Rum Mojito, served by our wonderful and gracious host Marcia.

      If you want to chill with your friends, or a date, they have comfortable lounge areas overlooking Downtown Los Angeles and the Beautifully Lite 405 fwy. If you dine your view stretches from beaches to downtown LA. Gorgeous!
      I strongly recommend you take the time to visit  WEST Restaurant & Lounge in Los Angeles

      WEST Restaurant & Lounge in Los Angeles.
      Where Sunset Boulevard Meets the 405.

      170 N. Church Lane
      Penthouse Level, 17th Floor
      Los Angeles, CA 90049

      Reservations:  310.481.7878
      Telephone:  310.476.6411
      Private Dining:  310.481.7872

      Smile (If your want), I did at West!

      Jes Sofia Valle

      Pictures taken by JSV  Tell me what you think.  (leave a comment)

      The Getty Center: Obsidian Mirror-Travels Ancient Mexican Art and Achaeology

      Eastern Medicine, Einar de la Torre (Mexican, b. 1963) and Jamex de la Torre (Mexican, b. 1960), 2008. Blown glass and mixed media. Koplin Del Rio Gallery, Culver City

       “This [small] exhibition explores representations of Mexican archaeological objects and sites made from the Colonial era to the present.”

      The Objects in the exhibition portrayed Mexico’s Mexico’s indigenous civilizations being overtaken by the European conquerors. The Objects tell an emotional story of fascination, fear, “Eradicating populations, destroying monuments, and suppressing native religions.”

      This exhibition, “created over the past five centuries by explorers, archaeologists, and artists who have in one way or another used Mexico’s Pre-Columbian past as a vehicle for their journeys.”

      A wonderful Exhibit to see. Running until March 27, 2011
      1200 Getty Center Drive
      Los Angeles, CA 90049

      Admission: Free
      Parking: $15

      Information Gathered from Attendance and The Getty Research Institute pamphlet.

      Asking- It has a Process

      http://thoughtfulpop.files.wordpress.com/2010/11/curious-george.jpgIn my Journey of loving living life (try saying that 10xs), I’ve learned that everything has a process. I am still learning that everything has a process at age 28, oh wait, 29 now…  Can you believe this?   I would think by know that the phrase/thought “there is a process to asking for things” is ingrained into my thought process… but no… I still forget.

      Like yesterday, I become excited about an idea I had. After speaking to someone about my idea, I was quickly informed that there was a method to asking to get my idea accomplished. Kudos to that someone.  I re-learned that there is a method to asking. Asking for things… Simple right? Which brings me back to basics.

      I began to think of rules I learned in grammar school. I.E:  How to do ask to go to the bathroom?

      http://www.freecoloringpages911.com/images/large/curious-george-coloring-pages/curious-george-coloring-pages-7_LRG.jpg1. Raise your hand
      2. Wait until you are spoken to
      3. Have to say “May I PLEASE”
      4. Get the Big PINK key
      5. Get a hall pass…
      6. Continue to follow directions.

      So why is it that at age 29, I forgot how to ask for something?

      Let me know what you think…(leave a comment) 

      Smile (If you want),

      Jes Sofia Valle

      LaFayette 148 New York

      Looking for a comfortable outfit for your work day? Here is a keeper!

      I always find that while going to work I do not have a lot of time to get ready. You can takeout the guess work with these stylish ensembles at LaFayette 148 New York.

      While at work, look chic and be super comfortable.
      I love LaFayette 148 New York!  They are all of that and more! How much more comfortable can you look when you feel chic?

      Sold at Salon Z, Saks Fifth Avenue