Avi and Jo |
Avi and Jo from Cupid and Eros, both are very sweet, diverse, positive, high spirited and greatly skilled people. They are a great duo, power partners I say. I will tell you a bit about them…
Avi Glijansky, the producer/director/writer of Cupid and Eros is Venezuelan via parents. Born and raised in Philly, moved to New York to attend Film School. He writes, produces and directs Cupid and Eros. He is witty and very passionate about his work. You can view his details and though as you see the episodes.
He currently lives in Los Angeles, with his Lady and an awesome dog. His drive to make Cupid and Eros reminded me that passion is only the beginning of making your dream a reality.
So what is Cupid and Eros? The same god?
Josh and Jo |
“Cupid and Eros are two names of the same god, they are in fact colleagues, each the god of love in their respective pantheon. They still match up mortals and do their best to stem the tide of infidelity and divorce, but besides their common mission they are as different as night and day. Cupid is the original “nice guy”; sweet, charming, but constantly in the “friend zone”. Eros on the other hand is sexy as hell, and irresistible to anything with a pulse – mortal, god, or anything in between. He’s the ultimate romantic, she’s the ultimate personification of passion and unbridled sensuality.“
Cast: Josh Heine, Jo Bozarth, Kiera Anderson, and Phillip Ward
Their current three episodes you can view on MingleMediaTV Cupid and Eros
and their new season begins January 24, 2010.
Paul and Jo |
Jo, whom I call the muse, the actress, plays Eros. Her talent makes Eros the hot and sensual goddess. Jo is sweet and kind, Eros…you have to see to find out. I can only tell you that she is able to change persona in her roles.
Jo Bozarth began acting “on the side to satisfy the need for creativity” while obtaining her degree in psychology. She has worked with many independent features films. Including her own film which she co-wrote and co-produced; Ofelia and Joe. She plays the part of her mother in a love story that portrays a Mexican woman and an American man dealing with the barriers of language as they fall in love while working on the same Vineyard in 1960’s California. Talk about history in the making. A bilingual short film.
Avi and Jo also work on An Evening With Eros. A humorously skilled mini that allows you to have just that, an evening with Eros and her thoughts as she answers godly questions.
I met to awesome people. Avi and Jo. I say you can view their godly work, their current three episodes on WebTV Cupid and Eros. Their new season begins January 24, 2010.
Thank You Avi and Jo. It was awesome getting to know you.
Keep posted as I will continue to follow these two through their season of Cupid and Eros.
Smile (If you want)
Jes Sofia Valle