Falling off your chair


Today I fell off my chair while laughing in Starbucks… [insert LOL here] HAHAHAHAHAHA!

I was chatting with this random, I have no idea who they are, writer…

He apparently was hilarious since I feel off my chair laughing. I could not hold it in… he was really funny. Then… he said I helped him create a character and would be in his writing. I said… sure! He also I would see it on TV somehow… I said, call Sofia on your script… He said said “ok.” I said, and when you become famous I want some money since you are using my life as a base to this character…

So basically I was laughing at him making fun of my life… Sometimes you just have to laugh at yourself, even if its someone else is making fun of all the “stuff” you have gone through.

He made me laugh.

I hope you have an awesome week… I am starting mine with laughter.

 Smile (if you want)

Jes Sofia Valle

February Health Observances Dates For 2011

http://www.hilary-duff.us/wp-content/uploads/2010/07/healthy-heart.gifFebruary is in the air and with it comes February Health Awareness. I hope you love you enough to take care of your heart. It is after all the muscle that allows you to not only read this awesome blog, but it also what allows you to do everything you can do in life. Happy Valentines day! Take care of your Heart in Every way! <3

AMD / Low Vision Awareness Month                                                  1-28             

Burn Awareness Week, National (1st full week)                                     6-12            
Cardiac Rehabilitation Week, National (Valentines week)             13-19            
Cardiovascular Professionals Week(Valentines week)                         13-19            
Child Passenger Safety Week, National(2nd week)                         13-19            
Children’s Dental Health Month, National                                                  1-28
Children of Alcoholics Week, National(2nd week)                         13-19            
Condom Week, National(Valentines week)                                     13-19            
Congenital Heart Defect (CHD) Awareness Week                                     7-14
Donor Day, National(Valentines)                                                             14            
Duchenne Muscular Dystrophy Awareness Week (2nd week)             13-19            
Eating Disorders Awareness Week, National(last Sunday)             27-March 5
Eating Disorders Screening Program(last Sunday)                         27-March 5            
Girls and Women in Sports Day, National(1st Wed.)                         2
Give Kids A Smile Day(1st Friday)                                                             4
Heart Month, American                                                                         1-28            
Kids E.N.T. (Ears, Nose, Throat) Month                                                 1-28            
Porphyria Week, National(last full 8 day week or 3rd Sun.)            19-26            
Pride in Food Service Week(1st work week)                                     7-11            
Wear Red Day, National(1st Fri)                                                             4
Women’s Heart Health Day, National(3rd Fri. of Feb.)                        18


“Border enforced can control Illegal Immigrants but not their Dreams and Destiny.” 

The are two sides to everything in life. In the web series ILLEGAL you will find yourself wanting to press the next button to view the development of two stories. These two stories show you of what being ILLEGAL is and what not being ILLEGAL is in California. 

Staring Cast: Omar Mora, Aida Rodriguez, Johnny Soto and Bruce Baker. 
Directed By: Johnny Soto
Written By: Omar Mora and Fernando Gaviria



Audience Choice Selection Award New Media Film Festival
The Main Actors:  

http://ia.media-imdb.com/images/M/MV5BMTU5MzIzNjA0MV5BMl5BanBnXkFtZTcwMjg2MjI3Mg@@._V1._SY314_CR128,0,214,314_.jpg“Omar Mora (Sebastian) was born and raised on the island of Puerto Rico. His passion to help others led him to study medicine. Throughout his life, Omar always dreamed of becoming an actor.  The decision to pursue this dream of became a reality on September 11, 2001. He started at The School for Film and Television in Manhattan, NY., where he studied for 2 years. After, he Studied in Manhattan, NY for two years, he decided to move to Los Angeles, CA to continue his purse his dream. Since he moved to Los Angeles, he has been actively filming independent feature films.” 

http://4.bp.blogspot.com/_kI1Y4BHlS0I/TKYKLKaTiwI/AAAAAAAAA_M/m2S00heJRMw/s1600/flirty.jpg Aida Rodriguez (Bea) born Puerto rican, was part of our Successful Women Series this past December. She “is a chronicle writer, Actress and Comedian. Writing for “No Kisses for Free,” which she co-wrote with Gary Hardwick (Deliver us From Eva, The Brothers) which is set to fun for three weeks in Los Angeles, CA in Spring 2011. She also create/wrote/starred in “The Greatest Song” alongside Lamman Rucker (Why Did I Get Married, Meet The Browns) distributed by Image Entertainment. Currently she is working with Omar Mora on ILLEGAL. 

“When Previously asked how she became associate with this project, she mentions that they were tired of viewing how America, Americans use the labor workers to to their labor cleaning, gardening etc, yet “Illegal Immigrants” do no receive the same respect as American do. We ask Illegal people to get things don, but when we, the country, are asked to reciprocate to help whom we use, American does not help. [Paraphrased] –Aida
JesSofia Says… Both Hands up! Forget thumbs… use all your fingers and palms!
  ILLEGAL takes me back to a movie “A day in a life of a Mexican.”  What would the country do with out “the burden” of illegal immigrants?  And By we, I mean Latinos/Hispanics as we are usually seen as the prime suspects. However, what would you do with out us? After all did not the American come from else where for a better life feeling persecution of religion and terror? A contradiction, don’t you Think? At least this is what I was taught in my history classes… so why not allow the same from other countries?   I am sure the great mediators would be able to find a way to keep balance.  
Moreover, this judgment not only happens to just Latinos, there are more “Illegal” people who suffer in pursuit their dreams in this country. There are Chinese, Europeans, but for some reason we seem to be the main target.  “IMMAGRATION DOES NOT ONLY INCLUDE LATINOS.”                                     
There is a lot to say about this … tell me what you think about the “Illegal”  Web Series (I say I love it)…View WebTVSeries Minglemedia                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    
Smile (If you want)

Making You


There are a lot of things that you go through life to make you happen… You work so hard to create your name, to make money, to live life, party, have fun, get healthy… the list is ongoing.. it is life after all.

So why is it that we forget the number one thing?… What is it Jes? YOU!!!!!

In an ongoing fast pace city we become so involved in creating a life, a brand… that we forget why we are doing all of this. I see it on TV, people forgetting to take care of themselves and living Life.  I hear it with the people I talk to, it even happened to me.

You see…I became so Involved in making me happen… that I forgot about me. By “me” I mean, my physical health, my mental health, my lifestyle. I deserted my friends, kinda, my family saw me like once every three months. Yes… and My spirituality… I stilled believe in what I do.. but I did not take action in what I believed.

It took, two spine surgeries and finally a car accident to realize and hear my friend’s and mother’s “continual nags” saying to me… “sit, take some time to rest, eat, sleep.” I was a contradiction. I wanted to help the world, when I was not placing my oxygen mask on first.

Why is it so hard to give YOU time? 

Becoming someone is an addiction,  especially when you enjoy being a professional you. You live to make a name… when all you have to realize is that your name was given to you when you where born (Deep right?, I thought so). You see… becoming a you means taking care of you.

Here is a list of Common Things you check off to allow you to be you.


  • Breath – Do things that you can to chill, relax, sit and breath. 
  • General check ups- Get to a doctors. if you don’t have insurance hit up a general free clinic. 
  • Exercise: This use to be my weakness… I didn’t do what I should have done. But it’s the best thing you can do!
  • Eat healthy. Its actually less expensive the make healthy meals than to eat out. Its a recession people! 😀 
Mental Health:

  • Woosah!  Take time to do a woosa moment. Again, BREATH. 
  • Focus on yourself. This is NOT being self-centered in the negative (conceited) meaning. It is  allowing yourself to focus on the you. Where you are going. Where you are coming from. Where you want to go. 
  • It is NEVER a bad thing to center yourself. But like with everything too much sometimes is never a good thing. 


  • You don’t have to believe in anything if you don’t want. But not believing is actually believing in something too.. you believe that you don’t believed. 
  • Get grounded in what you believe. Look at what drew you in to believing the first place, and why you stopped. 
  • What did your parents, family instill in you? 
  • How do you fit into your own Self-Culture into your family, you daily culture?
  • If you don’t know anything about your family history, or religion status… how can you change that? By looking for it right? SO get to it. 

http://familyguy.eg-w.com/wp-content/uploads/2008/07/family-guy-picnic-2500.jpgFamily/Friends/loved ones: 

  • Make time! MAKE TIME! 
    • You can live alone… some people are built that way… but MOST are not. 
    • You are the one who calls the shots… this then allows you to say YES I HAVE TIME for the people I care for. 
  • Spend that time you will take to give them and make those memories. This does not have to be expensive either. Hanging out and catching up at the park or while getting your exercises on. Make time to call back and give reasons as to why you cannot make it to things. 
  • Allow your friends and family to be there for you. Asking for help does NOT mean you are weak. Its the opposite. It helps you know who is really there for you.  

Enjoy life. You only have one here on this earth. You are not a cat, and you don’t have 9 lives. But in this one life, you have time to make your life balanced. To be able to take care of yourself, your name, your brand, you. Its what you make of it right? So make it balanced, if you have you in tact, then you will have time for everything you allow. YOU ALLOW.

Smile (if you want).

Take care of you,

Jes Sofia Valle 

Your Diabetes Is My Diabetes: A Bilingual Family Matter By Issac Itman

Your Diabetes Is My Diabetes: A Bilingual Family Matter

By Isaac Itman
Back in his native Venezuela, Manuel Hernandez was working for a company which required a mandatory annual physical examination among its employees and that rule eventually helped him find out about his diabetes.
“When I was young we used to watch our diet at home and although I wouldn’t say we had the healthiest diet, we would control what we ate, especially sugars,” he said. “I was aware about diabetes because I had a family history of Type 1 and Type 2 diabetes on my father’s side.”
The 35 year-old electrical engineer who now lives in Orlando, Fla., said that in 2002 he was overweight and through his annual blood test his doctor found that his blood sugar levels were high, around 150 mg/dl. Back then, his doctor put him on a diet but in spite of losing weight, his blood sugar levels were still elevated and eventually, he was diagnosed with Type 2 diabetes and began to take oral medication. Read More


American Diabetes Association
http://www.diabetes.org Exit Disclaimer
National Diabetes Information Clearinghouse (NDIC)
National Center for Chronic Disease Prevention and Health Promotion
Es tu diabetes (it is your diabetes) (In Spanish)
http://www.estudiabetes.com Exit Disclaimer
Tu diabetes (your diabetes)
http://www.tudiabetes.com Exit Disclaimer
PADRE Foundation
http://www.padrefoundation.org/ Exit Disclaimer

Silk, Shoes and Shorts?

Shoes! Silk! and Shorts! What did I just say? Hotnesss!

Silk in warm weather? what??  I use it as a transitional, evening. When the nights are not too cold, but not too hot. When you just want luxury and comfort all at once.

Tis time here in Los Angeles to bring out the toes. For you who still have snow… enjoy your uggs!

We have some snow too… but not in front of my house!…lol It is in the mountains.

Today it was in the high-mid 70’s, and I had to bring out the toes… I wore my super comfy Soft Wedges. I noticed that I didn’t have much choice of Sandals after my last closet clean up… I gave all my peep-toe heals away because I couldn’t wear them with my back in so much pain. But wedges! And I’ve now grown to love thick healed peep-toe shoes too! OMGoodness, a whole new world for me.

Stilettos will ALWAYS have a part of my closet… but this is a whole new adventure.  So today I wore wedges..first time in a VERY long time.

Check out these thick healed shoes… You can wear them with some cute shorts, a silk flowy (did I just make up a word again?)  blouse. Ooooh child!
Click on the Picture to get to Piperlime and Nordstrom.

What do you like to wear when its warm?


Are Allergies Causing Your Joint Pain?

“By Lisa D. Ellis

Reviewed by QualityHealth’s Medical Advisory Board

Got joint pain? If you’re experiencing deep, painful aches, you may wonder if it could stem from your allergies in some way. This is a reasonable assumption, but experts say that joint pain and allergies are usually not related, although it’s possible for them to co-occur. Read on for some suggestions as to what else could be to blame.

Causes of Joint Pain: Allergies or Autoimmune Disorder?
Allergies are an immune system reaction that occurs when your body comes into contact with a trigger that is perceived dangerous and thereby launches an attack against it. While joint pain isn’t usually involved, it’s common for allergies to cause sneezing, congestion, and coughing as well as itchy eyes, rash, and wheezing.

On the other hand, autoimmune conditions such as arthritis and lupus occur when your immune system launches an attack against itself (rather than against an allergen). This can indeed cause joint pain, along with swelling and fatigue.” For More Click here…Are Allergies Causing Your Joint Pain?

2nd Annual Latino Business Awards.

The awards luncheon  is:

Date: Thursday, January 27, 2011

Time: 11:00 a.m. – 1:30 p.m

Location: Millennium Biltmore Hotel, 506 S. Grand Ave., Los Angeles, CA 90071
Tickets: Individual – $75 each/ Table of 10- $750.  Nominated Companies receive one complimentary ticket.

You can purchase tickets in the events section of the  LA Business Journal website at http://labusinessjournal.com/bizevents/