
Sleep, the best thing created in my life! It is what allows my pours at night to rejuvenate, to allow all my face lotion’s nutrients to make my face smooth! LOL.


“Sleep is a naturally recurring state of relatively suspended sensory and motor activity, characterized by total or partial unconsciousness and the inactivity of nearly all voluntary muscles. It is distinguished from quiet wakefulness by a decreased ability to react to stimuli, and it is more easily reversible than hibernation or coma. Sleep is a heightened anabolic state, accentuating the growth and rejuvenation of the immune, nervous, skeletal and muscular systems.”

Moreover, it allows for a better tomorrow. And for many, sleep is an inability that requires much work or a distinct process. For some, like me at me at times, sleep is laying on my bed and knocking out. But, unlike my normal self tonight, many people, like me — have a difficulty with sleep. It hard! Wanting to go to sleep and not being able to. Not even Ambien helps some. Which allows me to say that I fully empathize with all that have difficulties sleeping.

I know, Its a fact, that I have my reasons as to why I am not able to fall asleep tonight, that fact being that my pain increased tonight. Nevertheless, I would think that my body would want to sleep. Don’t you think? If sleep is a method to heal and restore, and the body doesn’t sleep while in pain… Does that make sleep a fake “best thing ever created in life?”

My attempts for sleep shall be: (giving you ideas here…*wink*)

I hope, that you sleep well tonight. Whoosa, yoga, listening to my breathing, warm milk, taking a warm shower, snuggling with my piwoo (pillow), praying to the sleep gods for rest, focusing on my pain to help reduce it (some people may cry themselves to sleep (ie.breakup, death, etc) all OK), Ibuprofen! (That will be me for sure…LOL), placing some brown sugar by D’Angelo tunes to sing me to sleep, Ahhh this I like! (I would take out Dicey Street blues or of the list, too up beat and maybe, dare I say, Smooth). Remembering of times and places that allow me comfort and peace.

Everything Happens for a reason. πŸ™‚ I’m writing to you about it, am I not? πŸ˜€

Goodnight. Sleep tight. ☺

Being Positive for your own good

Something about life that I have learned thus far is that no matter what happens, I am to remain positive. Granted, I have been though much in my Short lifespan…and though at times I did not think positive, everyone else around me knew that positivity was what I wanted and need. I think by now remaining positive and calm have attached to me like my name.

Moreover, I like to be positive because only life knows what great things have come from being positive. Along with great health. Lower blood pressure, less stress, increase other things, and low bad other things… get it? πŸ™‚ The way you think = the way your feel.

Not to say that I have not had my days where I am sad, or have become angry… I just try to bring it back to staying positive. After all, I am a human. It’s healthy to be angry at what one goes through, but I also have seen, that if you let it get too far, you’ve done just that, you’ve let it go too far.

So next time your day goes bad, feel it, but get back to a balance and not remain on sour note for the rest of your day. You body may be taking it in, and you may not even know it.

Live life, Love, Smile and Be… if you choose to be happy.



Every wonder how many of your close friend and loved ones are long distance now a days?

Going back to us all being connected. Why is it that when you sense something about someone and you call them and think of them they say “OMG I was JUST thinking about you!” or “DUDE I was just about to dialing your number.” Why is this? What makes our bonds so tight that we can do this? Do we have telepathy powers?


AND If we don’t call when we feel we should…because we are too busy with our life, is that telling us that its not all about us? Hummm (Hollerrrrr! Aleluyerrr!)

Because Reality check! Life is not all about us! I mean we need to defend and “rekon” with our life and lifestyle… BUT we are not meant to be un-social “beans” (beings).

Well… I will tell you how I have achieved in friendships in this social media/computergenic cyberrific world…

I type…Hello! HA-HA! what else did you want me to say???

So next time you think of someone and want to see how they are doing, do it! Call them, e-mail them, text them, write an “old fashion” “snail mail” letter (i love getting those), hit them up on skype, yahoo, AIM, Dishnetwork, clone yourself, Blogg it, gmail it, Myspace it (no dead yet), Facebook it, High Five it, send an online fax, send a “old fashion” fax, morse code the Hello to your peeps. Heck send a telegraph! Have someone ride a horse to leave them a massage! Do it! You will make someone smile.

You will remain connected (point) and when the Aliens come to get us, someone in this earth will know your are gone to mars on vacation. (kidding)

Have a sweet day!

Friend or Faux?

Today’s topic… Independence – Dependence / Friend or Faux

As you can tell by the way I write, I hope you know that I’m a pretty independent girl. I’m usually doing things on my own and I try not to “bug” anyone if I can do it myself. Well, yesterday an event happened in my life where I not only became sad, but it made me aware that I am not She-ra…too old for ya?


She-Ra: Princess of Power. She is the alter ego of Princess Adora and the twin sister of He-Man. She-Ra was intended to appeal to young girls in the same way that He-Man appealed to young boys.

I can’t drive as much… it causes pain and that troubles me because I (IIIII) usually fend for myself. I don’t ask people for help and if I delegate I usually have the need to oversee it… It is a “self preservation issue”. I AM WORKING ON IT! >> πŸ™‚

So, Yesterday I was talking to my D and he told me “trust in your friends babe; stop being so independent and let them show you how appreciative they are of you. Not only will that build your relationship, but it will also test those that were only there for the free rides and whatever you had to offer.”

So I got to thinking, how true this is… I have so many people in my life that I casually call a friend, but in the end, who really are my friends? (I mean i know who are my life long friends, but as life, they don’t live too close and I have found myself meeting new people…) And If I had to ask for rides would I be a burden? Of which I was sequentially replied, “friends never bug; embrace your relationships and see how rewarding they really are or not.”

So I’m going to try something all too old for many people, but something VERY NEW for me. I’m going to depend on my friends. I will be conscious that not everyone can help me, but If your out there… (Yelp) HELP πŸ™‚ I’m in need of rides on Tuesday and Thursday to go get therapy done and see my doctors.

So with this, I acknowledging that I am not She-ra… I only hope to be her this Halloween. That I can be independent and dependent; as my girl said, “[I’m] a social creature,” and that I am. And “asking for Help is part of being a Grown-up.” I feel like i’m just maturing on this one… all good. πŸ˜‰

So, again, I hope you take from this what you may, and acknowledge who your friends are, you trust them to be there, and allow them to be there. That no matter how independent you are you will need to depend on people sometimes.

Live, love, be!

Ease your chronic…pain that is

Did you know that 47% of the population has a chronic disease? What is a chronic disease?

According to the US center of disease control, chronic diseases are ongoing, generally incurable illnesses or conditions, such as heart disease, asthma, cancer and diabetes… I will add…degenerative disk disease (chronic back pain) to this list. They are frequently manageable through early detection, improved diet, and exercise and treatment therapy.

Why am I interested?

Well, First of, I’m a clinician. I have noticed that >>> unstable bodies = stress, stress = moods…you get where I’m going with this. Other triggers my play in the role of moods and emotions, so I know I cannot say physical pain in the source of all, but it does play a big role. Physical pain or emotional usually play on each other. They are what I call… the pull rope game…ok-crickets-squirl… Ok… you know the game where you pull one team from another team to see which one falls on the puddle of mud? That one. πŸ™‚ Sometimes you just have to make both work so no one falls in the mud and you hope that eventually the puddle dries up (pain) and the rope vanishes (stress/illness). But reality check! Sometimes it doesn’t. So what to do now?

Second reason, I understand pain. I can speak from an anecdotal view (personal experience).

How Do I ease pain?

Personally, I have dealt with pain for a while now, it was lessened, and currently altered by a car accident… and now the pain increased dramatically. How do I try to easy it? I am doing things that change my mind from pain. FOLLOWING DOCTOR’S INSTRUCTIONS. Yoga, an exercise. Walking, allows for my mind to focus on where I go instead of sitting on my pain. Eating healthy, a well-balanced meal and healthy foods allow for my body to work right. And, as you can see from prior post, being conscious of yourself, aaand others ;-D …of which I strive for daily. From cleaning up clutter, a mess in my life; weather it be an office mess, or the dishes, including who you want in your life, to believing there is someone one out there looking out for you.

I personally tend to be what many of you call a cheerleader. I’m the happy go lucky girl/woman who makes smiles. I do it because I like to smile too. So I recommend you do POSITIVE things that help you and others at the same time. A bit of secondary gain there… but it works and I have noticed that it allows my stress to be less. Like I’ve said, I’ve had enough of pain… I bet you have said the same at some point of your life.

So there, that is how I ease my pain. How do you ease yours?


Ever wonder why you have instinct?

I’ve come across many situations in my life, and in my professional life, to accept the fact that trusting my instincts will help me get through whatever I am going through or help those who need help.


an inborn pattern of activity or tendency to action common to a given biological species.

a natural or innate impulse, inclination, or tendency.

natural intuitive power.

It makes me think of how we are truly connected to one another by being biological “beans” LOL Beings. And when something is wrong, you know it or feel it. Or if you know you are right about something, your instinct tells you.

It is what makes fight or flight a given… how animals and human run at a sign of something that my harm them. How you know when someone is not being true to you. Instinct. Use it, and make sure you trust it well. Your suspicions will help you through a lot… unless you don’t trust your body or self… then, well good luck.

I hope you learn to trust yourself, your instinct.