Decreasing your Anxiety Tips

Anxiety is a part of life. With out it we may not be aware of many things.  We would be LIKE a Zebra with out its instincts and could not run away from its lion predator.  But to over due it, we would be an unable to function Zebra. To help decrease your anxiety here are some things you can begin doing:

  • Notice what kind of Anxiety you may have:
    •  Taking Notice helps you look and search for the things you may use to help you decrease the anxiety.
    • It also helps you become aware that you have anxiety
  • Ask your self, “What do I like to do that brings me a smile and leaves me relaxed?”           

  For some it can be:            

    •  Biking
    •  Walking or running at the beach.
    •  Walking your dog.
    •  Cooking
    •  Singing… you get it.

    Make sure you do what you like in moderation.

            A reminder:

    • “Exercise relaxes the body and also contributes to the release of endorphins, the body’s natural “feel good” chemicals. Virtually any type of exercise is beneficial for reducing stress, from jogging to swimming to taking a brisk walk around the block. (Quality Health, 2011)


  • Breathing
    • This is a basic of life right. Most of the times, it is as simple as that.
    • How do you do it you may ask?
    • Breath in deeply through your nose, keep your mouth closed, and hold it a few seconds.
    • You will feel your chest expand.
    • Breath out by blowing it slowly out through your mouth.
    • Repeat it until you feel calm.
  •  Do nothing
    • When you have a lot of things going on, when you are overwhelmed.
    • Sometimes you can chill, sit back and relax.

  •  Seek Help
    •  Seeking help is always an option. Consider therapy. Speaking to a professional is awesome.  They can provide you with tools that can help you specifically for you and the type of anxiety you may be having. There is an array of things you can do specifically to help you.

I Hope these few tips help you.

Smile (If you want)

Jes Sofia Valle (repost of 2011)

References:  (Jan. 13, 2011) Quality Health.

Change Rejection into a Gift

What a weird word to write about in February, right?
Well, for those of us who have ongoing issues with rejection (a lot of people do). It’s time to fess up and be vulnerable. Meaning, Change your thinking of rejection into a positive one. Being Vulnerable is a strength. It means you are allowing yourself to be, feel and grow. WHAAAAAAA (in a *minion voice*). Yup! Turn your rejection into a positive!
How the hezy?
Well, here is a thought starter:

1. Know that not everyone in the world will say yes to you. And know that, that rejection in itself is a gift.
noun: gift; plural noun: gifts
A thing given willingly to someone without payment; a present. (Thanks, Google, 2016).

2. Acknowledge that you are feeling hurt. Why? Because you are a person and we were created to be acknowledged, even we have to acknowledge the feeling of hurt once we are being rejected.
The reason to acknowledge your feeling is to allow you to feel. To realize that you are important. This does NOT mean you have to go all Carrie on someone because of your feeling hurt due to being rejected… No one else can make you think or feel but you.
You are in control of you… no one else controls your thoughts of feelings unless your body is going chemically hey wire (side note: this means EVERYONE at some point in their life, or points… and this is not an excuse most of the time) in which there are people there to help you (talk to your insurance carrier to help you find someone). Oh yeah, or you have become a Stepford wife and you have become into a machine. XP Controlling others is too much work anyways, just be!

3. Be… Being human, yes we are imperfect, but just because we are not perfect, that does not mean that we are not good enough, because we are good enough. More so, rejection is one of those gifts Life gives us to help us stay humble. You begin to grow when you realize that it’s ok for someone to say no to us, yet we are still good enough… No one can change the value of humanness that you have placed upon yourself. No one.
Did I confuse you? Good. Take time to read what I wrote, and enjoy the process of loving yourself and accepting yourself for all you are, flawless in all flaws, and strong in all weakness.

Smile if you want,


“We cultivate love when we allow our most vulnerable and powerful selves to be deeply seen and known, and when we honor the spiritual connection that grows from that offering with trust, respect, kindness and affection.
Love is not something we give or get; it is something that we nurture and grow, a connection that can only be cultivated between two people when it exists within each one of them – we can only love others as much as we love ourselves.
Shame, blame, disrespect, betrayal, and the withholding of affection damage the roots from which love grows. Love can only survive these injuries if they are acknowledged, healed and rare.”
― Brené Brown, The Gifts of Imperfection: Let Go of Who You Think You’re Supposed to Be and Embrace Who You Are

Haven’t Seen Star Wars Yet?!

Go see it! It’s the best New Year Present you can give yourself!

What’s my take on it? Umm…well, if you are like me, you will try to get spoilers before you saw it and no one will tell you. But now that most of the world has seen it….

Here is a list of question you can go into the movie theater asking yourself …

“Killing Chewbacca by crashing a moon into him?”

“Letting Rey run naked?”

“Who is the new guy? And whyyyyyy be a double agent?”

“Why do they only shoot in “Guatemala Pyramids?”

“Will they have tissues in the movie theaters?!

“Why does that lady look like that?”



“How old was I?

I hope it helps you understand the movie.

Overall review: emotionally riveting.

“STAR WARS: THE FORCE AWAKENS debuted in the US and Canada on Dec. 18, its first two weeks pushing the domestic annual industry box office to an all-time high of $11B. It has set numerous individual records including:

  • Fastest film to reach $100M (21 hours), $200M (3 days), $300M (5 days), $400M (8 days), $500M (10 days), $600M (12 days), and $700M (16 days)
  • Biggest all-time debut and biggest December debut ($247.966M), propelling the industry to the biggest overall moviegoing weekend of all time ($313.3M for all films, Dec. 18-20)
  • Biggest second weekend of all time ($149.2M), propelling the industry to the biggest overall Christmas weekend of all time ($296.4M for all films, Dec. 25-27)
  • Biggest third weekend of all time ($90.2M)
  • Biggest Thursday preview gross ($57M)
  • Biggest Friday, opening, and single day ($119.1M)
  • Biggest Sunday ($60.55M), Monday ($40.1M), and Tuesday ($37.3M)
  • Biggest Christmas Day ($49.3M) and New Year’s Day ($34.39M)
  • Highest per-theater average for a wide debut ($59,982)
  • Biggest opening week ($390.85M)
  • Biggest IMAX debut ($30.1M)

Globally, the film posted the highest global opening weekend of all time ($528.967M) and surpassed $1B in a record 12 days. It also had the biggest global IMAX debut ($48M) and surpassed $152M in IMAX in a record 19 days. It was the highest international debut in December history with $281M, and it remains #1 in many territories after posting the biggest opening weekend in at least 18 major markets.

Named one of AFI’s top 10 films of 2015, STAR WARS: THE FORCE AWAKENS now heads into its fourth weekend of global release ahead of a debut in its final international market, China, on Jan. 9.”

When You Hit Your Low

In life we ALL go through the lows…

Sometimes is just plain luck, or sometimes its the wrong choices.
Regardless of what happened…know that when you’ve hit bottom, all you can do is go up.

Here are some beginner steps to help you through your getting up moments.

1. Phone a friend or relative you know. Someone that had had empathy and compassion towards you for most or all of your life. WHY? because a person who is able to give you empathy and compassion will be able to guide you towards where you can begin to grow and get up. Now warning, not everyone you reach out for will be there for you. AND THAT IS OK. That doesn’t mean they don’t want to, some people just can’t at that moment.

2. Make a plan of where you what you want to do next week. Yes, next week. Not next month, but next week.

3. Go through your records and make sure you are stable. If you are not, make a plan to get stable.

4. Pray. Or meditate. Or do what you do to relax, and give you strength.

5. Call up a friend who will talk to you and understand your dilemma.

6. Take a shower, get ready and go for a brisk walk.

7. Eat food.

8. Take a nap. then get up and do things that will get you physically moving.

9. Have a partner? Have sex! Having sex, making love protected please because you don’t want to bring a kid into this worlds with all your issues.

10. Know and trust that you will be ok.

Hope this gives you some hope. You are not the only one that goes through the lows. EVERYONE goes through the lows. Some don’t show it online, and some people only put happy online. But rest assure that you are not the only one who goes through the lows.

Hope this helped!


If you are in crisis and you want to do harm to yourself, please call 911. Or call the National Helpline:

What is SAMHSA’s National Helpline?

SAMHSA’s National Helpline (also known as the Treatment Referral Routing Service) is a confidential, free, 24-hour-a-day, 365-day-a-year, information service, in English and Spanish, for individuals and family members facing mental health and/or substance use disorders. This service provides referrals to local treatment facilities, support groups, and community-based organizations. Callers can also order free publications and other information.

Call 1-800-662-HELP (4357) or visit the online treatment locators.

Meds: Did You Know? #ABCenEspanol

One thing I’ve found out is that everyone is talking about health, but with in health there is … “what will the doctor give me because I’m going to see the doctor?” Am I getting meds? And How am going to pay for them? It is important to be able to know more about your medication needs are.

So here is a link about Accessing Better Coverage.

Also see in it Spanish:

You will be able to get your questions answered like:

How does the insurance cover your medication?
¿Cómo los seguros de salud cubren sus medicamentos?

You will be able to find out so much about how to take care of yourself and your medication.

Check it out! Know you what you need to know.

Jes Sofia Valle



This is a paid blog post by the MooreCommunications Group for the site.

Health Insurance Words… What Do They Mean? #ABCenEspanol (English & Spanish)

Every tried to find out what the health companies and insurance companies are talking about when they say ‘certain’ words? Well, there is a site that gives you a glossary of all the medical terminology these companies are using. WHY? because there are people that actually care about what they are putting out there…

Here are some words: Glossary

“Combined deductible

A deductible – total amount a patient must pay out of pocket annually before the health plan begins to pay – that includes both medical care and prescription medicines. This amount does not include premiums. For example, if a deductible is $1,000, the health plan won’t pay anything for most health care until a patient pays $1,000 out of pocket.


A copay is a fixed amount – or flat fee – a patient is responsible for paying with his or her own money (out of pocket) for certain services or medicines. Plans specify what this amount will be for a variety of health-related services, such as a doctor or specialist visit, emergency room visit or prescription medications. Copays are determined by health insurance plans and are often printed on health insurance cards.

Related video: Health Insurance Coverage 101 – the basics explained

Cost sharing

The amount insurance plans require patients to pay out of their own pocket. For example, copays, coinsurance and deductibles.


¿Estás cansado(a) de las compañías de salud y compañías de seguranzas de salud que dicen ciertas palabras pero no te dicen que es lo que te están diciendo? Bueno, hay un sitio que tiene un glosario con todas las palabras que describen las compañías de medicina. ¿Porque? Porque hay compañías que si te quieren ayudar

Aquí mira unas palabras del glosario.


Un copago es un monto fijo – o tarifa fija – que un paciente debe pagar con su propio dinero (fuera de su bolsillo), por ciertos servicios o medicamentos. Los planes especifican cuál será este monto para diversos servicios relacionados a la salud, tales como visitas a un médico o especialista, visita a la sala de emergencias, o medicamentos recetados. Los copagos están establecidos por los planes de seguro de salud y están usualmente escritos en las tarjetas de los seguros de salud.


El coseguro es un porcentaje de los costos que el paciente debe pagar con su propio dinero (fuera de su bolsillo). Los planes especifican cuál será este porcentaje por diversos servicios relacionados con la salud, tales como visitas a un especialista, visita a la sala de emergencias, o medicamentos recetados. Dado que el coseguro es un porcentaje de los costos totales, es difícil estimar y planearlo de antemano.

Costo fuera de su bolsillo

Es un gasto por cuidado médico que un paciente debe pagar con su propio dinero, y no reembolsable por parte del seguro. Los costos fuera de su bolsillo pueden incluir los deducibles, coseguros y copagos por servicios. La Ley de Cuidado de Salud Asequible exige que la mayoría de los planes de salud tenga un máximo anual de costos fuera de bolsillo, para la mayoría de los servicios de cuidado de salud.”

This is a paid blog post by the MooreCommunications Group for the site.

Preventing #HIV One Conversation at a Time in the Latinosphere!

Conversations about safer sex, STDs and HIV are Important. Are you having the conversations?

“Latinos are the largest and fastest growing ethnic minority in the United States, representing 17% of the total U.S. population.  However, according to the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) they are also one of the groups most heavily impacted by HIV/AIDS. Latinos remain disproportionately affected by HIV/AIDS, accounting for 20% of the 1.1 million people living with HIV in the United States and 21% of new HIV infections each year.

We know that talking about HIV/AIDS is not easy, but we must talk openly about it in order to reduce the impact of HIV in the Latino community. Every conversation we have about HIV/AIDS with our families, partners and friends has the power to help reduce HIV/AIDS among Latinos.

Research indicates that talking openly about HIV can be a simple but powerful way to reduce the stigma against people living with HIV/AIDS, and also reduce HIV-related stigma that often prevents people from getting tested for HIV, seeking treatment options, and/or disclosing their HIV status to potential partners.  Talking about HIV is also a powerful way to help educate family and friends on HIV/AIDS, the importance of testing and treatment, and safer sex behaviors and new prevention options like PrEP, a daily pill that can help prevent people from getting HIV if exposed.

In response to this research and the impact HIV has on the Latino community, in 2014 CDC launched the We Can Stop HIV One Conversation at a Time/Podemos Detener el VIH Una Conversación a la Vez campaign. This national HIV/AIDS awareness campaign issues a powerful call to action for Latinos to talk about HIV/AIDS in effort to increase awareness, decrease HIV-associated stigma and shame associated with HIV/AIDS and emphasize the importance of HIV testing and treatment.”

How can you participate? Let is know how you want to be in the conversation too! Give us your needs so we can create a voice!



This information is provided by the Campaign: Conversación a la Vez campaign. #spn

BOMBSHELL: Lily Aldridge, Victoria’s Secret Model knows the Basics About Life

I had the pleasure to speak to Lily Aldridge while she promoted the Victoria’s Secret Bombshell fragrance (It is now on of my favorite scents).
Lets see what we can learn or be reminded by her:

JesSofia: What do you like about being a bombshell?

Lily Aldridge:
I like that I get to promote a fragrance like Bombshell. The life in fashion is fun and I really enjoy it.

JesSofia: When you are busy working and promoting during a hectic period like this, the middle of fashion week, what are the things you like to do to take care of yourself?

Lily Aldridge: I like to go home and relax. Work out. I also sometimes sit in front of the TV and vegg. I think that relaxing is what I can do for My Body and myself. I work hard, so I want to rest well when I get home.

JesSofia: Thank you! It was a pleasure to meet you. (Smile)

Lily Aldridge: Same to you. (Smile)

There you have it. Lily Aldridge, considered one of the world’s most beautiful people (a “BOMBSHELL”), knows that she needs to care of herself by not just working hard to make a living, but also by making time for herself.

All Ladies go buy BOMBSHELL the fragrance! All Gents go buy your lady BOMBSHELL the fragrance. Make them smile! 🙂

Make time for you like Lily Aldridge does after the end of the day. We are always on the “go.” It is not a bad thing AT ALL!

Take care of you, Love you, be you! And let others do the same.

And smile (If you want) 😀

Jes Sofia Valle