Immigration of the Valle’s

Immigration of the Valle’s
What is immigration to me?  To me this means that we all came from somewhere. I was Born and Raised in Los Angeles Ca. However, My mother came from Guatemala to the states sent by my grandfather for her education, and a year later my father came to the states because he was in love.  With in the year they where married. My Great Grandparents came from Spain and Germany and I have Mayan-Guatemalan lineage. Oooo Child! 
My parents worked very hard, and with in 5 years they had the American Dream. They bought a home. In the Hood, and of course they did not know it was the hood of course, but it is an AWESOME home. After, they obtained their Associates College degree at night after school. I learned the value of education. I was happy to learn about computers, excel and word with my mom and HELLLOOOOO Frogger. (I was seven).
Through their immigration, we were able to grow, to be people who have hope, work through hardships and be able to be here, writing to you about my parents big experience, which I feel its their story to tell.  They taught me how to go about living my life through education, to have hopes and dreams and have love.
Immigration in my household means that I am LATINA, from Guatemala. And we like coffee. JNow I’m and Psychotherapist and a CEO of a Fast growing Blogging Company all thanks to my parents. 

Amplifying our Voices with Johnson & Johnson’s CARE INSPIRES CARE™ program

Hello Bloggers and Readers!
We at Bloggers of Health are excited to be an ambassador. We have a wonderful opportunity to amplify our voices and tell our stories on how we Inspire Care.
This Year, Johnson & Johnson, is the first official healthcare sponsor of the FIFA World Cup. CARE INSPIRES CARE™ is a platform that centers on the idea that every act of care, large or small, can inspire another act of care – thus, creating a more caring world. It is based on a belief that everyone has the power to do extraordinary things in caring for the health and well being of others. (Johnson & Johnson, 2013).
We are here to change the world one inspiring second at a time and we would like to hear from you, Bloggers and Readers to send us your caring stories. Tell us your stories about:
●     What inspires you to care? How are you helping to make the world a more caring place?
●     Can you make the world a more caring place through digital activism?
●     What kinds of digital and social media activism work for you? What doesn’t work for you?
●     What kinds of caring acts do you do with your children? How have your children grown or changed through participating in this work?
●     If your children were caring for the world, what would they do differently? What would they do that’s the same?
At Johnson & Johnson, we believe that everyone has the power to change the world through small acts of care, and we know that our collective action can help inspire a more caring world.
When you send your Story, you will win a chance to win one $50 Good Cards, a social currency that can be redeemed as a donation to any of more than 1.2 million charities. These cards representing the number of players on a FIFA World Cup™ soccer team.
On September 30th, we will choose the eleven (11) most caring stories!
So send us your stories to Please title the e-mail: “Care Inspires Care.” We can’t wait to read them!
We encourage you to visit the Facebook Page and “like” Care Inspires Care, Johnson & Johnson to learn more about the initiative. On Facebook, The app will provide you with a more interactive and personalized experience.
We can’t wait to hear from you!
To caring and being inspired!

Por Tu Familia

George ‘Urban Jibaro’ Torres
Introducing the Latino Health Project website, a social media driven / user generated clearinghouse of health info with a special focus on Diabetes.
Contribute on your favorite social media platform by adding the ‪#‎portufamilia‬ hashtag to

Questions to Find a Positive you.

I come across a lot of people who want to find themselves. Most of them are still finding themselves. Others are going through a “midlife crisis” and other just have never had the opportunity to get to know themselves. 
Today I want to give you a few Questions to learn how to BEGIN to find a positive self. Honestly, you are always growing so you will ALWAYS find something great about you when you are looking for it. 
Some of the questions are: 
*THINK POSITIVE* (That was a Statement) 🙂
What are positive things about you?  
If you need some help here are some basic ones to start you off: 
You are currently reading, breathing, here, alive and you have a life.
So you can start by stating: “I am _____(fill in the gap with a positive)” 
What do you Like to do that helps you have a Moment of feeling free and alive with out hurting your self (mind, body and Spirit) ? 
It is important to know your likes in this world. They are the things that allow you to keep on going. 


Who do you enjoy life with? 
The people you allow in your life are the people who encourage you, think positive, have hope and make sure you are doing well from time to time, sometimes on a daily or weekly. 
You don’t have any? They start talking to someone. Go to meet ups. Go to the places you enjoy and see who else has things in common with you. 
How do you enjoy life? 

The things you do to enjoy life are the things that give you passion, drive and ambition. They help you to where you need to get to.

Need help with this? Ask a friend out and let them help you…just tell them what you are going through.

Who do you allow in your life? And What positive “ness” do they bring to you? 
This is an important questions because although you may be strong, we are usually almost always influenced by the people we surround ourselves with in our lives. 

This means we have to go out there and surround ourselves. 
What do you want to accomplish today? 
Remember that Small goals get you to the bigger ones.
Do goals that you know you can reach and then keep on accomplishing the goals.

Give your self a Mantra to live by. 
Mine is: Keep Me Positive, Happy, Healthy and Stay ALIVE
You are enough for what you want to do in life. AND know that doing things with other people is what human kind is all about. Working with others allows you to grow and allows you to learn more. I hope this helps you to Begin to think Positive! Now go out there and make you happen. 🙂

If you need further assistance there are many Many Mental Health people who want help you.
If you are having thoughts of harming yourself please call 911.

Smile (If you want to),

A Reminder

Remember that you will be ok. You are breathing, and with that alone, you can do a lot. You have a voice. Allow your voice to be heard, you lived through so much already, for many reasons. You can continue to make things happen even when people tell you otherwise. You are the one who can take a stand and love yourself and the people in your life.
You are…
Smile (If you want), 


I was thinking about my old friend in Oklahoma today. How we would talk and have lots of laughs on the phone when I was in High School. I lost touch with them after college. But I pray that they are ok.
Events like these always remind me that life will always bring things that are unexpected. More so, that we are to live life, enjoy it and be thankful for what we have. For those that survived, I’m thankful that they are able to breath. Please help the people that are helping with a generous gift.
If you or anyone your know were affected by these events please call for help: 

2-1-1 Helpline (Oklahoma)
Call 2-1-1 from your service area
(877) 362-1606 Alternative Number
(405) 840-9396 Alternative Number

United Way of Central Oklahoma
Phone: (405) 236-8441
American Red Cross (Central and Western Oklahoma Region)
Phone: (405) 228-9500
Find other local Red Crosses by visiting

Oklahoma Department of Emergency Management
Local: (405) 521-2481, Monday through Friday 8:00 a.m. to 5:00 pm
The Salvation Army Central Oklahoma Area Command
Phone: (405) 246-1060

God Bless everyone, Jes Sofia Valle, MA MFTI

Grief & Loss

Losing someone I’ve noticed has been very hard in this lifetime. We miss the essence of the person, the moments spent and we morn the future we hoped with the person. We will no longer see them.

Something I’ve also learned is the grieving of the person has different stages in life. Why am I writing about this? Well, we have had a loss in my family and recently a few losses in this country and its hard. But more so, to actually have knowledge of what you are going through when you loose someone also helps. These feelings are called the stages of grief. The reason why this is good to know because it helps you understand and it takes away the feeling that your are going “crazy” when all you are doing is grieving. 

Now Before I tell you about these stages I must tell you that there are more ways to feel grief, its not just because you loose someone. This happens when you loose a friend, when you break up with someone, and I’m going to be true to my personality right now… moving up in the world.

There are 5 stages most human go through when they morn someone.

1 Denial It’s a defense mechanism and perfectly natural. 
2  Anger Anger can be seen in many forms ways. This all depends on a person, it can range from not saying anything to hurting themselves, to hurting other. Or Isolating. Everyone deals with sadness in their own way.  
3 Bargaining Asking God to bring them back. This is where a person ask for their loved one back. They beg God to bring them back or they even try to bargain their pain to go away. 
4 Depression
Depression is actually a clump of symptoms (sadness, not being able to eat or sleep, weight gain, loss, anger, isolation, loss of  concentration, feeling hopeless and helpless, can’t control negative thinking, irritable, short-tempenred, reckless behavior, thoughts of not worth living). Note: This can be different for children. 
5 – Acceptance

Some emotional detachment and objectivity. This can happen before or after someone has gone out of your life.

One of the biggest things that you have to remember is that everyone lives and dies. Death is not something that we can avoid. HOWEVER, life and LIVING is something you can ENJOY.  
Life is a piece of cake. Making the cake has a process. Going through this will help you get through.
Smile (If you want)