A reminder


Sometimes we loose those whom we once shared moments with. People we out grew, but the memories remain the same. They are an avid reminder of how we grow, live and learn. A reminder that there is no excuse to forget your friends no matter how far away you maybe. A reminder that its okay to check in because our tomorrow is never promised.
Many Hugs to you. ♥ xoxo

Smile (If you want)

Jes Sofia Valle

I am not a Burden; I am not my pain.

This week, I won’t lie. Life has thrown enough curve balls my way… and I’ve done everything I can to hit them of out the park…But the reality was that I had to go through what I was going through to get where I am today. Making dinner with my girl, and enjoying my time with friends.
You see, I was told, yet again what I’ve been told too many times…That eventually I will need a hip replacement at some point of my life. Imagine, being 29 and told that at some point in your life you will have to go through what you went through at age 11. That after an incident, your hip flair ups became apparent more because of this incident, and because like with any major incident your body just goes through the motions too… Blabbing now. 
Oh did I mention that I had to tell a VERY close friend that I was not able to be the guardian of their kid?  Ummm yeah. 
So what did I do first? I sulked. Went through a weird “the call me yellow mellow” moment. Where I just wanted to sleep. But the tricky part was that I had to finish a final. Create a Power point presentation and smile through it.  Write a letter for my foundation and send a grip load of e-mails. I was able to then make it through the week…keeping distracted. 
Yesterday I broke down. After being done with all my work. I wrote the longest BBM (blackberry messenger) messages to my boyfriend of how I felt like a burden. A topic I come pass once or twice a year when I get weird and uncomfortable, awkward, mierda, strange, malo. LOL.  So I was not my regular me…happy, caffeinated, hyper, on the go, happy go lucky, cheerful, you get it, was not there.
I have to thank my friends who allowed me to be at their home, have fun, and have company. For a far away boyfriend that words calmed me down. For my mom for coming over and bringing me soup. My best friends listening to me while I had my mid-low moment in life. For me, and for God. Because I’m alive… I can handle things. Because I have the will to choose to smile no matter what I go through. And Because no matter what happened, I know that everything comes back to homeostasis.
So next time you are thrown those curve balls, find it in your friends, faith and you’re self to make it through it and the best of it.  Remember that everything happens for a reason. That people will love you no matter your physical pain. Moreover, that Life is meant to live! So enjoy it.
Smile (If you want)

Cafe con Leche Cuban Style

So as you know by now, I LOOOVE coffee. My drink of choice in the mornings is Cafe con Leche (milk and coffee).  Recently my friend invited me to have coffee at a place that was not open yet! I was so excited to go! And Coffee?!!! How can I say no!
I can’t say no to coffee… so I said Yes to going…

I had the pleasure to have Cafe con Leche. Cafe con Leche is an awesome new Cuban cafe ON 15053 Ventura Blvd, in Sherman Oaks, CA that OPENED TODAY  2/18/2010.  I was honored to meet Gabriele and His team.

He made us our morning cup of coffee. The original way you make coffee… like the stirring-and-smashing and omgoodness-yummmy-smelling kind of coffee. If you are a coffee drinker, then you defiantly know what I am talking about.

Along with the awesome coffee I had a warm, just made, flaky bread guava and cream pastry. Nothing like the “other” Cuban place, I will have to say it was better. Who else has a malta condensada?

I say go! Be in a cafe where you feel the atmosphere. Smell the food and taste great coffee.

Oh did I mention you can order online too?
Find them on Twitter: @CubanCafeMobile

And they have Cold Coffee, Bustelo Cool drinks too!
Empanadas: Baked or fried.  Delicious!  
Ropa Vieja! Need I say more? 
Ok I will! 
Aroz con leche (rice and milk dessert)
y Pastel de tres leches (Tres leches cake).  

Intensity?…. think about it.

At some point(s) in your life you will or might have an eruptive/explosive moment or even a phase. Don’t say never on this one… we are not perfect.

Well… let me inform you that this moment of intensity in life… yes, it is a test. To see if everything you have been through in life has actually stuck in your mind. To make you ask yourself, Are the lessons learned sicking for future use? Will you be able to use what you learn from those lessons?

http://butlersheetmetal.com/tinbasherblog/images/wilecoyoteroadrunner.jpgAfter your explosiveness, you will remember (to late of course) how you were suppose to react. Of course this might be after you have altered your blood pressure, mest up your vocals or even probably socked a hole in the wall and now have to add a patch to the whole thing. (eeek lol). First things first,  remember that no one is perfect and well, life is what it is. This does not making punching a hole in the wall correct, but it can stop you from punching it again. (maybe this is a little too much…but you never know who is reading this right?)

http://wesleying.org/wordpress/wp-content/uploads/2010/12/screaming.jpgYou may be torn up for a while, and feel guilty or all sorts of things. You might even think that all You may think….All you had to do was either breath and re-organize everything, take a few minutes to chill, or say what you were really going through in that moment to someone, or the wall….. you were going through something called pain.

This pain was so much it became intense.

So what do you do to avoid that?


  • When you have too much going on… take some stuff off your plate 
  • When you do not get enough sleep… seek your doctors, therapist, to help you. 
  • Drinking coffee?  Kept it to once a day before 6pm. 
  • Have a crazy household?…..find some time for you. There is always a way… be smart about it. 
  • In a chaotic relationship…. think about it… DO you really need to be in chaos? 
  • Are you a victim of some abuse?…. get help 
  • Are you trying to do too much?….. find a way to decrease you load. 
  • Being an intense person doesn’t help you or anyone…. Breath, think and do less.  
  • Use exercise as an outlet, sing, pray, wooosah it out. 

Being intense adds stress to your body that you don’t need.  Continuing to be an intense person only brings on a cycle of hurting yourself…

Think about it…

Smile (If you want to)

Jes Sofia Valle

Celebrate the Chinese Year of the Rabbit

Celebrate the Chinese Year of the Rabbit THIS SATURDAY at the 4th ANNUAL NITE N DAY EVENT in Los Angeles Chinatown‘s Central Plaza! Featuring a fun-filled day of music, culture and food, this FREE festival is the perfect activity to share with your Valentine or loved ones!!

Click on people’s faces in the photo to tag them.


I want to apologize for not writing much last week. I was busy. But I will say that it was a productive week. I will write more next week. Will add one Article tonight.  Hope all is well with you.

Smile (if you want)
Jes Sofia Valle

BTW it is 80 degrees in Los Angeles, CA and I was able to wear my summer dress. It was a neglected dress I bought at Macy’s and was not able to wear until today.  Hope you keep warm east coast!

MICHAEL Michael Kors Sleeveless Print Dress (Plus)
MICHAEL Michael Kors Sleeveless Print Dress (Plus)

There is something to say about a simple and an elegant simple dress. Especially with this crazy weather. I am always finding something sexy and at the same time something I can layer to warm up… depending on crazy weather of course…

So I found a Dress….This dress! You can wear it when you get warm as is, or if you want to warm up, some leggings, cardigan and boots can do too. 

What do you think? 

You can buy it at Nordstrom

Smile (if you want)

Jes Sofia Valle

Cafe con Leche

How Do I like my coffee?

I like to drink my coffee when I’m doing something good. In no way do I associate my coffee drinking to something negative. It is probably why I like it so much.

Once a day, I take time to make or buy some coffee. Sit down, weather it be icing my back or just to chill and catch up with my DVR. Giving myself a moment.

Always make a moment for yourself, with Coffee, or with out.

Enjoy Life.

Smile (if you want)

Jes Sofia Valle

Music and Mood: #MusicMonday

 By Jes Sofia Valle, MA MFTI
What a great start to my day!  Hearing Feeling Good By Nina Simone. I always find that starting my day with what I like to call a “SUPERSONG” makes my day so much better. I am up beat and overall, I feel better.  Isn’t it interesting how one song can make your day?
Did you know that there is a thing called Music Psychology? Its where various of people who love music and research do what they love, research music and what are the effects on humans.  It has been studied that music of one’s liking has been most effective in increasing positive feelings and decreasing negative feelings. Depending on what you like, calling it designer music. The results of studies on results suggest that designer music may be useful in the treatment of tension, mental distraction, and negative moods (McCraty R, Barrios-Choplin B, Atkinson M, Tomasino D., 1998) .  
In Health, the use of music has also been shown that it helps promote a sense of well-being and to distract  from pain and other unpleasant symptoms, thoughts, and feelings, while being convenient and readily available(Kemper, K. J. MD, MPH; Danhauer, S. C. PHD, 2005). Music helps to improve mood and decrease anxiety, as well as decrease the pain associated with surgery, medical procedures, and chronic conditions; it also helps ease the dying process(Kemper, K. J., 2005). Music may help premature babies to gain weight more quickly (Kemper, K. J., 2005). Music may enhance care-giving behavior (Kemper, K. J., 2005).
I must remind you that music with in itself has it’s own culture. It derives from our own cultures, weather you listen to Samba, Jazz, Rap, R&B, Pop, Soul, Neo-Soul…. It all come from everywhere. Some artist say it comes from the drum… I say it comes from where you come from, where you bought it, where you connect to it. Also, where you allow it to go. Music can take you places…its up to you where you let it take you.
Today, I let it take me to my happy mood…
What song gets you in a good mood?
Kemper, K. J. MD, MPH; Danhauer, S. C. PHD, (March 2005) Music as Therapy Southern Medical  Journal (98) 3 282-288
 McCraty R, Barrios-Choplin B, Atkinson M, Tomasino D. (1998) The effects of different types of music on mood, tension, and mental clarity. Altern Ther Health Med. 1998 Jan 4(1) 75-84.

I will leave you with this:  

Birds flyin’ high you know how I feel
Sun in the sky you know how I feel
Breeze driftin’ on by you know how I feel
Its a new dawn, its a new day, its a new life for me
yeah, its a new dawn its a new day its a new life for me ooooooooh
Fish in the sea, you know how I feel
River runnin’ free you know how I feel
Blossom on the tree you know how I feel
Its a new dawn, its a new day, its a new life for me
And I’m feelin good
Dragonfly out in the sun you know what i mean dont you know
Butterflies all havin’ fun you know what I mean
Sleepin’ peace when day is done that’s what I mean
And this old world is a new world and a bold world for me
Stars when you shine you know how I feel
Scent of the crime you know how I feel
Your freedom is mine, and I know how I feel
Its a new dawn, its a new day, its a new life for me
(Free styling)
Smile (If you want)