How to Keep Your Health While Being an Influencer.

Keep your health while being an influencer

Influencers are committed, consistent, creative, idea driven, motivating and obviously…influential people. They too become overwhelmed, stressed but they just know how to work it so no one knows.

So How do you use your influence to help your health?

Here are five simple steps to help you keep your health while being an influencer:

1. Do what you love doing.
Most often once you are an influence of something you are placed in a box of the influence you are a part of. I say if the box is what you love stay in it. If it isn’t well go outside the box. When you love what you do you are happy. Happy wife happy life? Not married that’s ok your married to being an influence.

most influentials usually have the first one down because they became an influencer though being who they are… But just incase…

2. Consistency:
Influencers are consistent most of the time… Guess what? Your human- #Take5 minutes to help you recharge a few times during your day. We are not telling you to stop… But we are suggesting you take time to chill, slow your mind and body to relax. Keep that consistent, then work hard so you can play harder.

3. Commitment:
Stay committed to you. As an influencer you are pushed and pulled and most of the time on the go. So stay committed to (______<your name), you. Make sure that with in your schedule you add #MeTime.

You don’t have time? … Well guess who is boss?! You are so make the time to take care of you. Think: Health, mental health and your soul’s HEALTH Too.

4. Creativity:
Influencers are most of time creative. Well it’s time to get creative with your health. I speak from experience… I would put my job before my health… But guess what? It doesn’t turn out well… So I had to learn to keep me alive before I became a dead influencer. Be creative, have your meetings in a #dailywalk. Talk to people while you are taking a stroll and then continue with your walk.

And five!

5. Motivate:
Once you are able to schedule your #Take5 minutes for you in your happy influential position because you like what you do and are able to be creative where you are at in your life…. Then others will follow and do the same. After all, you are influential right?
Stay influential. Stay alive. Hopeful and motivated. Keep it healthy, keep it going!


Jes Sofia Valle
Global Influential.

Ten simple tips in Bringing your Ideas to action while Recuperating.

Image by Getty Images


So there are many things you can do while you are recuperating. I can tell you for a fact that there are… Bloggers of Health was a product of recuperations.

Let me tell you our short story…

So I (Jes…yes me) couldn’t walk… more to come in the book for that one. But while I was bored out my wits end and wishing that the aliens overtook my body and magically did some new spine experiment to make me walk again… I decided to stay busy. Well, first I was looking for new spines in the black market… but I only found the white and black market where they sell super cute clothes so that was a bust… then I was looking for health blogs in English and Spanish to find others who had the same stuff I had, mind you this was back in 2010… like 100 years ago. So… here came Jes with her brilliant Ideas wanting to make a voice for a population who didn’t have one. I ended up finding people who blogged and from there a whole bunch of fun began. JesSofiaSays was born and then after working hard in it…became Bloggers of Health. Recently i’ve been standing still (recouping) and another part of my hope for my blog began… (which ill show you later in a few months). And that how Bloggers of Health became.

So since I’ve coached many how to do this, I figured i’ll give you ten tips:

  1. Just do it! Write down your plan. This help because if you are like me, you may forget it after you say oh hey I have an idea!
  2. Tell someone about it, preferably someone you trust and not someone who would take your idea and run with it, without you… I’ve seen this oh soon much. It’s actually happened to me before too.
  3. Go to SCORE and find someone to help you develop a plan and get all you need to get done to make sure your idea becomes an action.
  4. Keep at it until someone listens to you.
  5. Find funders and associate yourself with startup weekends to help you develop your ideas. These are like 54 hours of crazy intense weekends to help you develop your strategy and most times venture capitalist or awesome peoples like so and me are there helping you develop.
  6. Stay hydrated and take care of yourself. Most people forget that an idea can take the life out of you if you are not taking care of yourself… so you must do that.
  7. Continue to walk (if your doctor allows you and I meant this metaphorically)! When you are in pain after surgery and thinking OMGOSH i’m soon bored and i’m feeling soooooo like I can’t do anything… Well, after taking your pain meds and a nappy nap… make sure you continue to draw, write, or tell your story to people who are listening. Though I will caution you… don’t write online when you are on deluded, vicodines (meds) and about to fall asleep because of your meds… people tend to notice when you are high on line. Yeah spine surges where no joke.
  8. GO online and see who in your circles are entrepreneurs, the ones that are making it happen and ask for help.
  9. Oh yeah… did I mention you HAVE to take care of yourself first? Well,… yes. A must do!!
  10. Read and do your research in depth and ask yourself if you have a hobby or an idea that is needed in the world. Being real with yourself is important.

Apparently Bloggers of Health was defiantly needed when I started because we’ve been award winning for ages not. And I’m sooooo thankful for that.

I hope you recuperate soundly and in the time provided for you do recuperate. I also hope you don’t get so bored while doing it so.

Smile if you want,


P.S Follow your doctor’s instructions… they went to school for this! X-D

You never know…

Suicide Safe App

Suicide falls with in the top leading causes of Death in the United States. There is so much that happens and so much going on in people’s lives that sometimes one does not know what is going on… most times, people are decided to harm themselves and no one can stop them… but now you can help prevent it, even if you didn’t know how. Today, SAMSHA launched their new Suicide Safe mobile application.

You can learn the five steps for SAFE-T.

  • See the SAFE-T in action and explore interactive sample case studies.
  • Locate treatment facility options, filtered by type and distance and share locations and resources.
  • And quickly access and share crisis lines or other resources with someone in need.
  • It’s what you need to help and get help.
  • We defiantly recommend this app!

Suicide Safe Is Now Available for Download!

Today at the National Press Club, SAMHSA Administrator Pamela S. Hyde, J.D., unveiled Suicide Safe, the latest mobile app from SAMHSA.

The app, based on the nationally recognized Suicide Assessment Five-Step Evaluation and Triage (SAFE-T) card, is designed to help primary care and behavioral health providers integrate suicide prevention strategies into their practices and address suicide risk among their patients.

Suicide Safe is now available for free on iOS® and Android™ mobile devices. Be among the first to try this new suicide prevention learning tool—optimized for tablets.






Join SAMHSA for a live demo of the app today at 3:30 p.m. Eastern Time.

Register for the Live Webinar: Register for the Live Webinar

Videos of the launch event at the National Press Club and the app demonstration will be available on SAMHSA’s YouTube channel at a later date. Stay tuned for email notification when both recordings become available.

Stressed Out? …Ways to help keep Stress Away

Stress… It is an everyday thing unfortunately. But does it have to be? “Stress is preventable and treatable. It can be challenging at times, but it can defiantly help your daily living.  Like with a lot of things, recognizing you have stress is the first if the first step.”

  How do you know you have stress?
  • Intense frustration, such that you feel like screaming, over crying, wanting to be alone
  • Panic when faced with a fairly simple tasks
  • Irritability and bad temper
  • Sleeplessness or over sleeping
  • A need for excessive alcohol or tranquilizer intake in order to relax
  • Physical appearance; disheveled.
  • You know you have stress.
What are ways your can relieve your stress? 
  • Take a moment to Breath: in through your nose out through your mouth
  • Get organized: If your home/office is messy you will feel messy.
    • Clean your home  
·       Clean your office  
·       Organize your pantry  
·       Make your bed in the mornings     
  • Get Rest: Rest is a must. You cannot expect your car to run with out gas… you must rest.
·       Eat a Good meal. In moderation, eat your favorite meal. Cook if that helps you.
·       Meals are very important.
·       Get Sleep is a must. You don’t want to end up burning out.
·       Light a candle: a scent that you find soothing
·       Bubble baths: Water allows for your mind to be relaxed
·       Sit outside away from the chaos and light an inscent
·       Do light things: When you are stress decrease your load. If you are always on the go… Learn to slow down and stop sometimes. 
·       Remain Positive: If you allow the hardships to overcome you, they will do just that. Make sure you continue to think positive. Think Positive about yourself
  • Exercise: Don’t underestimate the value of a brisk walk. It allows for your to clear your mind, allows oxygen to your muscles to allow them to relax.    
  • Talk to your friends: If you have kids and they are driving you crazy, or your work boss is telling you to do too much… Vent. It’s OK to vent. This doesn’t mean you have to talk down or bad about someone, just means you can tell a friend of how YOU are feeling and What YOU are going through.  
  • Have YOU days: This one is my favorite. If you are with a partner ask them to help you. If you are a single mom, ask a friend to help you. Personally, I love my Mani-Pedi days or Beach time. 
·       Read a Book: Allow yourself to be distracted by something that has nothing to do with your stress.
·       Listen to music: Listen to something that you know will calm you down.
·       Write your thoughts down in a Journal. 
If your stress is too much, talk to someone about it. Having tools to decrease your stress and possible anxiety will only help you. 
I wish you rest, peace and ongoing enjoyment of life in a serene way.  
Smile (if you want),  

Want and Need

In life, there are many situations that may bring you to say the word no, but you end up saying yes. A lot of them are in relationships, money, lifestyle, etc.
Knowing when to say no is much necessary. A lot of people do not say it too often and end up doing things they don’t really want to do. Or get too involved in life altering commitments. The following are some suggestions or things to learn and questions that you may ask yourself the next time something comes up.

Learn the meaning of want and need.

“Need” is a basic living essential like, if you don’t have it, you could die. Life food and water.

“Want” is something that you feel you need, or you really desire, but not having it doesn’t mean you die. Like the Luis Boutin heals.

Do I need this or do I want it?

Then learning to be truthful to yourself and honoring what you really need vs. what you want. At the end of the day, what you get or do not get falls on you. You will live with the choices you make. Yes people!!! What our parents told us growing up (well, mines always did) about making correct decision does follow us. And if you are reading this, then you will say… awe man! That old lady was right! LOL Mommy I love you and you are not old yet!

Nevertheless, pick, choose and learn what works for you.

If you’re dating someone, make sure you get what you need out of it, and make sure you give what you want to give to it. Learn that saying no will have some response and results from both sides. After all isn’t that a big part of a relationship…communication.

In friendships, learn to say no or yes. Allow your friends to be a part of your life, but don’t allow them to run it. Running your life is your job. Saying no is ok. And so is yes, as long as you are true to you.

In money!!!!!!!!! Defiantly learn how to say no. And learn what you want and what you need. And remember to save for a rainy day…lol.

Ok people, with that I’m off to make my dinner and not eat pasta and make some salmon because I don’t want or need the calories of pasta, but I do want and need healthy food. Just threw this in here to mess with you.

I hope you live and learn everyday, and learn to know what your want and need in life.

Live life, love, and be!

Validation and Instinct

No matter who you are…or what you do, Validation at some point is an amazing feeling. Saying NO can bring you to Amazing too.

Anecdotal experience here!

I went to an awesome @AvionVentures event at IndieDesk in Downtown Los Angeles. I was there to see how I can take Bloggers of Health to the next level. We are here people! 😀 That’s our current reality right now and we are transparent and like to share so I said, here we go!

There were four amazing PowerHouses speakers there, MC’ed by His own powerhouseness Barney Santos from Gentefy:

Catherine J.K. Sandoval, the first Latina to serve on the California Public Utilities Commission.

Helen Iris Torres, Executive Director, Hispanas Organized for Political Equality

Liliana Monge, Co-Founder, Sabio

Deldelp Medina, Co-Founder & CEO, Avion Ventures

In the workshop I was working on my master plan (Bwahaha < I kid…); more so moving things around I already have to work with for them to make more sense. @Deldep was amazing! The workshop that Avion Ventures provided helped me! It put some screws back in my head.

Then…”and then!” Julia from Wild Horse Labs spoke, taught us what to know about our company/idea (depending on what level we are in) so we can talk to investors and obtain future workers and know how to grow and let go of our business and make that money to help serve our need.

At the end of the event, I spoke to Julia and we were having a great convo about a little bit of everything when our convo hit a validation point for me. She said, “No, you don’t have to work with everyone. No you don’t have to say yes to everyone. And yes have to be able to say No…in a kindly way of course!” Those words gave me chills. When she said those words, I felt so validated! You see I’m one to say no to people who I just don’t feel right working with. And yes to those whom I feel good working with. It doesn’t always have to do with who they are… Some are my friends and I don’t work with them due to ethics or I just know to trust me instinct. It doesn’t mean the other person is the devil… they are just not in my current path for my journey and who knows, they maybe in the future. I like using my instincts. I felt validated! … Even a grown up woman like myself enjoys to be validated for her thinking! This stems from something a few (a lot of people) have told me, “Make sure I play with everyone because Bloggers of Health is a new company.” And I have said thanks for the input, but I don’t play with everyone.

Its not that I don’t like to play with everyone in the sand box, I’m still kind, genuine, honest, silly and will be very nice to everyone including the ant (they are strong little suckers). More so, it’s that “feeling” I get- with whom I am to play with in the sandbox, and whom I don’t want to or shouldn’t play with in the sand box, and I trust my feeling; my instinct. They have gotten me through a lot in life.

When she said, “no you don’t have to work with everyone,” I literally almost cried. Because I felt understood, i was validated. I understood two things from that: 1. No, people don’t have to work to me, but they will want to someday. And 2. No I don’t have to work with people I don’t think will help or work with me the way I want to be helped or worked with. She provided an example: “It’s like dating! (Ha!) You pick and date the best people, not the not good enough for you! And what’s for someone else isn’t always for you.”  Eureka! More validation!  Heck she even spoke to me about my current dating life. Lol. Backtracking, not everyone is meant for you.  Your product is not for everyone. But when you do find someone you love to work with… Well it can be a hit! Ball out of the park, it was all you needed and who you where waiting for… Ha! Just like dating.

This doesn’t mean you burn bridges or cannot foster a relationship… it just means you know what you want for your business…and a partner.

Coming from someone who’s at a different level of Business than I am and hearing those words validated my thought process.

I want you to know that being you, trusting your instincts, your gut feeling, yourself will take you to places you would never think of or they will take you to where you are thinking of right now! (hoping it a positive and great place!)

That no matter what “level” of life you currently live, validation is good. Positive thinking is good. Knowing how to trust your self, your instincts are important. Knowing how to say NO is important! As humans our bodies where built/created to trust our self: our mind, body our heart and soul. I truly think it’s to help us in our journey in life and to stay alive!

So next time you feel that gut instinct of yours telling you something, listen to it. Hear it, and take action or not take action. Don’t over think it too much and don’t let your “amygdala get hijacked” either.

Trust you, be you, listen to you. Allow you and your team to guide you to your next flight. Allow others to help you if you think they are meant to be in your life. And tell yourself that if they didn’t want to work or help you know, however they might want help or work with you later.

Most of us lead our goals in life to survive, and thrive. Me I like to do it with Passion, compassion and a Healthy style. Know how to be teachable and you will learn, live and be amazing!

Thanks Avion Ventures, Sabio.LA, HOPE, CalTech, and Wild Horse Labs for your awesomeness. I appreciated your time and invite.  #LATINATechLA for all.

Smile (if you want).


Jes Sofia Valle


Shoutouts! @AvionVentures @SabioLA @CalTech @Crowdismo, @Gentefy, @JessieMartinez, @MavenExperiance, and all others there making the Latina Women take their Place at the table.




Jessica Valle, Founder 
Bloggers of Health, LLC