is it bad to fall asleep in Yoga class?

I went to a yoga class today. I will say I was impressed with how the lady was able to make her body move. I however, though I needed the extra push to make it happen.
I looked around and yes, I was the only round butt in the class. And people stared back at me. SO I smiled. Some didn’t smile back. Any who, this being my first time in this class, I figure I would talk to someone… boy was I ignored! I thought, well, they are probably not here to meet people anyways.

So class started. And I was very much the odd ball. Everyone had blue or black matt’s… I had a PINK one. People had lilac, blue, or white hair, and I had all black. I did all the positions that I could, and when I did not do a few, the teacher called me out on it. I replied by saying I have a stubborn Hip. A few people chuckled… and some people empathized. Oh, did I also mention I seemed to be the youngest kid in the block? Yeah… It was an interesting class.

While doing the whole relaxation stage, I went into deep sleep. I didn’t even notice when I went to sleep. The instructor told me class was over while she shook me. And there was an old lady sleeping too. So I didn’t feel so bad.

On my way out, the same old lady said, honey, I think you were in the wrong class. This was yoga for people who have arthritis. I said, babe, I’ve had a dislocated foot, hip, elbow, broken knee and two spine surgeries… I think I fit in pretty well. She laughed and said, welcome. I’m bionic too! I could not stop laughing!

It’s the small things that make me laugh. This was defiantly one of them. I hope you have a great day!

Soy Chi Tea Latte (AKA Addiction)

What is an Addiction?

To me, my addiction is a Soy Chi Tea Latte. I have been addicted to it since I learned about Starbucks. My awesome dealer. However, with out it, Or any Latte, I become irritable. I might not show it because my mind set is prone to be happy. Nevertheless, I feel it.

So what about it makes me want it? For me, it is a habit. You see, every morning I walk about a mile+. What I do after my walk is sit down and relax. I ask the Barista for ice, of which I get a super small cup and I place it directly on my back. Then, I get my Latte and sit and relax. Usually I sit down on the leather couch and observe. As you know, I’m a therapist… I am super good an observing people and not reacting to their actions. That’s neither here nor there… Or is it?
In my daily habitual tendency, which I have attached to my relief of my daily walk, I have added the component of relief and positivity, therefore making myself believe that a latte is a sort of relief.
So what do I have to do? I will transfer my Latte to water. It takes 21 days for a behavior to become a habit. So from now on, I will continue working on the positive and instead of a Latte, I will drink Water. I will still be drinking something, But It will be something to hydrate me, less calories, more like no calories and I will therefore decrease calories, not dehydrate myself. (Yes people, coffee actually dehydrates you). And be healthy, hydrated and will not become irritated when I don’t have the drink of WATER.

So the Next time you go for a coffee, LATTES, or your daily Beer … think about your body. How will you be a few years from now? And Replace it with something that will enhance you OR attend a program that will allow you to take control of your addiction/the habit you “need.” After all, it’s you, your health and the people you live with that will be affected.
You have to place you first, but life is not just all about you.
Do your Best in Life,


“The state of being enslaved to a habit or practice or to something that is psychologically or physically habit-forming, as narcotics, to such an extent that its cessation causes severe trauma.”

“Addict – someone who is so ardently devoted to something that it resembles an addiction; “a golf addict”; “a car nut”; “a bodybuilding freak”; “a news junkie”
Addict – to cause (someone or oneself) to become dependent (on something, especially a narcotic drug)
Addict – someone who is physiologically dependent on a substance; abrupt deprivation of the substance produces withdrawal symptoms”

Anger, Questions…and how to express it to enhance you. Food for thought.

Now a day, we (the people) are filled with Anger… and sometimes we don’t even know what the meaning of Anger is anymore.

You will read questions of how to better learn your self and this emotion.

In a place filled with Love and happiness, we sometimes hide what anger is because we are afraid of the loss of control and of the what ifs. We don’t feel it; we don’t show it, and most of the time we don’t know what it is. Does it have to be a good or evil thing? Does it depend on how you view it?

Do we hide from it because we are supposed to be “good?” Do you really know what makes you angry, or do you let anger pass you buy with out feeling it. If you do express it, are you expressing it under your control or allowing it to take over you?

1.a strong feeling of displeasure and belligerence aroused by a wrong; wrath; ire.
2.Chiefly British Dialect. Pain or smart, as of a sore.
3.Obsolete. Grief; trouble.

When someone does you wrong, what are your automatic responses, is anger one of them? Do you know these responses? Do the small things make you “blow” up? Or do you not place any mind to it and continue with it. Do you keep it in and like a slow gas leak let it blow up in the end? Do you know?

What path do you use to react to your anger? Who says anger is a “bad” emotion?

What are some forms you are able to express your anger though to make it work for you?

Have you heard of the word creativity? Did you know that people you know that are able to transform their anger into a piece of art? “We humans are the only creatures who can and more or less create ourselves.”-S. Diamond. Are we then to use our anger as a transformation?

How well do you really know how to control your emotions? What makes you feel?
And what part of your life allows you to keep control. For some, it may be basic knowledge, for other, its self-awareness, or a belief that something else is helping you. Nevertheless, do you know what that is?

These are some question that I hope help you guide you to your own understanding of how to better yourself when anger is around or in your life in some form. Because there is a given, it will be felt at some point in your life. How you react to it is what counts on this one.



For me, Life is what I experience. Weather it is something I Touch, feel, taste, see and don’t see but believe.

There are many paths to this Life thing. You make your own pathway. And sometimes your choice leads you to where you are currently. And other times, life just gives you things that you may not think you can’t handle; yet you are still alive.

Thus far, I have found that by pushing towards a goal has helped. Being and accepting my own self, have allowed me to get thought the weirdest moments in life. And by me being, I’ve smiled.


You have a choice to smile and/or be happy. For the people that cannot smile due to physical inabilities, you are still able to be happy. Not everyone shows their joy the way they wishes, but they can make a choice of being happy.

You see, when I go though rough times, I have recently allowed myself to depend on my friends to help me be cheered up. No matter the pain, or the struggles, I have found that people are in my life for more than just to help. They are there to also help me. I choose to allow them in my life and make me smile.


Make sure you follow your instinct about people. Some are placed in your life for a moment, they will be there for you or for you to help them through a rough patch, and some stay for a long time. This you “should” know by now. Nevertheless, they are not less or more important while you are with them. Treasure the people in your life. For some are more than Just friends, they become like your siblings.

So next time you go though sadness or joy be aware that you have the choice to be with friends. They are there for a reason.

Remember to live life, love and be!