Haven’t Seen Star Wars Yet?!

Go see it! It’s the best New Year Present you can give yourself!

What’s my take on it? Umm…well, if you are like me, you will try to get spoilers before you saw it and no one will tell you. But now that most of the world has seen it….

Here is a list of question you can go into the movie theater asking yourself …

“Killing Chewbacca by crashing a moon into him?”

“Letting Rey run naked?”

“Who is the new guy? And whyyyyyy be a double agent?”

“Why do they only shoot in “Guatemala Pyramids?”

“Will they have tissues in the movie theaters?!

“Why does that lady look like that?”



“How old was I?

I hope it helps you understand the movie.

Overall review: emotionally riveting.

“STAR WARS: THE FORCE AWAKENS debuted in the US and Canada on Dec. 18, its first two weeks pushing the domestic annual industry box office to an all-time high of $11B. It has set numerous individual records including:

  • Fastest film to reach $100M (21 hours), $200M (3 days), $300M (5 days), $400M (8 days), $500M (10 days), $600M (12 days), and $700M (16 days)
  • Biggest all-time debut and biggest December debut ($247.966M), propelling the industry to the biggest overall moviegoing weekend of all time ($313.3M for all films, Dec. 18-20)
  • Biggest second weekend of all time ($149.2M), propelling the industry to the biggest overall Christmas weekend of all time ($296.4M for all films, Dec. 25-27)
  • Biggest third weekend of all time ($90.2M)
  • Biggest Thursday preview gross ($57M)
  • Biggest Friday, opening, and single day ($119.1M)
  • Biggest Sunday ($60.55M), Monday ($40.1M), and Tuesday ($37.3M)
  • Biggest Christmas Day ($49.3M) and New Year’s Day ($34.39M)
  • Highest per-theater average for a wide debut ($59,982)
  • Biggest opening week ($390.85M)
  • Biggest IMAX debut ($30.1M)

Globally, the film posted the highest global opening weekend of all time ($528.967M) and surpassed $1B in a record 12 days. It also had the biggest global IMAX debut ($48M) and surpassed $152M in IMAX in a record 19 days. It was the highest international debut in December history with $281M, and it remains #1 in many territories after posting the biggest opening weekend in at least 18 major markets.

Named one of AFI’s top 10 films of 2015, STAR WARS: THE FORCE AWAKENS now heads into its fourth weekend of global release ahead of a debut in its final international market, China, on Jan. 9.”

Meds: Did You Know? #ABCenEspanol

One thing I’ve found out is that everyone is talking about health, but with in health there is … “what will the doctor give me because I’m going to see the doctor?” Am I getting meds? And How am going to pay for them? It is important to be able to know more about your medication needs are.

So here is a link about Accessing Better Coverage. http://accessbettercoverage.org/about-access-better-coverage

Also see in it Spanish:

You will be able to get your questions answered like:

How does the insurance cover your medication?
¿Cómo los seguros de salud cubren sus medicamentos?

You will be able to find out so much about how to take care of yourself and your medication.

Check it out! Know you what you need to know.

Jes Sofia Valle



This is a paid blog post by the MooreCommunications Group for the AccessbetterHealth.org site.

Health Insurance Words… What Do They Mean? #ABCenEspanol (English & Spanish)

Every tried to find out what the health companies and insurance companies are talking about when they say ‘certain’ words? Well, there is a site that gives you a glossary of all the medical terminology these companies are using. WHY? because there are people that actually care about what they are putting out there…


Here are some words: Glossary

“Combined deductible

A deductible – total amount a patient must pay out of pocket annually before the health plan begins to pay – that includes both medical care and prescription medicines. This amount does not include premiums. For example, if a deductible is $1,000, the health plan won’t pay anything for most health care until a patient pays $1,000 out of pocket.


A copay is a fixed amount – or flat fee – a patient is responsible for paying with his or her own money (out of pocket) for certain services or medicines. Plans specify what this amount will be for a variety of health-related services, such as a doctor or specialist visit, emergency room visit or prescription medications. Copays are determined by health insurance plans and are often printed on health insurance cards.

Related video: Health Insurance Coverage 101 – the basics explained

Cost sharing

The amount insurance plans require patients to pay out of their own pocket. For example, copays, coinsurance and deductibles.


¿Estás cansado(a) de las compañías de salud y compañías de seguranzas de salud que dicen ciertas palabras pero no te dicen que es lo que te están diciendo? Bueno, hay un sitio que tiene un glosario con todas las palabras que describen las compañías de medicina. ¿Porque? Porque hay compañías que si te quieren ayudar

Aquí mira unas palabras del glosario. http://accessbettercoverage.org/espanol


Un copago es un monto fijo – o tarifa fija – que un paciente debe pagar con su propio dinero (fuera de su bolsillo), por ciertos servicios o medicamentos. Los planes especifican cuál será este monto para diversos servicios relacionados a la salud, tales como visitas a un médico o especialista, visita a la sala de emergencias, o medicamentos recetados. Los copagos están establecidos por los planes de seguro de salud y están usualmente escritos en las tarjetas de los seguros de salud.


El coseguro es un porcentaje de los costos que el paciente debe pagar con su propio dinero (fuera de su bolsillo). Los planes especifican cuál será este porcentaje por diversos servicios relacionados con la salud, tales como visitas a un especialista, visita a la sala de emergencias, o medicamentos recetados. Dado que el coseguro es un porcentaje de los costos totales, es difícil estimar y planearlo de antemano.

Costo fuera de su bolsillo

Es un gasto por cuidado médico que un paciente debe pagar con su propio dinero, y no reembolsable por parte del seguro. Los costos fuera de su bolsillo pueden incluir los deducibles, coseguros y copagos por servicios. La Ley de Cuidado de Salud Asequible exige que la mayoría de los planes de salud tenga un máximo anual de costos fuera de bolsillo, para la mayoría de los servicios de cuidado de salud.”


This is a paid blog post by the MooreCommunications Group for the AccessbetterHealth.org site.

Preventing #HIV One Conversation at a Time in the Latinosphere!

Conversations about safer sex, STDs and HIV are Important. Are you having the conversations?

“Latinos are the largest and fastest growing ethnic minority in the United States, representing 17% of the total U.S. population.  However, according to the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) they are also one of the groups most heavily impacted by HIV/AIDS. Latinos remain disproportionately affected by HIV/AIDS, accounting for 20% of the 1.1 million people living with HIV in the United States and 21% of new HIV infections each year.

We know that talking about HIV/AIDS is not easy, but we must talk openly about it in order to reduce the impact of HIV in the Latino community. Every conversation we have about HIV/AIDS with our families, partners and friends has the power to help reduce HIV/AIDS among Latinos.

Research indicates that talking openly about HIV can be a simple but powerful way to reduce the stigma against people living with HIV/AIDS, and also reduce HIV-related stigma that often prevents people from getting tested for HIV, seeking treatment options, and/or disclosing their HIV status to potential partners.  Talking about HIV is also a powerful way to help educate family and friends on HIV/AIDS, the importance of testing and treatment, and safer sex behaviors and new prevention options like PrEP, a daily pill that can help prevent people from getting HIV if exposed.

In response to this research and the impact HIV has on the Latino community, in 2014 CDC launched the We Can Stop HIV One Conversation at a Time/Podemos Detener el VIH Una Conversación a la Vez campaign. This national HIV/AIDS awareness campaign issues a powerful call to action for Latinos to talk about HIV/AIDS in effort to increase awareness, decrease HIV-associated stigma and shame associated with HIV/AIDS and emphasize the importance of HIV testing and treatment.”

How can you participate? Let is know how you want to be in the conversation too! Give us your needs so we can create a voice!



This information is provided by the Campaign: Conversación a la Vez campaign. #spn

Sexual Abuse: The Fear Was Real

Sexual Abuse: The Fear Was Real

I was about 7-8 Years Old. And I was introduced to a male part. I didn’t love him. I didn’t know him. I didn’t know what was being done to me. But I knew he hurt me. He was a distant relative. My mouth was shut every time he hurt me. He told me I would loose my family if I said anything. I would fear every time and I wanted to tell someone. I told my teacher that I was still sad about my aunts death 5 years later when I cried uncontrollably in class. She gave me a bunny to help me through the pain. Then I dislocated my hip. This was my blessing. He did not touch me after that. He got married then he went to jail.

I never said anything until I told my therapist and they helped me tell my parents. I was 28 years old. My parents provided love and understanding. My parents never knew and they where in disbelief, yet believed all I said. They where there in more ways than one. At our kitchen table one night… When I told them my aweful experience. I felt free to have completed my own Trauma Focus Narrative with my parents. They read it. And we hugged. I reminded them that it wasn’t their fault and they asked questions. My father was filled with anger and my mother cried. Not at me, for me. It was ok to tell my story while he was still alive. I felt free, empowered, filled with freedom and my family was still ok, alive and well. I told my best friends. They where supportive and many didn’t know what to say. But I knew that they were my sisters and they wouldn’t leave me because of it.

I want you to know that you will always have someone that cares. That even if they are not your family, someone will be there for you. I struggle through a lot of fear because of someone else’s choice upon me.

I decided to take control of me, the only person I can control and I made someone out of me. I’ve worked through a lot of pain in my life time, both emotional and physical. And I want you to know that your not alone in this.

If you need someone to listen or help you through the moments where you feel you won’t make it… Call for help.

National Help Line:
Call 1-800-662-HELP (4357) or visit the online treatment locators.

You too can overcome sexual abuse, excel in life with love, compassion and style. I learned that I’m not broken. In deed, I learned that I’m fabulous and don’t I know it!



JesSofia Valle
Founder of Bloggers of Health.

Age 33

Gastroparesis: The Story Behind the Tubes.

During my 37 years, I have faced numerous obstacles. Some as a result of my actions, some unable to avoid. Some more minor than others. Some to personal to share. I believe that God places some obstacles in our paths to build character, build inner strength, teach us lessons, and bring us even closer to him. Challenges are not to be taken lightly. Everyone has them, it’s how you choose to face and overcome them that matters.

A recent challenge for me was facing the fact that I needed a feeding tube and how to avoid the shameful stigma that I believed came with it.

In the latter part of April 2013 I was hospitalized and diagnosed with Gastroparesis. I was discharged from the hospital on a liquid only diet. I had to write down ALL of my input and output, which was actually pretty easy being that not much of anything, even though only liquids, would stay down. I was in a lot of pain from trying to force liquids but getting nowhere. I was lucky if I could handle 1 Gatorade a day, sipping a little at a time. As the week progressed, my ability to drink anything dwindled while my feeling of weakness increased. As instructed, I kept my new Gastroenterologist up to date via emails. By the end of the week he instructed me to return to the hospital and that we were probably going to have to discuss a feeding tube.

A feeding tube! What was that? What did that mean? I had never heard about people like me having a feeding tube. Weren’t people with feeding tubes old and/or dying? How would they place it? How long would I need it? What would it be like? All these questions were so overwhelming!

After picking up my kids from school, I gave them a huge hug and kiss before heading back for UNC. After my admittance, my nerves were all over the place. However, realizing that I was literally receiving NO fluids or nutrition via oral means, I had to do something. It was no secret that I could not survive or live like this.

I was terrified! Luckily, I was blessed to have my same hospitalist from my previous hospitalization. He was amazing at calming my fears and preparing mentally for the surgery. Unfortunately, I was only under his care for the first few days of my readmission. Thankfully, he was able to make all of the arrangements prior to being switched to a different doctor. My GI helped ease my fears as well. Even though he was not on rotation, he made a point to come visit me and explain to me in person why he believed I needed a feeding tube and answer any questions that I had.

Surgery day came very quickly. Mentally, I believed I was as prepared as I could possibly be. I trusted my GI and my initial hospitalist and agreed that a GJ feeding tube was my best option. If my stomach wasn’t going to cooperate, then I could just skip it and feed straight into my small intestines, decreasing the pain and nausea. I have to admit, the option was sounding pretty good.

After waking from surgery, I was in a lot of pain. Much more pain than expected. I knew the pain would eventually pass but hopeful that my nutrition would increase to the point I could be active again. Unfortunately, I felt like a freak when I saw the long tube hanging from my abdomen. How had my life come to this point? Would I be like this forever? What would my family, especially kids and husband think?

The first few months happened to be summer break, which worked out great for me. To begin with, I tried to keep my tube feedings private. I fed when I was at home and unhooked when I chose to go anywhere in public. When school began back, I started running my feeds only at home and overnight. I did not want my students and colleagues to see this feeding tube. I did not want to appear like a freak, weird, or weak.

This was my challenge; I had to learn to accept a feeding tube. Yes, needing a feeding tube may have been caused by Gastroparesis but learning to live with it was all me. I had to face the challenge head on and overcome the fear of social stigma. I had to become courageous and not be ashamed. True, I had a feeding tube and some would look at me differently, but why should that matter? If I wanted to be an active mother and teacher, I had to face my fears. And that I did.

I began wearing my tube feedings (in backpack) all day. To begin with I was self conscious, but eventually I became more comfortable. Instead of looking at my backpack as a curse, I looked at it as a way to advocate and educate my students. I shared the reason for the pump, educated how my digestive tract was impaired, and how the feedings helped me function. I even bought a more comfortable and stylish backpack. Even though I was under the recommended caloric intake (about 1/2 of what the goal set was) I was active.

I wish I could say that I have overcome all of the challenges set forth by the debilitating disease, Gastroparesis. Unfortunately, I am still fighting battles and challenges from Gastroparesis daily! The pain, the nausea, inability to eat, bloating, fatigue, etc continue every single day. The tube changes every 3 months, unless unexpected problems/issues arise. Most recently fighting these challenges have become more difficult. BUT, I did overcome the challenge of accepting my feeding tube and using the experience to educate others; And I must admit that was definitely an extremely daunting challenge.

The only advice that I can give to others that either have or are considering feeding tubes is to do what is best for your health. Feeding tubes are not ideal, they are not the “magic pill”, they do not cure diseases, but they are a means to much needed nutrition. I would love for other tubies to know that they are not alone and there is absolutely nothing to be ashamed of. There are many online support groups available; some disease specific and others just for tubies in general. I strongly recommend other tubies reach out and find a support group that is right for them. Support groups offer you a chance to ask for advice, share personal stories, vent, share advice from own experiences, and even form friendships.

I am pleased that I overcame the Tubie Challenge. Now if I could just tackle the Gastroparesis Challenge!

Visit our advocacy community page:
Gastroparesis: Fighting for Change https://www.facebook.com/Gastroparesis.FightingForChange.Page

Latina in HongKong

Some of you may have been following my adventures and know that I met a special person (now boyfriend) “J” who is the best friend of Bryce, whom I met while filming Project Runway All Stars. Well the stars certainly aligned, the timing finally became right for us (both dating other people when we first met), and now we are in this full-blown relationship that has changed my life.

Read more: http://bit.ly/1C103uA 

Suicide Safe App

Suicide falls with in the top leading causes of Death in the United States. There is so much that happens and so much going on in people’s lives that sometimes one does not know what is going on… most times, people are decided to harm themselves and no one can stop them… but now you can help prevent it, even if you didn’t know how. Today, SAMSHA launched their new Suicide Safe mobile application.

You can learn the five steps for SAFE-T.

  • See the SAFE-T in action and explore interactive sample case studies.
  • Locate treatment facility options, filtered by type and distance and share locations and resources.
  • And quickly access and share crisis lines or other resources with someone in need.
  • It’s what you need to help and get help.
  • We defiantly recommend this app!

Suicide Safe Is Now Available for Download!

Today at the National Press Club, SAMHSA Administrator Pamela S. Hyde, J.D., unveiled Suicide Safe, the latest mobile app from SAMHSA.

The app, based on the nationally recognized Suicide Assessment Five-Step Evaluation and Triage (SAFE-T) card, is designed to help primary care and behavioral health providers integrate suicide prevention strategies into their practices and address suicide risk among their patients.

Suicide Safe is now available for free on iOS® and Android™ mobile devices. Be among the first to try this new suicide prevention learning tool—optimized for tablets.






Join SAMHSA for a live demo of the app today at 3:30 p.m. Eastern Time.

Register for the Live Webinar: Register for the Live Webinar

Videos of the launch event at the National Press Club and the app demonstration will be available on SAMHSA’s YouTube channel at a later date. Stay tuned for email notification when both recordings become available.

It Inject or not to Inject? The #MV Issue.


We recently asked Dr. Arturo Gonzales, Child pediatrician and member of the American Academy of Pediatrics-

What is the most important thing to talk about right now when it comes to children?

He said:

“Measles: Vaccinate your children. It will save them and others against this very contagious and potentially fatal disease. Talk to your Pediatrician or primary care provider.

Vaccines are safe. Tell your friends.” 1

A lot of people are losing their children because they refused to get their children vaccinated (aka Injected). “Tell your friends” to get their children vaccinated. Save a life.


Dr. Auturo

Arturo Gonzalez, MD FAAP


All Stressed.

As a human we carry a lot of stress. Everyone has different types of stressors. Some people don’t have a home. Others don’t have the ability physically to do something, others bear everyone’s issues, and others advocate or fight for your others, your dinner party isn’t going right and many others have different types.. All in all, everyone has stress. Some people need help reducing their stress, and that too is ok. No one is excluded. Just because you are or are not educated doesn’t make your stress any less or more than the next person. It just means that you are going through something and that in this moment in your life your body is reacting towards something that you are either going through or went through. The question is how will you work through it?

There are many types of ways people work though stress. Here are a few.

You can always talk to your doctor. You can talk to your psychotherapist. You can do both and integrate coping skills. (That’s what therapist call things that can help you reduce the intensity of behaviors, feelings and what not).

Here are some basic coping skills that can help you through until you have your doctors & therapist appointment. They will help you have an individual plan to help you through your stress both physically and mentally, they usually play hand in hand.

1. Wake up a few minutes early to give you “you time.”

2. Eat breakfast. Eat your recommend meals (talk to a registered dietitian).

3. Take a brisk walk with a friend.

4. Yoga? That’s my fav!

5. Breath 25 times (in through nose, exhale through mouth).

6. Read a book

7. Watch a happy movie.

8. Spend time with friends.

9. If your family doesn’t give you anxiety, spend time with them! 😉

10. Drink your recommend amount of WATER.

11. Stop drinking too much coffee. Some is ok, talk to your doctor about that.

And follow up with your doctors.

Making sure you get help and learning to ask for help only means you take care of you.

If you don’t have a doctor, Get Covered. You have until February 2, 2015.