An endearing and very traditional word… Ever heard of it? 😀
“Give and you shall receive?”
“What comes around goes around.”
“Giving gets you everything?”
Although these quotes are good, GREAT even, I’m not a true believer in them. Jes say what?
I will tell you why.
1. I’m am not talking about church stuff here (ties and what not). Keep doing that if you do that, I do. I will never deteriorate you from your blessings. And if you are a believer of such things, on believe.
I’m talking about giving of self, and things…
2.If you are going to give, give wholeheartedly, with out ANY expectations.
3. Giving will not always give you something back.
4. When you give to someone, its best not to expect something because you will only become disillusioned if you do not get something back.
5. Giving is just that… giving.
The definition of Giving is…to give.
So next time you give something, don’t expect anything. Do it wholeheartedly and appreciate the fact that you are able to give.
Enjoy giving.
Giving too much?
How do you keep from giving too much? Is there such a thing? YES!
Be careful with giving too much. Make sure you are ok and well before you are able to give. “I get being passionate and just give…” but you can’t give if you don’t have. This means making sure your extra pennies are just that, extra. If you have two of everything, then you know you are able to give to others.
Again, Take care of you as you are suppose to before you are able to give.
If I say “give” one more time my friend Brian is going to GIVE me a slap in the arm…
I hope you become so well off in life, that when you have a lot, you give a lot. Those are my wishes for you’re my dearest readers! And thank you for giving me your time. 😀
Smile (If you want).
Jes Sofia Valle