February is in the air and with it comes February Health Awareness. I hope you love you enough to take care of your heart. It is after all the muscle that allows you to not only read this awesome blog, but it also what allows you to do everything you can do in life. Happy Valentines day! Take care of your Heart in Every way! <3
AMD / Low Vision Awareness Month 1-28
Burn Awareness Week, National (1st full week) 6-12
Cardiac Rehabilitation Week, National (Valentines week) 13-19
Cardiovascular Professionals Week(Valentines week) 13-19
Child Passenger Safety Week, National(2nd week) 13-19
Children’s Dental Health Month, National 1-28
Children of Alcoholics Week, National(2nd week) 13-19
Condom Week, National(Valentines week) 13-19
Congenital Heart Defect (CHD) Awareness Week 7-14
Donor Day, National(Valentines) 14
Duchenne Muscular Dystrophy Awareness Week (2nd week) 13-19
Eating Disorders Awareness Week, National(last Sunday) 27-March 5
Eating Disorders Screening Program(last Sunday) 27-March 5
Girls and Women in Sports Day, National(1st Wed.) 2
Give Kids A Smile Day(1st Friday) 4
Heart Month, American 1-28
Kids E.N.T. (Ears, Nose, Throat) Month 1-28
Porphyria Week, National(last full 8 day week or 3rd Sun.) 19-26
Pride in Food Service Week(1st work week) 7-11
Wear Red Day, National(1st Fri) 4
Women’s Heart Health Day, National(3rd Fri. of Feb.) 18