Balance while love is in the picture?

How do you keep your balance while love is in the picture?

Love is a choice you make, to care and love someone. It is different than infatuation, obsession and lust.

So while being in a relationship how do you keep Balance?

1. Make sure you do a (your name here) reality check.
2. Make time for your partner, not set them aside for later. Tomorrow is never promised.
3. Continue working on you.
4. Continue to strive for your goals. Make Goals for your relationship.
5. Acknowledge that change is the only constant in life.
6. You will not always get what you want, but they are not suppose to either
7. Make sure you have a support team and you learn to communicate with your partner. Not everyone knows how to react to your emotions… therefore
9. Be patient
10. Know yourself and trust yourself well enough to know the reasons why you are with your partner.
11. A relationship is give and take.
12. Communicate.

Make sure you don’t loose yourself. Continue to do your job, your business and your life… but communicate with your loved on about what you and he believe things are…what are things you respect and disrespect. What are things that you feel to be disrespectful?

Example: If you are a networking woman, what is flirting, business flirting, and taking it to the next level. (ever thought about that?)

I WISH YOU all the happiness in keeping yours balance with your loved one.

Live Life, Love and Be!

Smile (If you want)
Jes Sofia Valle

How do you make it happen with your lovey dovey?

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