Beauty, they say, is in the eye of the beholder. I say take it back, and make being Beauty all yours.
- You are you. No one else will be you. They can only aspire to be you.
- You are the person that looks in the mirror daily, and you have the power to love you.
- Love always starts with you. When you love yourself, you are then able to love others. Note: If you love someone else, then you know there is ability to love yourself.
- Being beautiful is a full time job. Working on you, your spirituality, emotions, thoughts, physical, and all that makes you is work. Pay yourself with a compliment.
- When someone chooses to TRY to tell you are not a beautiful person, you have the power to know better… because they are not you. They don’t feel the cracking of your bones, the heart that pumps with in you, or how you think.
- Working on you is not a sin. You are you. Feeling beautiful is a great thing. Embracing your quirks, your imperfections only tell you that you are awesome and alive!
- And lastly, Once you are able to take care of you, you will be able to take care of others too. Put your Oxygen mask on first.