What is your fuel?

There is always a struggle with food. I go through it everyday. I even have another blog about my eating habits. You see… what you eat is how you fuel your body. Think of your your body as a Maserati… Yes because you are worth being a top line car honey.  So,  would you place cheap gasoline and mess up your engine? I think not!

Now I understand you. Food is the best! Its so tasty, chewy, scrumptious, and for many of us… our weakness. Its hard… I know.

But! the way we eat also allows us to keep our balance. Example. This weekend I had pasta. Which is all carbs. No meat (protein) and by the end of the night, I was not only feeling super tired, but also had a tummy ache. Why? well because my tank isn’t use to awesome foods as much. I am curvy woman.. but i do have to say I do my best to stay and keep balanced when it comes to food.

I do recommend it. Because once you have control over your meals, you will have control of a lot of other things that come with it, including your health. Its something a lot of people don’t like to talk about.  However, take it from someone has has been dealing with her health all her life… you are better off having good gas.. than bad gas… no pun intended. 🙂

Los Angeles Latina Bloggers Luncheon: The Possible JesSofia Wardrobe

So this is what I’m going for… Business… Chic and Classy…

 So here it is. A tweed Jacket (Avenue) or a Gray/Black Jacket (Lane Bryant). Sofia Valle Jewelry, A White Button down collar Shirt (Lane Bryant) and  Red (Me too) Flats or Gray (Aerosoles) Flats.  Oh the choices!!!! Which one do you think I should take?

Have FEAR of things that are seen as a positive for you?

“The greatest mistake you can make in life is to be continually fearing that you will make one.” Elbert Hubbard

Have you ever felt afraid to do or jump into making something happen that is a positive?

I will be honest with you. I HAVE! I use to have a huge fear of writing… yeah. This is very TRUE.
No matter how much I wanted to express myself with writing, I was afraid of it. Interesting right? Look at me know,  I cannot stop. 🙂

Well, There are reasons as to why one doesn’t do things, the biggest one being Fear.

Top possible reasons people fear: 

  1. Afraid of failure 
  2. The unknown 
  3. Looking for an excuse
  4. Childhood experiences (Vague… will not speak of these an example)

Top possible reasons why you are suggested to overcome your fears: 

  1. You will be able to enjoy what you fear with out having to add worry
  2. There is always something else on the other side
  3. You will be able to feel empowered that you conquered your fear 
  4. You will not have to avoid things because of your fear 
  5. You might just be missing out on something great 
  6. You may be great at doing what you wee afraid of all these years
  7. You will feel comfortable not having to over think everything around your fear.

So How have you over come a fear that you know can be a positive experience for you?

Depending on it’s depth, you can:

  1. Accept that you have a fear, name it and make it known that you will allow a positive in your life.
  2. Communicate it to someone about your fear (Us therapist are really good at helping other on this one and we will go at your pace at times). 
  3. Have someone you trust help listen to you and your fears. 
  4. Have a support team. This means have people that will uplift you through your hardships and fears. Have people that will encourage you, understand you, at times push and guide you through it. Support is important.
  5. Keep a daily journal of how you are coming closer to your goal to conquer this fear. 
  6. Keep at it! Don’t give up! It may be hard at time and you don’t want to do it, but KNOW that whatever you place your mind to, you can do. 
  7. Celebrate your freedom and your new success. 

Note: This was intended for you to overcome fears that are to be positive in your life.
Like: Opening a business, writing, being assertive, expressing your thoughts in a good manner.
All other fear, I suggest you work with a professional as they will provide tools for you to use through out your journey.

If everything was easy, everyone would be doing everything.

Smile (If you want)

Jes Sofia Valle

In the Spirit of being a Starving Foodie

In the Spirit of being a Starving foodie, I went along with my recurrent diet. !@#$%^%$#@#$%^& 🙂

As you read before. I’m on a medical Diet. I get the joy to eat (drink) 2-3 protine shakes and one meal with consist of 6oz meat(protine) veggies and no bread. Me being a Latina… and no sweet bread…………. well lets just say, I’m doing it because I’d like to live.

 So I went to Joom Bangkok Cafe off Fairfax and Beverly. I ordered Pad-see-u with out the Pad-See-U… which is Chicken and Brocoli. This being one of my favorite meals, I make it work for me. This is not a High Price, I will see super stars place… But It is a VERY beautiful place. Good for a Night out with a friend.

So tonight I will continue with my Protein Shake and Catch up with my Friday writing. I hope you have fun if you go there next time.

The LATINA Style Business Series

 I am excited to read my e-mail this morning. I noticed that The LATINA Style Business Series is returning to Los Angeles!

Please read given information below and Link to The LATINA Style Business Series

“The LATINA Style Business Series returns to Los Angeles to bring you the latest information and resources to further develop your business! Whether you are a business owner or an aspiring entrepreneur you will benefit from the most successful ongoing business development program for Latina business owners in the nation. Over 27,000 Latina entrepreneurs and professionals have benefited from participating in this exciting and informative one-day business program since it first launched in 1998!

Celebrating 12 Years of Empowering Latina Entrepreneurs across the United States
Participate in seminars designed to address major issues facing your business
Prepare yourself and your company for today’s economic downturn
Take your business communications and network to a new level
Learn how to balance your business and personal life from successful Latina entrepreneurs and stay on the road to success.

Experts will provide insight on how to build capital and position a small business for growth
Attend dynamic panels, network at the Business Expo, speak with procurement officials, and also gain more insight into careers of the future. Additionally, you will receive breakfast, lunch, a gift bag, two-year subscription to LATINA Style Magazine, and the chance to win raffle prizes donated by our sponsors! Take advantage of the discounted registration fee of $30 (or $60 at the door). To secure your admission register online at www.bs.latinastyle.com by Friday, November 12, 2010″

How to Find Your Niche in Business | eHow.com

There are Various things that you can do in creating your business. The following Link allows you to help you find you “Niche.”
Everyone has one, its just all about having the passion for something.

I read the following Article and Found that this may help you in your search to creating your Business of doing what you Like/love.

“Things You’ll Need:

  • The desire to niche yourself in business and improve your customer base.”
  • “1 First, realize that having a niche does not mean you’re not diversified. Being someone who’s a major fan of multiple streams of income, the idea of having a niche first made me think I’d have to let a lot fall by the wayside. A lot of times you can combine several related interests into something that is unique and solves a particular problem. It’s having focus and an overall goal that will make you more money long-term.
  • 2 Having a niche allows you to be the “go to” man or woman in a particular area. Using my own life as an example, if I put my name on a business card or brochure with writer, video editor, photographer, videographer, watercolor painter, Amazon used book seller, website owner, and on and on–it would fall victim to the Jack (in my case Jill)-of-all-trades and master of none effect.

    When people want something done, they want an expert and not someone who just appears to be decent at a lot of things. Note that it doesn’t matter if you’re actually really good at all of them or not but the impression gives when you rattle off that many businesses when you first meet someone. It often makes word-of-mouth marketing hard to pull off because if you don’t really know what you do than other people don’t either.

  • 3 A great way to discover possible niches is to write out your interests, your skills, your connections (family, friends, classmates, co-workers), and try different ways of combining them into a problem you would enjoy helping people solve. You can usually come up with several, and it does take some thought into picking a final direction. It’s a very freeing thing however because it takes a lot of indecisiveness out of your life. I’m in this process with you right now, but I hope you found this information helpful as well.
  • 4 The somewhat odd thing about this is once you pick a niche, people still ask you if you’re able to do other things. In the end, you’re not really limited! It’s just from a marketing standpoint it makes things a whole lot easier for you when you have a focused course of action.”
  • Read more: How to Find Your Niche in Business | eHow.com http://www.ehow.com/how_2325968_niche-business.html#ixzz14Ns7c1nu

How to Find Your Niche in Business | eHow.com

Beginning a Business…

In our time and with our economy I hear of people opening their own business to grow and prosper. The government has made it much more simple to open your own business. Get Ready

Ask yourself these question: 

What are some qualities to be your own boss:

So why aren’t people taking advantage of this phenomenon? I will tell you why.

You cannot learn if you do not do. Keep at it! You can always plant the business seed. They will later be able to acknowledge how they can create an income by doing what they love. Then you will see them flourish. That is all you can do sometimes.

Follow up on Blue or Black?

I wore the black kitten peep toe heals with my Dress… I took them off and added my Franco Sarto comfy black flats a few hours later. I attended the Sonsi Fashion show and The Lost Weekend. Both events Giving to the associations helping to cure breast cancer. 

Jes and Robin Owner of Social Construct Events (The Lost Weekend)
Reah Norman Style Director of Plus Model Magazine and Jes (FFFweek)
Beautiful Lady. Jes. Fluvia Lecerda (FFFweek)
Monique Owner of CURVESandCHAOS.com, Jes.  Cid Owner of Cidstylefile .com (FFFweek)

More pics to come 🙂