I am continuing the LAYERS because well… its fall, almost winter. Cold can be rough… But it does NOT mean that you cannot look cute and have to stay at home and be bored. Here are more layers and this is how I would do! How I do… how you do?
I like to contrast. I would feel a bit “Cruela devil” but I would would play it right! You know what I mean? 😀 Looking So warm… then when they see you! They will think… lookie lookie she was hiding in her warmth. But That is just me… I like to surprise people in the Winter. 😀
So this past week It was raining here… now its warms Cali lovely weather… but I am not lying it was raining. For you who are in awesome fall almost winter weather… I’m both happy and Sad that you are there… I wish I was in the cold. You see.. I love wearing clothes, so when I have a chance in the cold and rainy weather I wear Clothes. This was my outfit I wore to one of the Best meeting’s I’ve been to in a long time. With all the meeting I go to… yeah I am able to discern them.
You see.. I wore the jacket for the outside. The sweater for the warmth and the 3/4 sleeve just in case I got to hot…you know, sometimes people over do it with the heat? ….
What do you like about layers?
FYI: I took the pics before I pressed the awesome clothes from Lane Bryant (Shirt and pant), Gap (sweater), Style and Co. and Forever 21 (scarf)
By the time you read this, another child is born. Into this world where you are able to give, love, grown and learn from our past and our continued future. Where you will be able to teach and educate this child about the history of how you and other’s became. The struggles you and they had and triumphed through. By the time he or she is grown they too will learn that they are part of their culture. The may be brown, caramel, tan, and black, white or beige and they will have a linage connected to what we now call Latino, Hispanic, Spanish speaking.
I was privileged to attend the Latino2 luncheon. A one time planned conference, derived by LATISM, and became a Luncheon due to its attendance. I was very blessed to have participated in such a powerful meeting. Where eight people told their life story, paths, hopes and future dreams. Leaders like Dorinda Moreno, Jessie and Belen Luna, Giovanni Rodriguez, Jose Huirton, Christina Gonzales, and Hilda Zacarias and yours truly, came together for a weekend to brainstorm how Latino2 can become a force of power.
We brainstormed on who, what, where, when, why, and how we could contribute to this life, this cause of making leaders to help influence you and others to come to help others know of the past, and how we can help in the future.Its was a meeting where every idea was allocated into one group to help the growth of what will be a powerful organization that will allow ideas to be cheered and worked with to help the empowerment of people.
I cannot wait to write about the upcoming meetings and then Big Conference I do wish you allow your self come to in the future Spring of 2011.
I make music a part of how I dress. My moods reflect my style, my music, me.
What kind of music to do your dress to when you are getting ready? Or what makes your heart beat when you make something out of the wardrobe you have now?
I got some much information from various places this past month that I am making the best of it and reading through everything to better inform you. Please leave a comment if you have any questions.
I will be writing a lot more soon. Very excited of (Literally boxes) of information I’ve received via mail to inform you of.
I hope you are doing well… keep finding your niche!
I met Doug at the Michael Kors store at The Grove in Los Angeles. He is the retail manager of Michael Kors and I swear…this man is awesome. He can make a full ensemble with any bag in the store. This is a bag I found today…Every time I go in there… I melt. I love this season’s purses. Need to take a pic of Doug.. I know… Next time I go, I will. 😀
Check this out! *cyber drooling*
Oh and did I mention that i saw Mario Lopez there too? Such a hottie!
Welcome to December. This month I’m dedicating my blog to Women I consider Strong; this encompasses many things… I hope you enjoy this month’s selections.
Passion and Strength: Two words I choose to use out of many positive ones about Yesi Ortiz. She is an on air-radio personality Mon-Saturday from 10am-2pm. Yes ladies and gentlemen, she is the sweet voice you hear on POWER 106. Bringing you smile while your listening.I had the pleasure to meet and speak to Yesi a few weeks ago. In the interview I was able to learn about her. She is charismatic, sensible and passionate in what she does. Moreover, she is a helper and a giver, all of which you will read.
I asked her how she kept her balance being a radio celebrity in the city of Los Angeles, CA.
Her first word was: schedule! “I schedule everything. Work, home, kids, life.” For a busy-on the go- Lady to have a schedule, I believe is very important. Yesi makes time for her family, her friends and her passion. I can only imagine how busy she is. She mentioned that she couldn’t do all she does with out the support of her mother and sister of whom help her during her working hours. Oh yes, a Latina that allows her family to help in her, a brave woman she is, and oh so wise.
When asked what her passion was she expressed, with a smile, that she loved helping the children at the AVIVA. “Aviva Family and Children’s Services provides a comprehensive range of diverse and culturally sensitive therapeutic and educational programs to help at-risk, emotionally distressed, abused, and neglected youth – as well as their families – function more effectively as individuals and within the family and community.”
Yesi makes time to go over to Aviva and provided moral support for the kids who don’t have a home. Her passion comes from her own personal experience; she took her nieces & nephews out of foster care and became an adoptive mother. She acknowledges the great need to help the children who have no home and “who have suffered horrendous physical abuse, sexual abuse and/or abandonment. Who have known what depression was/is and have been at a point of suicide.”
Her passion is her strength, to give, support and help to the children in need whom. Personally being someone who loves to help and Give I admire her. It takes a lot of courage to make children happy and provide continuous support of any sort. Thumbs way up!
We became chatty about her goals for this current year at AVIVA. She said that this year she will give them a holiday party and this will continue to visit as much as she can to lend her support any which way she is able to.
Yesi, I am happy to have met you. You inspire me to continue to give to others, to have a voice.
Many thanks for your time. I hope you see that people helping people is an honorable thing. Anyone who would like to help Yesi in her awesome endeavor to help Aviva please send her a note at www.yesiortiz.com
“The mission of Aviva Family and Children’s Services is to provide a comprehensive range of diverse and culturally sensitive therapeutic and educational programs to help at-risk, emotionally distressed, abused, and neglected youth – as well as their families – function more effectively as individuals and within the family and community.” http://www.avivacenter.org
I have fallen in love with the Holiday catalogue for Henru Bendel New York. When going to your on Going Holiday events like you have been.. think how cute this Handbag would look with your awesome dress.. and you hair done up all cute and you feel like the most fab chic in the room. I’m a bag girl… love Handbags! I hope you enjoy this one too!
It is suppose to be a time for happiness, cheerful moments, and creating memories. However, not all families go through these “happy times.” For some its dreadful moments, avoidance of childhood memories, and ongoing regrets. And what I can tell you is this, It is what you make of it. Also, the following…
You can kick and scream, through a tantrum and act like you are five or six all over again, but what will that get you? Maybe being ignored, or hollered at and being told you are acting like a five or six year old.
You can scream, argue and throw things around. But that will only get you a broken vase/plates/brown windows. You can also hurt others including yourself.
You can make horrible food. But you have to sit down and eat it too…
You could even avoid the holidays in general, but you will miss out on what you can change and make better.
Like I said, Not everyone likes the holidays. Moreover, sometimes as an adult they may seem like a waste of time when you are busy making YOU happen.
BUT! Its not an everyday thing. They are the holidays. Which means, a vacation, from your everyday life to make more memories with the ones you love or in some cases choose to deal with.
Here are some tips to get through this Holiday season:
Use the Letter “I” (I think, I feel) you speak for you… You are the only one that knows your thinking. I’m pretty sure you cannot read someones mind. If you can good luck!
With out communication, you cannot express your self in a DECENT manner.
People prefer to hear communication in a calm voice more than violent acts or screaming.
Communication allows for you to release these “ghost” that have haunting you from a young age.
Self- Control
Making sure you are aware of your body…i.e. drinking. You can always communicate better when you have control of what you want to say.
Only you have self control of you, no one else. There isn’t someone pulling your strings unless you let them.
Being aware of what other are saying, hearing them and reciprocate without being violent.
Know that everyone is not in the same situation that you are in.
Follow up with your family; of the family circumstances.
Tell your family what is going on with you. I’m very sure they would like to know. Some families tend to be resentful of the wonderful things you are doing, include them into your life.
Be there.
Learn people’s boundaries.
Inform your family members what your boundary is and WHY you choose to have that specific boundary.
Give them time to adjust and understand your choices.
Don’t feel like you cannot say no, even if it gets someone mad. You need to take care of you… communicate about it. You can also say yes, you don’t always have to say no. You get where I’m going with this?
Set a goal for yourself in this holiday season: To be happy.
Things happen and people come and go in your life, but what you remember best of them is what counts…because you can choose to be miserable or you can choose to be happy.It is your choice.