Care Inspires Care | @JNJCares

By Maria Riestra @JNJCares


Care Inspires Care

I consider myself to be an optimistic person. I tend to see the glass half full before complaining. Now, am I happy all the time? Of course not; I’m human. But here’s what I know: YOU have a choice. YOU have control. Life is tough and times may get hard, but you’re tougher.
It seems like everyone in the world knows that YOLO (You Only Live Once); obviously. That is exactly why I care. I care about my past, my present and I care about my future. I care about my life and goals and aspirations. I care about the lessons I have learned and the ones that the universe has in store for me. I have grown up thinking that I can do what I want with my life and I truly believe that.
So what inspires me to care? Short and simple: My surroundings. My family. My friends. Myself. I believe that everyone deserves to be happy. It’s not entitlement or privilege; it’s a basic human right. Curiosity inspires me to care. That kind of uncertainty keeps me going. I like to believe that every choice you make takes you where you need to be and that’s the beauty of life.
Hope inspires care; having the comfort and faith that the world is at your hands and that you can truly make a difference. I truly believe that small acts of kindness create a snowball effect. There is so much beauty in the world and love to be shared that I want to be a part of it. I seek to inspire, help, and educate both through my line of work and my personal life. I want and am helping others to reach their goals and to believe in themselves- to feel empowered. Kindness can be shown in a smile, a gesture, a comment or action and that is what I aim to do every day; I aim to pay it forward.

My Affair…. with Dove

I love my Hair! 

Tis true. I think, taking care of my hair is the most time consuming part of getting ready for me. Granted I get ready pretty fast…(so I think..LOL).  But I do know and think is that taking care of myself is a big part of staying Mentally Prepared for my day. Because when I take care of me first, I can take care of everyone else better. So Taking care of me is very important. There is more to its than looking cute. 

So what does one do when they have frizzy long hair? Well, I will be honest. This is my to do list I do to keep my hair healthy as possible… 

1.  I wash my hair with Dove’s Hair Therapy. 

2. Brush it while its still wet 

3. Towel dry it and let the hair be damp dry. 

4. Add some Style+Care Frizz-Free Shine  Cream-Serum 
and let the hair dry out. 

Usually I let my hair air dry but If I have to then I’ll use my hair dryer to help it dry up a little bit. Still leaving it moist because I don’t like it all dry. 

After my hair is dry I place it in a Swirl Bun. (Is when you swirl you hair and make it into a bun). And a few hours later I have curls and bounce, soft and good smelling hair. Another reason why I don’t like to do too much to my hair is because If i add curls or dry it up with the blow dryer I get a burnt smell. 
And then I have this! I like to use my Self Friend pictures because I’m about keeping it real. So this is my Hair after I did What I wrote before. 

This is me with my hair about to speak at a Mental Health Pannel at the #LATISM13 conference in New York. 

and the Second picture is of me and Mel enjoying New York and an awesome fun time after dinner party. Isn’t she Gorgeous!? 🙂 

Note: Disclaimer: These Dove products were provided free of charge in collaboration with Bloggers of Health to facilitate this product review.  I just love their Hair Products and I like their Socially responsible company. 

Immigration of the Valle’s

Immigration of the Valle’s
What is immigration to me?  To me this means that we all came from somewhere. I was Born and Raised in Los Angeles Ca. However, My mother came from Guatemala to the states sent by my grandfather for her education, and a year later my father came to the states because he was in love.  With in the year they where married. My Great Grandparents came from Spain and Germany and I have Mayan-Guatemalan lineage. Oooo Child! 
My parents worked very hard, and with in 5 years they had the American Dream. They bought a home. In the Hood, and of course they did not know it was the hood of course, but it is an AWESOME home. After, they obtained their Associates College degree at night after school. I learned the value of education. I was happy to learn about computers, excel and word with my mom and HELLLOOOOO Frogger. (I was seven).
Through their immigration, we were able to grow, to be people who have hope, work through hardships and be able to be here, writing to you about my parents big experience, which I feel its their story to tell.  They taught me how to go about living my life through education, to have hopes and dreams and have love.
Immigration in my household means that I am LATINA, from Guatemala. And we like coffee. JNow I’m and Psychotherapist and a CEO of a Fast growing Blogging Company all thanks to my parents. 

Amplifying our Voices with Johnson & Johnson’s CARE INSPIRES CARE™ program

Hello Bloggers and Readers!
We at Bloggers of Health are excited to be an ambassador. We have a wonderful opportunity to amplify our voices and tell our stories on how we Inspire Care.
This Year, Johnson & Johnson, is the first official healthcare sponsor of the FIFA World Cup. CARE INSPIRES CARE™ is a platform that centers on the idea that every act of care, large or small, can inspire another act of care – thus, creating a more caring world. It is based on a belief that everyone has the power to do extraordinary things in caring for the health and well being of others. (Johnson & Johnson, 2013).
We are here to change the world one inspiring second at a time and we would like to hear from you, Bloggers and Readers to send us your caring stories. Tell us your stories about:
●     What inspires you to care? How are you helping to make the world a more caring place?
●     Can you make the world a more caring place through digital activism?
●     What kinds of digital and social media activism work for you? What doesn’t work for you?
●     What kinds of caring acts do you do with your children? How have your children grown or changed through participating in this work?
●     If your children were caring for the world, what would they do differently? What would they do that’s the same?
At Johnson & Johnson, we believe that everyone has the power to change the world through small acts of care, and we know that our collective action can help inspire a more caring world.
When you send your Story, you will win a chance to win one $50 Good Cards, a social currency that can be redeemed as a donation to any of more than 1.2 million charities. These cards representing the number of players on a FIFA World Cup™ soccer team.
On September 30th, we will choose the eleven (11) most caring stories!
So send us your stories to Please title the e-mail: “Care Inspires Care.” We can’t wait to read them!
We encourage you to visit the Facebook Page and “like” Care Inspires Care, Johnson & Johnson to learn more about the initiative. On Facebook, The app will provide you with a more interactive and personalized experience.
We can’t wait to hear from you!
To caring and being inspired!