In San Jose, CA- The White House is gathering communities to help one another. In the White House Hispanic Community Action Summit there were questions of Health, Housing, Economic need/growth, Business, Education and more. The White house regional representatives where there to answer questions. We the People are projecting possible solutions “Not just Band-aids” to the problems the communities are having. I’m looking Forward to the Los Angeles Summit this Spring. I hope to see you there.
For more on LATSIM follow #LATISM, #LATISM_LA and #hispaniced #WHenCA for The @whitehouse initiatives.
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A power group/team of Social Media people (such as the President and Founder of Blogher, Presidents and Founders of Social Media Club, Board Member and LATISM Los Angeles Director, Director and Co-Director of LATIM San Jose, Stanford University research teams) re-grouped to help with strategics with the White House on how to Improve issues at the table.
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