Ten simple tips in Bringing your Ideas to action while Recuperating.

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So there are many things you can do while you are recuperating. I can tell you for a fact that there are… Bloggers of Health was a product of recuperations.

Let me tell you our short story…

So I (Jes…yes me) couldn’t walk… more to come in the book for that one. But while I was bored out my wits end and wishing that the aliens overtook my body and magically did some new spine experiment to make me walk again… I decided to stay busy. Well, first I was looking for new spines in the black market… but I only found the white and black market where they sell super cute clothes so that was a bust… then I was looking for health blogs in English and Spanish to find others who had the same stuff I had, mind you this was back in 2010… like 100 years ago. So… here came Jes with her brilliant Ideas wanting to make a voice for a population who didn’t have one. I ended up finding people who blogged and from there a whole bunch of fun began. JesSofiaSays was born and then after working hard in it…became Bloggers of Health. Recently i’ve been standing still (recouping) and another part of my hope for my blog began… (which ill show you later in a few months). And that how Bloggers of Health became.

So since I’ve coached many how to do this, I figured i’ll give you ten tips:

  1. Just do it! Write down your plan. This help because if you are like me, you may forget it after you say oh hey I have an idea!
  2. Tell someone about it, preferably someone you trust and not someone who would take your idea and run with it, without you… I’ve seen this oh soon much. It’s actually happened to me before too.
  3. Go to SCORE and find someone to help you develop a plan and get all you need to get done to make sure your idea becomes an action.
  4. Keep at it until someone listens to you.
  5. Find funders and associate yourself with startup weekends to help you develop your ideas. These are like 54 hours of crazy intense weekends to help you develop your strategy and most times venture capitalist or awesome peoples like so and me are there helping you develop.
  6. Stay hydrated and take care of yourself. Most people forget that an idea can take the life out of you if you are not taking care of yourself… so you must do that.
  7. Continue to walk (if your doctor allows you and I meant this metaphorically)! When you are in pain after surgery and thinking OMGOSH i’m soon bored and i’m feeling soooooo like I can’t do anything… Well, after taking your pain meds and a nappy nap… make sure you continue to draw, write, or tell your story to people who are listening. Though I will caution you… don’t write online when you are on deluded, vicodines (meds) and about to fall asleep because of your meds… people tend to notice when you are high on line. Yeah spine surges where no joke.
  8. GO online and see who in your circles are entrepreneurs, the ones that are making it happen and ask for help.
  9. Oh yeah… did I mention you HAVE to take care of yourself first? Well,… yes. A must do!!
  10. Read and do your research in depth and ask yourself if you have a hobby or an idea that is needed in the world. Being real with yourself is important.

Apparently Bloggers of Health was defiantly needed when I started because we’ve been award winning for ages not. And I’m sooooo thankful for that.

I hope you recuperate soundly and in the time provided for you do recuperate. I also hope you don’t get so bored while doing it so.

Smile if you want,


P.S Follow your doctor’s instructions… they went to school for this! X-D

You never know…

Care Inspires Care | @JNJCares

By Maria Riestra @JNJCares


Care Inspires Care

I consider myself to be an optimistic person. I tend to see the glass half full before complaining. Now, am I happy all the time? Of course not; I’m human. But here’s what I know: YOU have a choice. YOU have control. Life is tough and times may get hard, but you’re tougher.
It seems like everyone in the world knows that YOLO (You Only Live Once); obviously. That is exactly why I care. I care about my past, my present and I care about my future. I care about my life and goals and aspirations. I care about the lessons I have learned and the ones that the universe has in store for me. I have grown up thinking that I can do what I want with my life and I truly believe that.
So what inspires me to care? Short and simple: My surroundings. My family. My friends. Myself. I believe that everyone deserves to be happy. It’s not entitlement or privilege; it’s a basic human right. Curiosity inspires me to care. That kind of uncertainty keeps me going. I like to believe that every choice you make takes you where you need to be and that’s the beauty of life.
Hope inspires care; having the comfort and faith that the world is at your hands and that you can truly make a difference. I truly believe that small acts of kindness create a snowball effect. There is so much beauty in the world and love to be shared that I want to be a part of it. I seek to inspire, help, and educate both through my line of work and my personal life. I want and am helping others to reach their goals and to believe in themselves- to feel empowered. Kindness can be shown in a smile, a gesture, a comment or action and that is what I aim to do every day; I aim to pay it forward.

Amplifying our Voices with Johnson & Johnson’s CARE INSPIRES CARE™ program

Hello Bloggers and Readers!
We at Bloggers of Health are excited to be an ambassador. We have a wonderful opportunity to amplify our voices and tell our stories on how we Inspire Care.
This Year, Johnson & Johnson, is the first official healthcare sponsor of the FIFA World Cup. CARE INSPIRES CARE™ is a platform that centers on the idea that every act of care, large or small, can inspire another act of care – thus, creating a more caring world. It is based on a belief that everyone has the power to do extraordinary things in caring for the health and well being of others. (Johnson & Johnson, 2013).
We are here to change the world one inspiring second at a time and we would like to hear from you, Bloggers and Readers to send us your caring stories. Tell us your stories about:
●     What inspires you to care? How are you helping to make the world a more caring place?
●     Can you make the world a more caring place through digital activism?
●     What kinds of digital and social media activism work for you? What doesn’t work for you?
●     What kinds of caring acts do you do with your children? How have your children grown or changed through participating in this work?
●     If your children were caring for the world, what would they do differently? What would they do that’s the same?
At Johnson & Johnson, we believe that everyone has the power to change the world through small acts of care, and we know that our collective action can help inspire a more caring world.
When you send your Story, you will win a chance to win one $50 Good Cards, a social currency that can be redeemed as a donation to any of more than 1.2 million charities. These cards representing the number of players on a FIFA World Cup™ soccer team.
On September 30th, we will choose the eleven (11) most caring stories!
So send us your stories to Info@bloggerofhealth.com. Please title the e-mail: “Care Inspires Care.” We can’t wait to read them!
We encourage you to visit the Facebook Page and “like” Care Inspires Care, Johnson & Johnson to learn more about the initiative. On Facebook, The app will provide you with a more interactive and personalized experience.
We can’t wait to hear from you!
To caring and being inspired!