Shoes! Silk! and Shorts! What did I just say? Hotnesss!
Silk in warm weather? what?? I use it as a transitional, evening. When the nights are not too cold, but not too hot. When you just want luxury and comfort all at once.
Tis time here in Los Angeles to bring out the toes. For you who still have snow… enjoy your uggs!
We have some snow too… but not in front of my house!…lol It is in the mountains.
Today it was in the high-mid 70’s, and I had to bring out the toes… I wore my super comfy Soft Wedges. I noticed that I didn’t have much choice of Sandals after my last closet clean up… I gave all my peep-toe heals away because I couldn’t wear them with my back in so much pain. But wedges! And I’ve now grown to love thick healed peep-toe shoes too! OMGoodness, a whole new world for me.
Stilettos will ALWAYS have a part of my closet… but this is a whole new adventure. So today I wore wedges..first time in a VERY long time.
Check out these thick healed shoes… You can wear them with some cute shorts, a silk flowy (did I just make up a word again?) blouse. Ooooh child!
Click on the Picture to get to Piperlime and Nordstrom.
What do you like to wear when its warm?