I recently went to an event for the HSF. It was a beautiful event. At the JW Marriott and It presented ten scholarships. It made me happy to see the smile on the student’s faces when they where acknowledged for their hard work.
“HSF scholarship award amounts range from $1,000-$15,000. The average award amount is $2,500 for students attending four-year institutions and $1,250 for students attending two-year institutions.”
This year’s Corporate Sponsors where Wells Fargo and Target.
The awards that the students won at the event are in addition to scholarships that they have already received. Karen Villegas, the Female Scholar of the Year winner for a Gates Millennium Scholar and has received a good through graduation scholarship.
HSF award on average 3,000 students per year for a total of 60,000 and $430 million since 1975.
You can Donate Today: https://my.hsf.net/en/donations/donate#/donate

Hispanic Scholarship Fund
See more at: http://hsf.net/en/resources/faqs/general-questions/#sthash.WhwrVods.dpuf