There a lot to say… a lot to say! about friends. The end.
Just messing.
This word is everlasting. Actually, this word is very transitional. I say this as I sit at my friends home laughing because we are just being us.
As random as this will sound, this is what friends are too me. They are people you can be you with… being silly, moody, funny, exaggerated, hyper, quiet, sarcastic, chatty, anything you want to make it.
The people you can go to when feeling low and they somehow, with one word, make everything ok. When you are happy and you are able to rejoice with them because they are your cheerleaders as you are for them. Pure Joy.
And yes we were sober while I write this:
Friend B: Straightening her hair getting ready to cut it. Saying “my hair is transitional”
Friend A: Lays on her couch and asked to be a “publicity hog desperately wanting to place her name onto my blog.” She wants me to interview her.. and to place her products onto my blog.
Friend B: Making all sorts of noises in the restroom and all of us screaming across from each other.
Me: Why didn’t you make me some coffee today?
Friend A: I will make you my famous coffee once I get up to cute nap.
Me: says Blah
Friend A: says Blaaahhhh
Friend B: says count Dracula bleuhhh.
Friend A: You left the tea bags in the sink Friend B!
Friend B: I did what!?
Me: Laughs…Ya’ll favorite color is clear!
Friend B: Imma Break yo’ face!
Friend A: Laughs… Le ghetto.
Me: Oooh Child!
I wish I had a tape recorder.
Friendships. Need I say more?…
What does the word “friend” mean to you?