We at Bloggers of Health are excited to be an ambassador. We have a wonderful opportunity to amplify our voices and tell our stories on how we Inspire Care.
This Year, Johnson & Johnson, is the first official healthcare sponsor of the FIFA World Cup. CARE INSPIRES CARE™ is a platform that centers on the idea that every act of care, large or small, can inspire another act of care – thus, creating a more caring world. It is based on a belief that everyone has the power to do extraordinary things in caring for the health and well being of others. (Johnson & Johnson, 2013).
We are here to change the world one inspiring second at a time and we would like to hear from you, Bloggers and Readers to send us your caring stories. Tell us your stories about:
● What inspires you to care? How are you helping to make the world a more caring place?
● Can you make the world a more caring place through digital activism?
● What kinds of digital and social media activism work for you? What doesn’t work for you?
● What kinds of caring acts do you do with your children? How have your children grown or changed through participating in this work?
● If your children were caring for the world, what would they do differently? What would they do that’s the same?
At Johnson & Johnson, we believe that everyone has the power to change the world through small acts of care, and we know that our collective action can help inspire a more caring world.
When you send your Story, you will win a chance to win one $50 Good Cards, a social currency that can be redeemed as a donation to any of more than 1.2 million charities. These cards representing the number of players on a FIFA World Cup™ soccer team.
On September 30th, we will choose the eleven (11) most caring stories!
So send us your stories to Info@bloggerofhealth.com. Please title the e-mail: “Care Inspires Care.” We can’t wait to read them!
We encourage you to visit the Facebook Page and “like” Care Inspires Care, Johnson & Johnson to learn more about the initiative. On Facebook, The app will provide you with a more interactive and personalized experience.