Avocados in my Kitchen: Keeping Cancer Away

Avocados are one of my favorite foods. I wouldn’t be writing about them if they were not yummers and special. Health wise, this creamy chip’s best friend have awesome skills. They are filled with Vitamin E. Vitamin E, an essential vitamin that with your beauty and protects against many diseases.

Avocados have been known to have Oral Cancer Defense; they seek pre-cancerous and cancerous cancer cells and has been said to destroy them.” These studies suggest that phytochemicals from the avocado fruit can be utilized for making active chemoprotective ingredient for lowering the side effect of chemotherapy like cyclophosphamide in cancertherapy.[1]”  I still am reading more research but thus far, that gives us lots of hope.

I also read that  ”Whole-blood and dietary may reduce the risk of prostate cancer. The association may be related to avocado intakes. High blood linolenic acid was directly related to prostate cancer. These associations warrant further investigation. [2]”

Avocados not only help with cancer, they are also known to help with your beauty giving you awesome skin, your eye health, lowering cholesterol and therefore your heart health and can help with Stroke prevention. If I can avoid all of this, why would I not have them in my kitchen?!  Also, Avocados are green food. And Naturally Green foods are known to be power foods to help reduce cancer and major health. So I will be baking some Corn Tortilla to make chips and Make myself a Bowl of Poke…Ahhh you though I was going to say Guacamole eh?.  This is why Avocados are one of my number one Green Players in my Kitchen.

How to make POKE:

2 lbs Fresh Ahi tuna
1 Onion
3 Green Onions
10 tablespoons of Fresh Ginger or Ginger Powder
1 tablespoon of Garlic
A Glaze of Balsamic Vinigrete
Cut it up and Mix it up!
Smile (If you want)
[2] Jackson MD, Walker SP, Simpson-Smith CM, Lindsay CM, Smith G, McFarlane-Anderson N, Bennett FI, Coard KC, Aiken WD, Tulloch T, Paul TJ, Wan RL.Associations of whole-blood fatty acids and dietary intakes with prostate cancer in Jamaica.Cancer Causes Control. 2012 Jan;23(1):23-33. Epub 2011 Oct 9


Win JLo and Enrique Tickets!

I’ve come across a lot of Latin Music in my lifetime. Particularly recently as I parted ways from the U.S of A. for a month and went to the motherland, Guatemala. All I listened to was Latin Music. I felt like I was in need of it. It felt like was able to acclimate through my culture, through music.  And I found a Happy medium! Enrique and JLo!

When I came back home, I played Enrique Iglesias with his new songs that make you not only dance (well, makes me dance) in the morning, pumping me up in my daily walks. As a walk in a fast pace to his music “I’m loving you” to then listening to my own “heartbeat” as I walk and allow myself to fall in love with my work out environment. 

After my walk I continue to listen to JLo’s Goin in Ft. Flo Rider to do my work out… I mean who doesn’t want to look like her? So I listen to her while I do my sit-ups, stretching and weights, my heart start pumping again. And once again my mind has ideas running through… I figure This Woman, JLo, is a Mongol, why not get inspired by her too in the AMs. I found my happy Medium.

Also, did I mention I’m going to see them this weekend in Vegas? EXCITED! And I’m taking my Vegas Virgin Friend (a friend who has not been to Vegas) with me! What! FUN!

Want to enter to win tickets to go to the concert? 

I invite you to go to the State Farm Latino Facebook Page to enter the sweepstakes, which will run until August 20th. Fans attending the concert can also go to the State Farm booths to enter the sweepstakes.

This Post was in Collaboration with Latina Bloggers Connect.

Smile (If you want),