What we don’t say…
There are times in this life time where we have to be quiet. Where everything around you may seem wrong, but at the moment we have to remain quiet, and that seem right.
WHAT?!!! Coming from a person who tells you to express your feelings?
Yes! Sometimes… you just have to shut the door.
I’ve come across people who will try to use your words to make it sound like you are saying something else. Sometimes, people even use your words…they just make it up. That is what what I went though this week… So I just shut the door. Why?
Honestly, I don’t have the time. What we don’t say sometimes can be depicted wrong. However, at the end of the day, what you have to remember is what you said. People after they get to know you, will know what you have or have not said.
Also, I have noticed that stories die down, if you allow them to. Moreover! You know better! Somethings you just have to shut the door on and not worry about them.
Just keep on on with your swag. What we don’t say will be noticed by your actions. Your actions will produce reactions. And those reactions will produce your own personal reactions.
What you think?
Am I full of it today or what?
Smile (If you want)