Conversations about safer sex, STDs and HIV are Important. Are you having the conversations?
“Latinos are the largest and fastest growing ethnic minority in the United States, representing 17% of the total U.S. population. However, according to the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) they are also one of the groups most heavily impacted by HIV/AIDS. Latinos remain disproportionately affected by HIV/AIDS, accounting for 20% of the 1.1 million people living with HIV in the United States and 21% of new HIV infections each year.
We know that talking about HIV/AIDS is not easy, but we must talk openly about it in order to reduce the impact of HIV in the Latino community. Every conversation we have about HIV/AIDS with our families, partners and friends has the power to help reduce HIV/AIDS among Latinos.
Research indicates that talking openly about HIV can be a simple but powerful way to reduce the stigma against people living with HIV/AIDS, and also reduce HIV-related stigma that often prevents people from getting tested for HIV, seeking treatment options, and/or disclosing their HIV status to potential partners. Talking about HIV is also a powerful way to help educate family and friends on HIV/AIDS, the importance of testing and treatment, and safer sex behaviors and new prevention options like PrEP, a daily pill that can help prevent people from getting HIV if exposed.
In response to this research and the impact HIV has on the Latino community, in 2014 CDC launched the We Can Stop HIV One Conversation at a Time/Podemos Detener el VIH Una Conversación a la Vez campaign. This national HIV/AIDS awareness campaign issues a powerful call to action for Latinos to talk about HIV/AIDS in effort to increase awareness, decrease HIV-associated stigma and shame associated with HIV/AIDS and emphasize the importance of HIV testing and treatment.”
How can you participate? Let is know how you want to be in the conversation too! Give us your needs so we can create a voice!
This information is provided by the Campaign: Conversación a la Vez campaign. #spn