You come and go… at least that is what I know life to be. Something I was brought into because my parents chose to.
Like with everything in life… everything has an end, and today… as I sat down, spoke to my friend about the life we have lived, and want to have… I said, “I want to make a difference in my lifetime, leave a brand… names engraved in something more than just a grave.” Knowing that I do make a difference in other lives on a daily basis. How does I DARE to say? Because I’m told… I see changes and I go with the flow.
So tonight’s blog… I write to encourage you to make something for yourself with out malice. With out talking about others, hurting other, but helping others. With out the small rumors you tell your friends, but acknowledged and encourage the ones around you. Its hard, don’t I know it! It like telling the hot coco not to have marshmallows. But I encourage you; to live your dreams, make them a reality. Not to hurt others while you climb your latter, or move your mountain. To believe in what you know to be true and allow other that influence you be of positive demeanor, influence and positive lifestyles.
I say this now because someone once told me…. “Give love and love will be given back to you…” In the words of a great man who made super bowl 27 one of the many best things I’ve ever participated in. “give love and love will be given to you…stay strong your hip will heal soon.” MJ 1993
I’m in 2.32…
Smile (if you want)
Jes Sofia