Ask and you shall…

Ask and you shall receive are the biggest words I live by. Sometimes you will get a no, but you asked. There will never be a what if… if you asked.

You can ask for the doors to be opened for you. Once you have chosen to enter those doors all you can do is anything and everything great… to enjoy your stay, work for your stay and enjoy the benefits of being inside the doors you asked to be opened.

You have now created your way for your to become the person you want to be. To have the support you wanted, and have the people and things you wanted.

I hope today you ask yourself …

What are the grand possibilities that I am able to create with what I have to offer?
Even when you think you don’t have anything to offer, know this… you have the ability to think.

You are worth a lot more than what you think.

You are more than who you are.

You are what you want to be in this world.

So make it happen.

The Sky is not your limit…look beyond that if you must. 

Smile (if you want)

Jes Sofia

Choosing Healthy Skin: Neutrogena

One thing I have always used almost everyday since I was 17 is Neutrogena.  Since 17 years old! Oh the good ol’ days! I remember coming back home from my Volleyball practices and going straight home to wash my face. My mom always had my little pump in the bathroom therefore it has been a part of how my face looks for the past 13 years. Now, I’m 30. I come home from work and the first thing I do is wash my place. It is just a part of who I am. I don’t think I would change that little routine even if I wanted to. It’s been practice for 13 years after all.
This summer, I’m headed to Hawaii.  Hawaii is a beautiful place, where beauty and Jes just make sense.  AND Guess what …  You got it! I’m taking my Neutrogena. So Why is Neutrogena a Must in my packing list? 
“Quick Facts
–        People who tan indoors just four times a year increase their risk of developing melanoma by 11 percent.
–        The incidence of melanoma among Latinos has increased at an annual rate of 2.9% in the past 15 years, which is about the same amount as the annual increase among Caucasians.
–        Compared to Caucasian women, fewer Hispanic women always/often wear sunscreen or believe it is important to wear sunscreen daily. “Darker-skinned individuals perceive themselves as having low or no risk for melanoma”, states Dr. Rendón.”
Yes… I already had a scare of cancer earlier this month. So, I defiantly do not want to risk having melanoma. Melanoma is defiantly not the business. But I DO want to go outside, enjoy the beach, gather some Rays and allow the Vitamin D in my Body to increase with out getting future repercussions (Melanoma).  Hence, I care for my face and I use Neutrogena.
Did you also know that in 2009, Neutrogena launched a Choose Skin Health Campaign?  YES! Another amazing reason why I use them. Their mission, as mine has been since I was young, is to educate and empower the public to follow healthy and safe skin behaviors to help against sun damage. Would you like to have a free screening? If so, visit  This is “The initiative was made possible through a partnership between Neutrogena® and the American Society for Dermatologic Surgery (ASDS), in their commitment with educating the community on sun-related issues.”
Enjoy your beautiful Face.  I enjoy mine. 
2011 Summer Trip to Hawaii! And yes, I had my Neutrogena sunblock on!
Smile (if you want)
Jes Sofia
Note: My post is compensated and in collaboration with Neutrogena and Latina Bloggers Connect.

Staying Healty With RadioShack! Summer Health Call for Action!

Ipod Touch Thanks to RadioShack!
Jes with her RadioShack Ipod
I have been waking up every morning at 7:08 AM.
 Patience Jelly Bean…I shall tell you! 🙂

I have been walking. As you already know I have back issues and the more I sit the more I’m in pain. So walking has always helped along with bit of Yoga…It does the trick. The one thing I’m changing now though is that I am adding weights for all my body parts. Hey painful hip, back pain (DDD) and arthritis at 30 years young isn’t the most fun thing in life. However!  I will surly make it fun by working it out! By “It” meaning me…Ooooh Child! I don’t let anything stop me…as you have noticed.

I keep loving myself, the more I do, the better I feel about me. I enjoy my work that I LOVE to do and I am able to help others. It’s about placing your oxygen mask on first right? So this is me doing so!

If you want to get an awesome IPod like mine, buy one at your local RadioShack store!  They always have sales going on. Good ones too! I’m a techie nerdy chic so I love it there!

Smile (If you want)

Jes Sofia Valle

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